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Tastier Prey

Posted on Tue May 3, 2016 @ 6:48am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: The Promenade
Timeline: MD11 1830


With everything going on with the various diplomats security patrols had been stepped up, especially in the more public areas. As a result Zervos, had his route slightly changed to give extra coverage on the promenade. Normally he had a partner, but they had been transferred to another posting and a replacement had yet to be announced. Heading past a row of shops, he felt like someone was watching him, but chalked it up to paranoia.

Behind him there was a crash.

Whirling around, phaser in hand, Zervos looked towards the sound of the crash.

It was just one of the shops closing up, dropping a shutter and then switching on the forcefield. The store owner saw him looking and raised a hand in acknowledgement.

But the sense of being watched didn't go away.

The security guard waved back to the merchant and continued on his way. "Get your act together Zervos, you're just sleep deprived. There's no one on the station that wishes you harm, besides you would sense their presence before they acted anyway."

Logically he knew there were ways to avoid telepathic sensory, but that wouldn't have calmed his nerves.

The sensation of being watched became more intense, and increasingly malevolent. There was something nearby that was incensed, outraged even, at his presence, and wanted to hurt him.

He didn't know what was going on, but he now he was more convinced than ever that something or someone was stalking him. A tricorder scan didn't show anything out of the ordinary, but the sensation was still there and stronger than ever. Opening his mind, he tried to probe for any telepathic presence that could explain the feeling.

His heightened sense brushed something close by. And it reacted. It grabbed hold of the mental intrusion and rushed along it. homing in on the origin, trying to find the source of the threat. It found thoughts of trepidation, recognized the mind not just of a sensitive, but of a hunter.

This could not be borne, absolutely not. Too recently it had been hurt, trapped, robbed of the food it had plundered. No one would take this meal. It gathered its energy, and attacked.

Zervos was slammed from behind, a rush of force propelling him across the promenade and into the nearest bulkhead.

Who or what slammed him against the wall he didn't know. There was nobody around, so the only explanation was some sort of psionic attack. While the Betazed people had the ability to use their telepathy offensively, Zervos couldn't remember his training. He had never had to use it, and never expected to. Trying to close off his mind and throw up mental barriers, he reached for his comm badge.

"Zervos to..."

Images flashed through him, a litany of all his failures, a gallery of all the people he had let down.

It wasn't so much the fact he was dying. That was always a risk, especially in security. However, Zervos had always hoped to go out in a blaze of glory. Instead he was being attacked by a faceless enemy.

The force lifted him again, and this time he could feel something sucking at his mind as it did so, and he was smashed down to the floor, the deck cold and hard against his face.

Realizing he likely wouldn't survive, Zervos appealed to whatever deities would listen to let him into the afterlife.


NPC By Tessaro

The hunter
NPC by NOtty


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