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Particles of Evidence

Posted on Wed May 11, 2016 @ 3:51am by Lieutenant JG Leonora Dell & Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher
Edited on on Wed May 11, 2016 @ 3:53am

608 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Science Labs
Timeline: MD12 1400


"Alright Lenny, what have you got?" Caliban Bel-Asher pushed off from his desk and rolled across the science lab to where the Acting head of Ops Leonora Dell was standing with a padd in her hands.

"All the scan data from the promenade in the run up to and the aftermath of, the murders."

The risan scientist took it from her hands and used a foot to kick off from the bulkhead back to his desk.

"Lets see what we got." He dropped the padd onto his desk, where he own computer connected it to it, and downloaded the data and added it to the information from the autopsies he'd been sent.

Graphs and figures exploded across his terminal screen, and he tapped his fingers on various clusters and they spun off again, making connections and correlations until they filtered away down to a single set of readings. "oooh. Look at this?" He pushed away on his wheeled chair, to let her see what he'd ferreted out.

Leonora bent over his shoulder to see what he was pointing at. It was a model of a composite particle "Its modulating like a.." she began, not sure what she was looking at. "Is that a psion?"

"It looks like a psion. It wiggles like a psion, but do you see the mass? A whole order of magnitude higher than you'd scan for, and the spin's too fast." Calaban looked very smug.

"You mean its a new particle?" Leonora couldn't believe. Hordes or tame physicists armed with planet sized colliders roamed the halls of academe looking for new particles. You didn't just come across one by accident.

Calaban looked even more excited. "Nooo. Its definitely a Psion. The composition is a match. But its like its got...fat. Its a fat psion."

"How does a particle get fat? the Lieutenant asked? "Its a particle."

Calaban shrugged. "Too many carbs?"

Leonora folded her arms. "Two people are dead, Cal."

"I know, and there were fat particles at both sites. Something was literally eating those people. Both of the victims had telepathic capacity. Their Psilocyanine levels were zero. not trace. zero. Do you know how impossible that is? Nothing we know can suck a telepath completely dry. So why not something that can do just that, a fat psion could make those telekinetic attacks more than possible with a fraction of the energy needed in most psionic fields."

"So its eating people to make its psions fat? How does it get them fat enough to attack people in the first place?"

Calaban shrugged, "Its got to have a secondary food source. Enough to get it out of bed and give it enough juice so it can go hunting."

"At least we can find it now." Leonora said. The idea of something running around eating people on the station made her shiver. "And baryons kill it."

"Baryons kill everything. That's why they're used for sterilising." Calaban said. "As for finding it that's only a possible. These fat particles also break down into their composites quite quickly. We can't track it for long if it shows up and goes dark."

Leonora sighed. "We'd have to run continuous sweeps of the station and hoped we caught it snacking. That's going to eat processor power and power power." She sighed. "You give the results to Security, I'll talk to Rhe'la about getting increased power from the reactors for a little bit."

He gave her a sloppy salute, and rolled back to his desk. "Aye ma'am."


Lt JG Leonora Dell
Acting Chief of Operations

Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher
Acting Chief Science Officer

NPCs by Notty


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