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My Mind to Your Mind

Posted on Fri Apr 29, 2016 @ 5:36pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 24-A-039 (Captain's Quarters)
Timeline: MD 03 20:00

Though she remained relieved of duty, Isha insisted that she and Commander Tahhk continue the debrief process. Each day he dutifully arrived at her quarters, a nod of acknowledgement to the guards placed there before the Romulan Captain admitted him at 20:00 on the dot.

This evening was no different. He did not recognise the pair of doorposts that he nodded to then stepped inside.

And every evening he asked the same question. "Captain, as you have not left your quarters, what value is there in continuing with this practice?"

Isha rolled her eyes as she placed a caraf of water and two glasses on the table - so predictable was Tahhk. "Its an excercise in trust," she told him again, "and the more we trust the closer we are to reaching an answer."

"An answer that will absolve you of blame and dismiss the accusation of murder?"

"Indeed, for the answer is there, but as you know my mind is too well trained to consciously access the information we require."

He mused on that. The Captain had been remarkably forthright about her one time connection with the Tal'Shiar, and was adamant that she had been compelled to work for them. Again he tried to pick apart the web of seemingly tangled elements that made up this woman, and again all he could grasp were loose ends and blind alleyways.

"Then we will continue, in the interests of trust"

"I could swear there is frustration in your tone, Commander," Isha replied, goading him, "That's terribly un-Vulcan of you, and not at all conducive to the atmosphere.”

“If you are of the opinion the atmosphere is in some way adversely impacted I will take my leave.”

Isha smiled winsomely, “Surely you wanted to hear what the Romulan Ambassador had to say to me.”

"I was not aware that a meeting had taken place."

She shrugged, "I assume he pulled certain strings or found a loophole. Starfleet regulations are ... how should I put it ... often open to interpretation."

"Only a Romulan would draw that conclusion."

"And only a Vulcan would make that observation. He seemed to be under the impression that I could be pressurised into taking the side of the Stelam Shiarin the matter of Pangaea. I disabused him of that impression."

Not for the first time Taakh reflected on how detached this woman could be. He would have expected a Romulan in her situation to be railing against her imprisonment and crying for revenge at the loss of her daughter, but Isha was ... unnervingly, almost Vulcanly calm on both counts.

"One can forgive him for holding that belief given that you are to all intents and circumstances part of that Empire."

"One cannot forgive him thinking that I can be pressured. My motives and alliegences are my own. To all intents and purposes I left the Stelam Shiar behind, something the ambassador should be well aware of."

"Is it wise to make enemies?" Tahhk questioned.

"It is a poor politician who has none," Isha replied, "Perhaps you would prefer it if I had yielded and agreed to support his case."

"It would not have surprised me if that were the case."

Isha sighed, "How little you trust me even after all this time," she said, her voice dripping with lament, "Come, we have talked enough. You can see for yourself."

Tahhk nodded, this nightly ritual of a mind meld provided him with confusing insights into the Captain, and into the Romulan psyche as a whole.

He was not sure he liked it.

Captain Isha t'Vaurek
Comanding Officer

Commander Tahhk
Starfleet Observer


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