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Posted on Sat Apr 16, 2016 @ 8:46pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

866 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD16 1800


The crowd was heaving. The recent murders always brought out the ghouls, and since his boss had never been one to shy from making hay whilst the sun shines, Rosh Pelin, the Bajoran barman at the Box of Delights had kept up her tradition of declaring a happy hour to keep the less ghoulish people on the Promenade as well.

And then the crowd was moving, parting before a tall figure who strode through the bar, people spilling out the way.

"Boss?" Pelin wasn't sure he believed it, there could of course or be other women over six foot tall with purple hair. But when the crowd parted and she arrived at the bar, he couldn't deny it "Boss, you're back!"

"Hey, Pel, " she went a rich azure seeing him smile, "Its good to be back."

And then they were all around her, all the people she counted as family now. Vedra gave her hug and nearly overbalanced on her high heels, Jessica and Ahjess came up together, then Blake, still as beautiful as ever, and eventually Pel got out from behind the bar and she gave him a squeeze that lifted him off his feet.

"I need a drink" She told him, sitting at the bar whilst the others dispersed back to their roles. Pel took down a bottle of kanar, ran a tumbler through the ice bucket and poured a generous serving over it. "You angel," she toasted him and took a sip. "So what did I miss?"

"Something killed one of Tanya's dancers. Charis. J'Rell was with her, swore some invisible thing smashed her brains out."

Yolanthe's good mood slid, and her skin turned to pale grey. "That's terrible. Do they know who did it?"

Pel shook his head. "Not a clue yet, that we've heard. But she's not the only one. The day after a security bod was killed too. Everyone's real twitchy."

"Crowds good right now," she observed, "Trade hurting much?"

"We drop off real bad after about ten, but the rest of the time we're full."

Yolanthe gave a huff and flickered to a sandy ochre for a moment, then her violent colouring resettled. "What else?"

"Dorian and Trellis had a free and frank exchange of views in the Promenade the night after Charis died. I figured Trellis must have got 'Tired and Emotional'" he made a coughing sound after the euphemism. "But it was Dorian that was drinking for once."

"My heart bleeds for the pair of them." Yolanthe had turned a little blue at the news of the two men fighting.

Pelin kept rubbing a towel over a glass he had already wiped three times. "So...Did you find her?"

Yolanthe nodded. "She's in sickbay overnight, for observations."

"She's hurt?" Pel asked quickly, concern etched into his young face.

"Physically, most of the damage is fixed, but..." She left the rest of it unsaid. Becuase she didn't have much to say. "She's not tallking to me Pel, doesn't want to talk about any of it. She's been missing for over a year. Ancestor's alone know what she's been through." Yolanthe swilled the kanar around her glass, "Did Edward get our quarters sorted?"

Pelin nodded, "He had to get hazmat suits and decontamination baths for the cleaners, and I think something in there tried to crawl out and beg for political asylum."

She gave him a flat look, and he smirked at her.

"I am not amused," she said, turning azure in direct contravention of her statement. "But I'm afraid it was all for naught. Klia," her skin greyed, "Klia isn't going to be staying with me just yet. To many bad memories. I'm going to apply for new quarters, but until it comes through, the Chief of Security is going to put her up."

"Caleb Ryan?" Pelin glanced down at an incoming order and started reaching for the ingredients and glassware. "Well she should sleep easy, knowing she's surrounded by prehistoric weapons."

"He doesn't look like he'd know one end of blade from the other." she said doubtfully

Pelin laughed. "Everyone knows the pointy pit goes in the other person, As for the rest, He can't be too bad to end up being head of security. They do train them you know."

"Pff." She finished her kanar and gestured for a top-up.

Pel obediently provided the bottle, and she added another two fingers to the glass. "Oh," he said, suddenly remembering. "Some people left something for you a couple of days ago."

She turned a sky blue. That sounded promising. "What was it?"

"Some of your clothes." He leaned close and lowered his voice "And a bag full of latinum bars! At least two hundred and fifty! We needed Harry to do the lifting."

Yolanthe choked on her kanar. She hadn't expected Draxx to actually come through on his promise to give her the change from his sale of her. She recovered and swallowed her drink. The blue of her skin deepening. She had Klia back. Her bar was thriving. And now it would seem she was rich.

She raised a glass to him. "Let the good times roll."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


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