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This Can't Be Happening

Posted on Sun Mar 13, 2016 @ 2:34am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin
Edited on on Sun Mar 13, 2016 @ 2:43am

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diana's Arrow-Sickbay
Timeline: MD15 1117 HOURS


The Romulans had vanished, but at that point nobody really cared, especially not Gregori. His granddaughter had just been shot, had been on fire, and now he needed help getting her to sickbay. No, help was too slow, =*=Computer, site to site transport for two to sickbay!=*= He commanded, turning to Dexter before he disappeared in the blue beam to yell, "YOU HAVE THE BRIDGE!"


Gregori reappeared in sickbay, still clutching Rianni, who had, mercifully, lost consciousness, against his body, "PARSEGHIAN! GET IN HERE NOW!" He screamed, panic cracking his voice for the first time in his life as he looked down on his granddaughter's face, blackened and bloody, the hit under her left eye had burned all the way to the bone, "DAMN YOU, WOMAN! MOVE!"

Lena Parseghian walked slowly out of her office, she'd been passed out on her desk and had no idea what happened, coffee in her hand, "Can't you people learn that it's DOCTOR Parseghian?"

"Lena," Gregori began, his voice a low hiss, "I've never hit a woman in my life, but I'm about to make an exception for you if you don't get to work on my Granddaughter RIGHT BLOODY NOW!"

"So what did Princess Hotpanties get into....." She began, then stopped dead when she saw what had happened to Rianni, "Okay, get her on the table and I'll do what I can, then we'll have to put her into stasis until we reach DS5. My facilities are so limited...."

"I don't want to bloody hear it, Lena!" Gregori snapped.

Lena paused for a second, Gregori had never lost his patience with her before, much less yelled at her, but now he'd done it three times in less than a minute, she decided quickly that now was NOT the time to bitch about her broom closet, "Okay, let me get the sonic scrubber and get some pain meds on board, then we're going to put her in stasis."

[Ten Minutes Later]

Dr. Parseghian had done all she could: cleaning the wounds and regenerating the skin under her right eye where the burns weren't so bad. Her resources exhausted she placed Rianni in the stasis chamber. As Gregori sat there staring at his horribly burned granddaughter she walked up behind him and placed a hypo against his neck, "It's a sedative, sir." She explained, "I'm going to have someone take you back to your room."

"No." Gregori answered tersely, he wasn't going anywhere, and hadn't even noticed that Lena Parseghian had just addressed her employer as 'Sir' for the first time ever, "I will leave when Rianni does."

"Sir," Lena continued, maintaining a respectful tone, "You're needed on the bridge and someone has to inform your family about Rianni's injury. Look, I'll ask one of her friends to come down here while you rest, okay?"

The sedative was already starting to kick in and Gregori was getting woozy, she'd given him a very strong dose and it wasn't going to be long before night night, he knew this now, so he simply nodded and rose from his seat, pledging silently to be back as soon as he woke up.

She knew the women who came with Rianni were in Rianni's quarters, had been for days, so she'd try to reach them there. She walked quickly to the comm panel and called Rianni's quarters, =*=This is Dr. Parseghian, I need one or both of you to come down to sickbay.=*= She paused for a second then added, =*=You should probably come say your goodbyes to Rianni.=*=

Inside the quarters, Klia was stroking the kitten, and Yolanthe was reading a book on the Dominon War, neither was talking, but they stayed close to each other, Yolanthe between Klia and the door

When the doctor's voice came over the comm, Yolanthe looked at Klia, who looked particularly alarmed. "It can't be that bad, surely?" the Orion asked the taller woman.

Yolanthe had seen plenty of mortal wounds in her time, and knew Rianni's had been bad. Her skin faded to a pale grey. "The doctor's facilities aren't that great. This isn't a federation ship." She warned.

Klia turfed the kitty onto the floor and pushed the duvet back. "We should go."

Yolanthe put the padd down, and held out a blanket for Klia to wrap herself up in. The little Orion pulled it round herself and went down to the small room that was used as a sickbay.

When Klia and Yolanthe arrived Parseghian was actually happy to see them, this had escalated way too quickly, 'She's over there, ladies." She informed them, "I figured you'd want a chance to say goodbye. I give her a less than 10% chance of survival." She stopped dead, realizing for the first time in her career precisely how insensitive a bitch she could be, "Sorry, I flunked people skills. Pissed off the boss, too." Yeah, her mouth had really overloaded her ass this time and she didn't exactly want to give the grey giant reason to slap her around, either, "So, let me make us some tea."

Yolanthe ignored the doctors floundering. She'd been honest and to the point. At this stage in everything it was the best thing, in her opinion.

But Klia looked stricken and went to Rianni's side, trying not to look too horrified at the heavily dressed face, she couldn't see a single feature. Breathing was being managed through a tracheotomy tube. Her hands fluttered uselessly, unsure if she was allowed to touch or not. "Can you hear me?"

Lena considered telling her that while in stasis Rianni couldn't hear a thing, but she's also heard for many years that sometimes they could hear you, "It's worth a shot." She said with a smile, bringing Klia a cup of hot tea, "Talk to her."

Klia put the tea aside and took Rianni's hand. "Your doctor said it's bad so I just want to say thank you for coming. It meant a lot. And Earth food would have been cool. I was looking forward to that. Don't stand me up okay. First date in months. it would have been awesome."

She was numb inside, too damaged for her year of torment, to feel much. the sudden reunion and the just as sudden loss were just yet another trial to be endured rather than felt. She gave the hand a last squeeze. "Don't fucking die, okay?"

Klia looked up to Yolanthe, who watched over them, silent, and grey as storm clouds "Say something?"

The Bokkai looked down at the inert form. For all she owed a debt she wasn't sentimental. She didn't have many words for the Romulan. "You're still barred."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, Box of Delights

Fighting for her Life

Dr. Lena Parseghian



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