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Morning Glory

Posted on Sun Jun 19, 2016 @ 12:43am by Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos
Edited on on Sun Jul 17, 2016 @ 2:26am

481 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Personal Apartment of the Ambassador, Embassy for the Bajoran Republic
Timeline: MD01- 0600


Waking at dawn was nothing strange to Antos. On Bajor, he would wake before sunrise and pray. Then, he would take time to tend the monastary gardens, and prepare for the day's services. Aboard the station, he did not have as many pleasures. And the duties of an Ambassador were vastly different than those of a Vedek on it's own.

Today Antos was recieving a few key members of his delegation, and time was some he found scarce in his new life. Adjusting his vestments as he walked from his bed chamber towards his Great room, the Bajoran Vedek ran through those arriving, mentally. Ranks, names, and positions rolled through his thoughts. He looked around the open space once before the chime a gong announce his guests.

Hurrying to the large ornate doors, Vedek Krell welcomed his nationmen into his personal living space.

Three Bajorans entered, all looking rather exhausted.

"Welcome. I trust your journey was smooth?" The Vedek asked. When no verbal response met him, he ushered the group towards a seating area. "Make yourselves comfortable."

Antos settled himself into a lush sofa facing his guests.

"I'm Owik Dreda your Eminence. I'll be your Personal Adjutant." said the young attractive Bajoran woman, who sat at one end of the sofa. "This is Major Cenn Desco, He will serve as your Head of Security and Military Advisor." She indicated the young man in a Militia Officer's uniform next her. He gave a curt nod to the Vedek. "And this is Li Kaya." Dreda gestured towards the older woman at the end of the couch. "Miss Li will be your Consul General, focusing on the day to day operations of the Embassy."

Antos felt a twinge of familiarity in looking at the older woman.There was something about her he couldn't place.

"I'm glad to have all of you." He said, clasping his hands together in from of him.

"The rest of your staff is downstairs settling into their work spaces." Said the assistant.

Major Cenn sat straight. "Your Eminence, if it pleases you, I would like to organize my men to ensure things run smoothly from here onward."

Antos nodded."Absolutely." he said. "Forgive me, but have things not been running smoothly?" He looked around anxiously.

The Major backpeddled. "That was not what I meant sir." He was not accustumed to dealing with diplomats, let alone Religious officials. He opened his mouth to say more, but stopped. He stood and departed the apartment.

Watching his new Security Head leave, Antos sighed quietly.

"Shall we move on to discuss the Goverments thoughts for this Embassy?" piped Dreda, doing her best to diffuse the tension.

"Please." was the Vedek's response.


Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Delegation

Owik Dreda
Ambassador's Personal Adjutant
Bajoran Delegation

Major Cenn Desco
Head of Security and Military Advisor
Bajoran Delegation

First Secretary Li Kaya
Bajoran Delegation


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