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Not so Friendly Fire

Posted on Tue Jun 28, 2016 @ 7:55pm by Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos
Edited on on Thu Oct 6, 2016 @ 9:20pm

1,333 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 2
Location: Neutral space, just outside Ivor Prime space
Timeline: MD03 - 1000

The Sixth Order was the illuminating light of scientific knowledge and discovery within the Cardassian Union. It was the backbone of the Central Command's Scientific and Exploration arm. The Obsidian Order had always been seen as a necessary evil that the Central Command could never seem to trust completely. Antebellum Cardassia had always been on the forefront of technology and discovery within the Alpha Quadrant as a result of the Sixth's Order neverending vigil of knowledge. During the Alpha Quadrant War, the Sixth Order was called back to fight along the front lines of the Cardassian Empire. A Task in which it had performed with distinction and efficiency.

Since the fall of the Dominion and the reconstitution of the Central Command, the Sixth Order had taken on a more traditional role within the Cardassian Space Fleet. It was this traditional role that had brought the Sixth Order to send a Tactical Wing to Deep Space 5 as part of a training exercise. Undoubtedly, there were those would would assume some kind of nefarious plot or scheme since this "training exercise" happened to coincide with Cardassian's public announcement of its desire to colonize the newly discovered world of Pangaea.

It had not been 12 hours since the 127th's arrival to this sector and the Wing had already found itself engaged in training exercises just outside of Federation space.

Gul Druman Nivall stood in the center of the bridge and kept watch as those under his command diligently relayed information back and forth between their relevant units. He understood that while this was hailed as just an "exercise", he knew the true purpose was to demonstrate a show of strength to any would-be competitors for the potential resources on the recently discovered Pangaea.

"Sir, the Warship Carvull is picking up a vessel just beyond the Wei-Tarod Nebula, it's unknown vessel classification and has so far failed to respond to any of our communication demands." The Communication Officer reported.

"Hmm...order them to bring fore weapons online and continue to broadcast our standard demand of identification." Gul Nivall ordered as he brought the information up on his screen.

The B'hala Class vessel was the new shining star of the Republic Fleet, and Colonel Wen Aretta was deeply humbled to have been selected to command the prototype on it's shakedown. The ship was unlike anything produced by the Militia Shipyards in the past. It was sleek and utilitarian, a direct contrast to the admittedly clunky Bajoran ships of the past.

In order to fully test the ship, Colonel Wen took the crew out all the way to the Wei-tarod Nebula, her intent was to fully test the ship's sensor capability. The Bajoran commander stood, centered on the gleaming Bridge, watching the crystal clear viewscreen display the Nebulas deep purple clouds.

"Colonel, a Cardassian ship is hailing us." piped the strong level voice of the Duty Operations officer, a young Bajoran fresh from the Militia Institute.

Wen forced a smile. She had learned long ago that good things rarely follow the Cardassian's, especially in their interactions with Bajorans. "Broadcast our identity, and our intent. We don't need to give them a reason to get angry."

"I've tried." Said young man, his tone wavering. "There's something wrong with our communications transponder."

After taking a second to breathe and process what the young man had said, Wen turned to face the majority of her Bridge staff. She wore a look of slight worry on her face. There was no telling what the Cardassians would do with their non-response.

"Sir, they're charging weapons." Came the voice of the Weapons Operator, a woman name Herdra.

"Shields up." Bellowed the Colonel. "Any ideas would be lovely people."

Glinn Duk Mojal looked at the readouts and stepped back towards Gul Nivall. "Sir, still no confirmation from the unidentified vessel." He said. 'If this unknown vessel is a scouting vessel, then it will have undoubtedly performed a scan of the Warship Darhe'el." The Glinn said in a concerned tone.

"I am very much aware of that. . ." Gul Nivall responded quickly as he watched the main viewscreen. The Wing Commander knew that the Darhe'el was the experimental vessel that had not received complete sanction from the Detapa Council for deployment. The last thing he needed was for an unknown Federation vessel to run scans on the experimental cruiser and analyze the data. Countless months of research and development on behalf of the Sixth Order would be lost.

"Has the Darhe'el responded in any way?" Gul Nivall asked.

"Negative sir, it has maintained formation and radio silence." The Tactical Officer responded. "The unidentified vessel has raised its shields and has not responded to our demands." He added.

". . .tell the Carvull target disruptors and eliminate the vessel...." Gul Nivall said as he raised his hand and paused slightly before giving the command of execution. "...ousighukum" He said.

"GorhoƧ edek, Gul" Came the voice of Glinn Mojal as he relayed the order to fire.

Now bounding about the Bridge, Colonel Wen spoke with the urgency of a madwoman. "Order everyone to the escape pods."

"Shipwide communication is not working either." Was the response.

With a distraught look, the Colonel turned to the helm. "Can you plot an evasive course?"

"I think so." said the young woman at the helm.

"They've fired." Called the Herdra at the weapons station.

The vessel was not as responsive at anticipated, and took the hit on her port side. Ruptures sprouted in the primary hull.

"Get us containment in the affected sections." Ordered Wen.

The viewscreen illuminated with a blinding white light. The colonel could only utter two words before fire rained down on them."I'm Sorry." She screamed, as the walls around her erupted into a blaze of fire and then, silence.

"Enemy vessel has taken substantial damage, life support readings are fluctuating, but minimal, sir." Glinn Mojal reported to his commanding officer. "No signs of any sensor bouys or any detection devices in the vicinity of the Darhe'el either." He added.

"Good, signal for the Darhe'el to break off and resume its original position within the nebula and await further instructions." Gul Nivall ordered as he took his seat and continued to watched the vessel on the view screen continue to be consumed in a unyielding blast. He knew that someone had sent the vessel to this rather desolate location for a purpose.

But would that purpose interfere with Cardassia's plans?

Colonel Wen shakily lifted herself off the floor. There were firest all around her, sparks fell from open conduits. There were no discernable signs of life in the wreckage around her. Hastily and cautiously, she moved towards the rear of the bridge, all the while calling out to her crew.

She began to cry as she continued to her destination. Then suddenly, a faint voice cried out to her.

"Colonel." came the feeble voice. Wen moved slowly to where the voice was coming from, the Weapons station. Second Lieutenant Herdra sat slumped against the open bulkhead.

"We're getting out." said the Colonel, a smiled forced its way onto her face as she bent down and embraced the bajoran woman. The two held each other a moment, and then Wen helped Herdra to stand.

The pressed on, and gathered themselves in an escape pod. The Colonel stood and activated the controls, after a moment pause, the pod lurched forward and detached from the wrecked ship. "The computed will take us to the nearest outpost. " She looked over the console. "Federation deep Space Five is nearest. I think there's Republic Embassy there." she said earnestly.

Herdra merely shrugged.

Colonel Wen Aretta
Commanding Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Second Lieutenant Herdra Perin
Weapons Officer, RS B'hala
NPC by Reade

Gul Druman Nivall
Commander, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire
NPC by Thom

Glinn Duk Mojal
XO, 127th Tactical Wing
Cardassian Empire
NPC by Thom


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