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Parting Gifts

Posted on Mon Jun 27, 2016 @ 10:28pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Civilian Hydel Turvan

847 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Dominion transport carrier
Timeline: 2373

Gul Hydel Turvan walked past the Jem'Hadar guards without so much as a hesitant step in deference to them. They barely registered on his radar. In fact, part of Turvan hoped that one of the stoic guards would have attempted to physical stop him. He would have taken great pleasure in forcefully ripping the K-white tube from his throat.

As the doors hissed shut behind him he immediately searched the chambers for the target of his attention. "Randala! Show yourself or else I will destroy this entire facility with my own hands in search of you." Turvan said, with increasing anger.

"Why is it that you Cardassians get so worked up over trivialities?" the Vorta said. He held a padd in his hand - lowered - and his open face brimmed with concern. "It does concern the Founder so."

"What is this that I hear of Imanil falling ill!?!" The Cardassian said as he closed the gap between the two of them. "You were to bring her and the children to be kept safe. Not to idly watch as she withers away by some disease that should have been diagnosed and treated months ago!" he said angrily.

"Ill? Merely indisposed," Randala replied, "For some reason being separated from her boorish husband has struck her hard. I truly cannot understand why. Do you, Hydel?"

"Don't play games with me, Vorta! I am holding you directly responsible for her well-being, do you understand!" The Cardassian said passionately as he grabbed Randala by the collar and leaned in closer.

Apparently unphased Randala merely shook his head and said, "Tut, tut, Hydel. I am responsible only to the Founder, who I might add is currently indulging your concerns. If you continue to appear so ... unbalanced I imagine their indulgence of your many foibles might be withdrawn."

He released him, but with a shove rather than just letting him go.

"I wanted you to remove her from Getal long enough for her to realize how her life and the children's lives were in constant peril by remaining with him. She was supposed to enjoy a much safer and peaceful life, not fall into a state of illness!" Hydel said.

"You do realise, don't you that in less than a generation the Founders could eradicate this extreme behavioral trait from your people. I had no idea that Cardassian females were so ... melancholic. Its far from an admirable characteristic. No, it is the view of the Founder that she will better serve the Dominion knowing that she is forever parted from Getal."

This was not the first time that Hydel had to listen to the Vorta drone on and on about the many wonderful uses of genetic tampering. Hydel always found it rather convenient that the Founders had taken such an interest in tinkering with the genetic recipe of those that served them, such as the Vorta or the Jem'Hadar, but yet they never found the need to alter themselves.

"She does not need the Dominion's kind of assistance, I'm certain that her demeanor will change once I have had a chance to talk to h---"

"And from you." The Vorta interrupted.

"er...." Hydel concluded as he processed the Vorta's words.

"What...did you....just say!?!" Hydel said, feeling the rage building within his body. It began within his chest and slowly traveled up his body towards his eyes.

"The Founder believes that you lack objectivity when it comes to the young lady in question, that you are personally motivated and not able to give your full dedication to the service of the Dominion when she is around," Randala explained gently as if to a child.

"Where is she, bring her to me, now! Or I will personally murder each and every subsequent copy of that viral disease you call clones!" He said angrily. How could this barely-relevant insect threaten to harm Imanil. There had to be something he could do to rescue her from this predicament.

Randala raised a hand and placed it gently on Turvan's shoulder, "I can understand your misplaced anger with me, but I merely speak the will of the Founder. Are you aware of the Human riddle? If it takes a cat thirty seconds to kill a rat, how long will it take a cat to kill a thousand rats? Think on that, Hydel. Even if I were permitted to bring her it is now impossible. The wormhole is closed and she is cut off from all of us."

"Once this conflict with the Federation is resolved, I will personally go through that wormhole and bring her back here. When I do, there will be corner of this quadrant that you can hide in which I will not find you, Vorta." Turvan said as he threw the Vorta's hand off of his shoulder.

He turned and left the room.

Gul Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

A Vorta, a simple servant of the Founders

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