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Transported away ...

Posted on Wed May 11, 2016 @ 2:38am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Benj Amoran

1,186 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD14 0720


Liam was still swearing annoyed at the sheer nerve of that woman when he materialised in sickbay. Immediately several things happened. Once his mouth stopped running away with him and he stepped forward he felt faint from the head wound and slumped forward. As someone ran in his direction, he landed on his arm and this time definitely felt the tell tale pain of something having had a bad knock.

"Woah!" Benj said as he caught the falling incoming patient who had just materialised in the centre aisle. "Steady mate!" Helping the Betaziod looking man who was clearly in a bad way, over to the nearest bio-bed, Benj lifted him gently up onto the bed and put him down softly. Having seen that he had blood on the back of his head, Benj lay Liam down on his side but that seemed to be hurting him, judging by the groan so he snatched up a med-scanner.

"She just ..... sent me here," he managed to get out. Then winced at the pain again. "Invisable alien ....... her office."

"Invisible? Who's office? Steady.... let me get you scanned..." Benj raised the Med-Arch across him and set it to start scanning for injuries, internal as well as external.

"The scans clearly showed concussive fractures to the back of Liam's skull. The med arch began to scan beyond and into the cranium to see if there was any seroma or haematoma forming. Swelling was the worst possible side effect after the main symptoms of the concussion itself. Benj let the scan scroll downwards and take in the damage to Liam's ribs two of which were cracked and one actually broken. That would be what was causing the intense pain in his side.

"Lieutenant Soran," Liam said agitated.

"Lt Commander..... Soran...." Benj corrected and turned it into a question at the same time. "Why should she attack you? It makes no sense. What invisible alien?" the ACMO was getting very confused but he carried on using the regenerator on the damaged ribs and skull bones, then the soft tissue very carefully after the bone structure was back in place to support what it was meant to.

"She didn't .... she did .... its connected .... somehow," Liam struggled still confused. He still couldn't make much sense of it. "So angry ..."

"Steady down, my friend. It seems to me that you've taken a beating but also that you're probably a bit stunned, shocked maybe, definitely upset. How about I give you some of my nice Polagaine? It's a natural calmer, it's made of Rangosian herbal leaves and nothing synthetic. I'm also going to give you some anti-inflammatories and some pain killer so you'll be all soothed and warm and maybe get a wink or two of rest to help yourself recover better?" Benj said in his best 'trust me I'm a doctor' voice.

Liam looked at him head on. Recognising him now. This was Amia's Assistant. He didn't normally like anything that blocked his abilities. It reminded him too much of Declan's betrayal but Amia trusted this guy and he trusted Amia. So he nodded back at the Bajoran.

Benj acknowledged the consent and set up the medication for administration. "Good call" he murmoured as he filled a hypospray and held it gently against Liam's neck. There was a soft hiss and a warm glow around the side of Liam's neck, close to the jugular.

Taking his opportunity, Benj then set about more layers of regeneration and more scans to monitor what was working and where. "Tell me if anything is uncomfortable" he mentioned to Liam as he worked on. A nurse assisted by bathing and dressing the gash on Liam's skull. To do this she had to raise his head a little and work from the underside but as it was a simple regeneration at a superficial level, it all went smoothly. Benj checked when she had finished and nodded approval before returning to his own, more extensive work.

It wasn't too long before all the damaged ribs were secured and had several layers of mending in them.

"We can do some more tomorrow when this work has had time to knit and heal up some more but for now, this is about as much as I can do all in one procedure." he explained to a sleepy patient.

"Does that mean I'm stuck in over night?" Liam asked slowly as the drug went into his system.

"I think that would be best. I need to keep you under observation in case that concussion flares up and as you're already medicated, it might be better for you not to go wandering around." Benj said. "If you're too warm in your uniform we can provide you with a medical gown so you can be comfortable enough to get some rest." He added and arranged for the change of clothes before the meds kicked right in and whilst Liam was still able to dress himself.

Liam laughed slightly. "I don't think its so much I am warm. More its covered in lots of stuff from Pangaea. We had some fun with the elements doc," he told Benj.

"Sounds a lot more fun that I get being stuck here!" Benj griped, only half joking.

"Well I'm not Amia would agree with you there," Liam said quietly. He wondered if he was in trouble there. She hadn't been awfully happy at him going back for the Thorlians and had been just as battered about in the weather as he had. In fact he wasn't entirely sure what the Fae had put her through before they had all got back together again.

Benj didn't hear the comment and hadn't seen Amia since she had got back so he knew nothing of what had happened. If she *had* been there she would probably have said something like "be careful what you wish for" as that was something Benj had heard her say often and it always made him look quizzically at her, left wondering what went on inside his unusual boss with her very usual façade and her deep eyes. Benj wasn't as envious of the XO as some men were, because, despite her serene looks, Benj knew that there were a lot more complications that ran deep under those superficially still waters that wore a "doctors' trained-in impassive mask" in Mrs Telamon.

"So, rest then for you, right?" he said to Liam, half expecting him to refuse and wondering if there might be need for more sedation if that were the case.

"I need to speak to someone about what happened," Liam protested.

"First thing in the morning" Benj assured him. "I'll contact the XO and get him to pop in to see you as soon as you're awake." He promised, hoping secretly that Amia would be back by then and she would deal with this.

"No ....." Liam started feeling a severe drowsiness starting to come over him. "I need to now ..... and .... secur ..... "

He gave up fighting it and promptly passed out.

A JP between:

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


Lt Amoran, Benj


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