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The Wyrm Turns

Posted on Thu May 12, 2016 @ 4:38am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Interlude - Day 1
Location: Lower decks
Timeline: Interlude Day 1 0400


Green blood flew in a wide arc across the spectators, who screamed with laughter and blood lust. The Bolian, Chuss, started proclaiming the winner of the bout. In a private corner of the unused maintenance bay, Gevran, the Yridian who ran the fighting ring, ignored it. He had more pressing business.

"I'm telling you," Orash, a boslic trader leaned closer to him to speak over the baying crowd. "Its getting worse. My daughter was just getting lunch in the replimat and two humans told her to" he raised his fingers in air quotes "Stop freeloading off the federation and learn her place." He scowled. "Then they spat on her."

"What happened then?" Elphas, Gevran's bookkeeper, asked.

"A security officer moved them on. But he didn't record it. Humans." he spat.

"That's Gabriel's influence." Ephras said. "Doesn't count if it doesn't happen to humans."

Orash shrugged. "Its alright for you, Zeon. Your kind pass as humans. We can't. We need to do something."

Gevran nodded. That was true. "I think its time we reminded them that not everyone they go after is an easily intimidated teenage girl."

Orash nodded. "Absolutely. Kick a couple of humans around, see how they like it."

"No." Gevran said, the word drawn out and considered. "No, the general populace isn't the problem. They're the symptom. Its those Pro-Human fuckers I want dealt with. If they want a war, we'll give them one." He raised a hand to emphasise the point. "Just them. See how much spine they have when their leaders are all butchered corpses strung up outside the Dilithium Chamber."

Orash grinned. He liked that plan. "Alright. Who? Raddon? Cut the head off the snake?"

Gevran considered, stoking his jowls. "No. String up a 'defenseless old man'," the Yridian spat onto the floor, "And we'll get no sympathy. We need the the ones who do the physical shit stirring. Like the guy who started the riot last year, Babeau."*

"Or Gabriel." Orash's eyes gleamed with malevolence. "I won't say no to a chance to gut that bastard."

"Whilst I have no objection to going after any of those pricks with extreme prejudice," Ephras said, "Just how are you going to do it? They don't exactly go for long walks by themselves in nice quiet hallways where they can be shivved in private."

The Yridian thought about it, eyes drifting to the audience gathered around edge the sunken access pit being used as the ring. He caught a glimpse of bright pink skin. "Ibalin!" he yelled.

The bokkai looked round, hearing her name. He caught her eye and beckoned her over. "Evening Gev. Whats up?"

"Need a favour."

The pink of her skin was fading back its more usual violet. "What can I do for you?"

"Does Gabriel come by The Box at all?"

She stared at him, and then laughed. Her body turned a powder blue for a moment, then settled back to violet. "Dorian Gabriel? Gev, sweetie, he barely comes in at all, and then only because someone else insists. I haven't even seen him on the Prom since that Planet turned up, let alone had him inside. Why do you ask?"

Gev paused, considering his answer; she'd never willingly be one of his assassination squad. "I want to ask him if he'd fight for me."

"Fight for you?" That she hadn't been expecting, and she flushed turquoise for a moment.

"Yeah. Plenty of people want a shot at him. I'd rake it in. But to do that I need to talk to him."

Yolanthe shrugged. "If you want to talk to him, why don't you go in the Dilithium Chamber?"

All of them laughed at that. "None of us would get through the door." Gev pointed out. "You know that."

She looked at Ephras. The Zeon were indistinguishable from humans, on the outside at least. He held his hands up in a gesture of defense. "I'm staying well away from that place. I go in, people will think I'm some sort of Pro-human bully. I don't need to be tarred with that brush."

Yolanthe frowned. "Well, if I see him, I'll tell him you're looking. But you could be waiting a while."

"Actually," Gevran said slowly as the plan formed in his mind's eye, "I'd rather not give him a chance to work himself up into deciding to say no before he hears me out. Don't say anything, just give me a call when he comes in. I'll swing by and make him the offer." He smiled at her. "There's a finders fee in it for you. Five percent of the gate his first night."

She started going a little pink at that. On a slow night the gate could come to several hundred slips of latinum. On a good night much more. And she knew Gevran was right. Lots of people would want see the high and mighty Gabriel laid low. It would be a very good night. And five percent of a very good night was a lot of latinum.

But Dorian Gabriel was a human being. Most of the competitors were from species that were far stronger than him, and could wipe the floor with him. She was used to watching men fighting now, but actively encouraging someone as fragile as a human male...

"I shouldn't-" she began

"You're not twisting his arm, just giving me time to make a pitch. Five percent..."

"And if he says no?" Yolanthe couldn't ignore the ever strengthening shade of pink suffusing her skin. Dorian would quite probably be the biggest crowd she'd seen down here.

"Then I'll owe you a solid. Or I'll get in a new bookie and let you fleece him rotten. Lady's choice."

She held up her hands in defeat. "Alright. If I see him, I'll call you. If." she emphasized.

Gevran beamed, and the other two hid unpleasant smiles. "Thanks. I'll look forward to it."

"You could be waiting a very long time." she warned him again

"I can afford to wait a bit." Gevran said. After all, this needed time to plan, people to be put on alert, places to be prepared. If those pro-human bastards were to get the message, it needed to be perfectly...enunciated "I'm a patient man."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights



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