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Posted on Thu May 12, 2016 @ 3:35am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,352 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: XO/CMO Quarters
Timeline: 0030


Amia lay facing away from him. Was she asleep already? He traced his finger slowly down her bare back. "I love you," Cade said in the darkened room.

A thrill ran down Amia's spine. It was not only the thrill of Cade's touch but the even deeper magic of his words. "Sorry?" she replied, pretending not to have heard. She eased gently back, enclosing herself into his arms again but without turning around yet. She arched her neck and twisted her head sideways so she could nestle her cheek against his chest.

"I didn't hear that....... what did you say?" her eyes sparkled and she was glad he couldn't see them in the dark but she knew, that he knew, that she was not asleep at all, but playing. She tilted her head further back and kissed his jawline softly, gradually spiraling round until she was facing him and then nestled again, this time right up into his space, intertwining her legs with his and winding her arms around his torso. She sighed with contentment and rested her head back on his chest again.

He offered his own sigh to match her own. "It doesn't matter now. I got the reaction I wanted." He luxuriated in the warmth of her body against his own, while simultaneously steeling himself for incoming hits.

Amia laughed out loud. "You are incorrigible!" she pretended to be cross but she just luxuriated closer to him and let him worry about whether or not she was going to exact some punishment. She might whack him gently but she'd do it in her own time. Preferably when he least expected it. She grinned and it was all the better for knowing he couldn't see her face.

"I want to make a call and talk to your mum." she suddenly declared. "I want to ask her what you were like as a child! I bet you were a little demon, right??"

"She'll tell you I was an angel but yeah, you're right," Cade admitted. "I was an only child for a long time so I was always up to no good. When you don't have playmates you think of ways to entertain yourself." While he talked he traced his fingers across the smooth contours of her hip and thigh.

Shivering with delight at the softness of his touch, Amia was suitably distracted but she did need to get Cade back on subject.

"I wonder what the mix of our genes will throw out there when we combine them?" she remarked, apparently casually.

The hint went over his head completely. "You make it sound so technical. Like a transporter accident," he joked.

Amia shuddered at the thought of such a thing.

"I'm sorry. I meant.... " the moment was gone. "I didn't mean anything - and by the way. I love you too"

He kissed her forehead. "Love you, too." He continued to stroke her hip absent-mindedly and said, "I've always liked the name Rance for a boy."

"Rance as is rancid? Or Rarnce as in Dance?" she replied with a slightly clinical analysis. "Rarnce Telamon"? she rolled it around to check out the phonetics.

"Is it likely that Aldrex will have some ideas?" she asked, diverting from having to admit that she already knew what sex the baby was but wasn't saying because she was sure she remembered Cade saying, a very long time back, that he wouldn't want to know in advance if they were ever to get to the point where they might be in a situation to start a family.

"Our ideas are one and the same," he explained, although he wasn't sure if he was doing so adequately for Amia to understand. "No, Rance was the name of Jori's grandfather. She had always said she would name a son after him, but of course she only had a daughter. That was Jezren. When Jezren got married and had a son, Jori suggested that she name it Rance, but Jezren hated that idea. She absolutely loathed that name. I suspect it was only because her mother had suggested it." He paused for a moment and noticed that Amia was listening politely, but perhaps somewhat indifferently. Maybe he would come back to that name later. This was all just theoretical anyway, right? A baby was still somewhere off in the future, when Amia felt ready for it. "What about Hedessa? That's a girl's name."

"Is it? It doesn't sound like it!" Amia said, trying to be gentle about this but failing. "I think Rance would be fine for a boy and if that made Jori happy then so much the better." she conceded, secretly knowing it wasn't a real concession so she could afford it.

"Rance Telamon" she tried the sound. It wasn't bad if you knew you weren't going to have to live with it. Now the difficult bit.

"What about Aldrex? Are there any grandmoth.... grandparents.... there? You know it's very strange being married to so many people all at once. It's impossible to know even a tenth of the family history. I can't even remember the main characteristics of them all. I think I've got a list of their names.... but I'll probably run through them and you'll tell me I missed every third one........ " she sighed.

That earned a chuckle from her husband. "It's not important that you remember the whole genealogy. I'm just thinking out loud, really. Remembering things that I didn't know were still up there. Forget Rance." He thought about it for another moment. "What about...Hoza?"

Amia rolled her eyes and turned her face back upwards so she could look at his face. "I want them all to look like you. With these beautiful patterns of spots." she traced some up the side of his neck and across his temple gently. "And if we have a girl, I'd like her to have brown eyes like you" She gazed adoringly into his eyes. "Nilani is a lovely name, would your mum mind if we used that? Or perhaps combined it, Raylani? or the other way around, Nilenne? Those encompass both grandmother's names."

"Nilenne. Yeah, I like that." He had never considered a hybrid name before. Which was kind of funny because he was a hybrid person. He ran his fingers through her hair, brushing it over her ear. "You're so smart. When we put our heads together we invent all kinds of good stuff."

"Like babies." she said, smiling up at him with a sparkle in her eyes. "Only that wasn't specifically our heads alone....."

He laughed and kissed her. "Yeah, that's the fun part isn't it?" Then he froze. His smile faded. "Wait. What?"

She winced as he caught her hint.

"Babies...... that's what we were talking about, right?" she looked at him, all innocence and wide eyes with just the slightest sparkle in her green eyes.

His mouth fell open. "Baby? Really?" His expression was half shock and half smile. He kissed her again, then he got out of bed and threw on a robe. "Why didn't you say so?" He laughed. "We gotta celebrate! I'll go get the champagne and some glasses." He walked out of the room....

....Then came back a few seconds later. "No champagne. Bad idea. Sorry." He paced back and forth a few steps. "Wow, I guess we have to get serious about a name then. And we'll need a crib, and a rocking chair, and all that kind of stuff, and diapers. Lots of diapers." He stopped his pacing and grinned at her. "A baby. Our baby." He knelt by her side of the bed and took one of her hands in his. "I love you." He raised the surgeon's hand to his lips and kissed it. "I'll love you 'til the stars are cold."

"And I'll love you even longer!" she replied with tears of joy in her eyes. It was going to be alright. "Our baby" she echoed and reached out to gently and adoringly touch his face.


Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex

Lt. Cmdr. Amia Telamon


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