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Your kidding

Posted on Wed May 11, 2016 @ 2:45am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

583 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Liam's quarters
Timeline: MD01 13:00


"You know," the female told him firmly, "You really have to start answering your comms."

"Jon said something?" Liam asked.

"You know it. Your upsetting him."

"Thats the idea," Liam groused.

"Oh come on. This isn't you!" she said. Liam knew she was amused though. "He's said sorry. He's dealing with the fall out. His wife's left him for crying out loud. It happened so long ago now and he didn't know about the child. He's been punished enough now. Come on Liam he's your brother."

"I know and I will forgive in my own time thank you,"

"I think I like the new assertiver you," she purred. "Well at least you picked up for me."

"Well you sent me a message saying you were going into deep space on your new assignment. I might not get chance to speak to you for a long time. Shame its not in person," Liam said fondly.

"Well about that," she grinned. "My new ships due in at your station for supplies. I was thinking I could meet it there. Maybe come a couple of days earlier. If you didn't mind a guest."

"Its a plan," Liam said pleasantly surprised. "So you excited?"

"I finally get my own lab, own quarters and we are going to one of the most underexplored area's charted, what do you think?"

"I think that part of the universe needs to get ready for you,"

She laughed, then turned serious. "So what are your thoughts on your mom?"

"My mum?" Liam asked confused.

"Yes the wedding,"

"What wedding? She's getting married?"

"Got married now. Jon said he made sure your Trill friend knew when the Merlin was in contact, seen as though you wouldn't return his comms. and since she wouldn't, well the thing ....."

"The ridiculous tradition thing you mean," Liam mused. It wasn't like Cade not to tell him something like that but then again, Jon was acting sneaky. Maybe his friend thought he was making it up to get Liam to respond to him. Jo wouldn't make it up though. Not that he could have done anything about it regardless. It seemed he hadn't been invited.

"Yeah you do seem to be getting a bit of a short straw at the moment," she conceeded.

"Did you get invited?" he asked sadly.

"Are you kidding. You know she hates me."

"Who did she marry then?" Liam asked. "Who's my new stepdad."

"Coran of the erm ..... " she looked flustered. "Oh come on you know I am useless with all these houses. I'm not Betazed anyway."

"Seventeenth house," Liam said flatly. "Pompous idiot. Delusions of grandeur. You have to be kidding me! What on earth possessed her."

"Well you came back messed up, refused to get married and secure the house that way. Jons now the black sheep getting divorced. Your sister is already bonded to someone else. I guess she felt she had no choice or the family would suffer ... further" Jo mused. "What, oh come on she hates me yes but it doesn't mean I don't respect her. You miss her?"

"Of course," Liam said sadly. To not be aware of or get to see your mother remarry was pretty bad. To not be aware or get to see it because your mother was mourning you for a year and wouldn't acknowledge you was worse.

"I have to go. We can talk more when we see each other,"

Liam nodded. "Computer end transmission."


Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


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