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Blue & Gold

Posted on Sat May 7, 2016 @ 9:02am by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,090 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: Day 12 1620 hrs


Entering the infirmary Annora paused to take a look around. For the most part it looked much like the sickbay on the Kazanga, just much larger in scope. Considering the size of the station, it made sense. While she had received a clean bill of health from the Docs on Earth, she was sure those on DS5 would have some concerns. Therefore, she made it a point to drop off her medical records in person.

"Hello, I'm Amia Telamon, can I help you?" the CMO came forward to greet the new person coming through the doors. She didn't recognize her so she held our her hand to introduce herself.

"Annora Tessaro, new addition to the security team. I'm here to drop off my medical records, they're a bit unique so I thought it best to do it in person."

She shook the woman's hand.

"Come over into a cubicle. We can do your scans and see what's 'unique' about you." Amia smiled. "I could do with something interesting to brighten up my rather dull day!"

"While I won't argue about being unique, I'm not sure that would show up on a scan."

She followed the Doctor towards the cubicle.
"It turns out crashing a drop ship in radioactive territory is really bad for your health. Thankfully the medics at Avicenna did a good job at undoing the damage, allowing me to rejoin the fight."

"I can imagine that wasn't the easiest of recoveries but as long as they've eradicated all the Greys." she set up the bio-bed to search for radioactive residue first and then to generically take a good look at everything else.

"Please just hop up onto the bed here?" she requested.

Annora did as requested, taking a seat on the bio-bed.
"What are Greys?"

"Measurements of radioactivity." Amia replied matter of factly as she began the scanning and watched the result scroll up on the main monitor mounted on the wall behind the bed.

"Grays, I'll have to remember that. In that case, I'm pretty sure they have. Although they did mention possible lasting effects from the exposure and treatment."

She had probably heard the term used before, but didn't remember the specifics. For the most part they tried to avoid radioactive areas, and when they did venture into the areas she relied on the tricorder to warn when levels were getting too high.

"Hopefully not something you'll need to know in normal times" Amia said.

"Hopefully, but I seem to have made a career out of abnormal times. Wars, radiation, the Useon virus."

The security officer wondered how long the normal times would last on DS5.

"Oh dear, I hope you can put that in your past, for my sake!" Amia sounded mildly alarmed at the idea of any of those, let along all of them to deal with. She laughed softly though, making it clear she didn't really think she was going to relive them or bring any of them onto the station.

"I agree, and don't worry about the Virus. Despite not initially knowing just what was occurring on New Klevia we took full precautions, EV Suits while moving about on the planet, and strict decon procedures both and off the planet. Initially we returned to the ship at the end of the shift and spent a fair amount of time in the DeconChamber. Then, they set up a mobile version on the planet which streamlined the process."

Amia nodded. "Good protocols" she agreed.

She turned her attention back to the results of the scans as they rolled up on the main monitor behind the bio-bed.

"It was an interesting few months, but that's part of why we were out there. To provide assistance to the various colonies sprouting up after the war."

As someone who grew up on a colony, Annora was a liaison in the early days on the colony.

Amia was scrolling through Annora's medical records - as was protocol when taking on new crew and working up their health records and check overs.

She frowned a little as she tried to adjust her head around the whole idea that this lady had been born over 200 years ago.

"I'm fascinated with your medical history Lieutenant. This is a very special opportunity for me. I don't want to imply that you're a medical experiment but it is a very unique situation for someone like me to be able to observe what, if any, effects time travel has on a human. Are you aware of any side-effects at all?" she asked with great interest.

"All indications point to no ill side effects of the displacement. At least not physical. We did have 200 years of vaccines to catch up on, but nothing else I can think of."

She brushed some hair off her face.
"You may wish to talk with Temporal investigations, they could tell you more info."

"I'll do that" Amia agreed. "Well you certainly pass all the normal checks and safeties." she added, closing off the updated medical file.

"Is there anything else I can do for you today?" she asked as she handed over a small data-rod with Annora's copy of the report.

"Thanks Doc. I think that's it. Hopefully I can avoid too many visits. No offense, but I've spent my fair share of time under medical care."

Annora accepted the data rod and placed it in a pocket for safe keeping.

"Well then, thank you for coming in without me having to chase you. That doesn't tend to happen a lot." Amia smiled, making polite small talk as the Lieutenant prepared to leave.

"If you don't mind chatting about your experiences, would you be prepared to meet over a coffee. In one of the very nice establishments on the Promenade if you have some free time? I really would be fascinated to hear more." she looked at Annora to see if she was giving any indication that the idea was horrendous to her.

"Yeah we could do that sometime. Once things settle down, we can try to get together."

In a casual setting, such as getting coffee, Annora would feel more open to discussing her past adventures. It wasn't that she was avoiding them, she just preferred to have more control over the content.

"I'd really like that. Thanks" Amia repeated, sincerely hoping that Annora meant it and would get in touch whenever it felt right for her.

A JP Between:

Lt Jg Annora Tessaro
Assistant Chief Security Officer


Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon


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