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Deals and Compromises

Posted on Wed May 4, 2016 @ 7:17pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant JG Zayna Malik & Civilian Hydel Turvan

959 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)


For centuries the stone sentinel had stood its post alone in the pitch-dark cavern. Like the others its job was to guard over the gateway behind it. No intruders had ever disturbed this place, until now. A small group of figures appeared before it, having been transported from the surface above and sent down here. The sentinel understood why. They were to be taught a lesson, it had been told.

One of the figures turned on a light to see better. When the light fell across the sentinel's face it came alive. It drew in breath and its eyes took on an eerie glow. "Who enters?"

'Any technology advanced enough is indistinguishable from magic' the line went through Zayna her mind looking at the stone which could move which meant it was not some basic stone. Sadly without any working equipment it would be hard to scan it and find out what it was and she believed that shooting it would be unwise. "Just a few people who wanted some shelter from the weather after it interrupted the picnic." she said with smile. So far this planet had made clear that what was deemed normal did not apply so instead of going against the grain she went along with it, seeing how it would all turn out.

"Then step forward, travelers. Find shelter within. But be warned, you have but one day and one night to return of your own free will.

"We step boldly," Toq announced peering into the face of the guardian.

A line of red started climbing one side of the small cave, adding a feint scarlett glow to everything. When the line had arced all the way over the roof of the cave and down the otherside, the guardian said, "Proceed."

Toq was the first in line. He took a batleth from his back, his left fist around the grip, "Who is with me?" he bellowed.

"I'm with you," a young security crewman named Ben Culver said. He checked the settings on his phaser, re-holstered it, and nodded confidently to Toq. Then, looking up at the stone sentinel he asked, "where does this tunnel go? Back to the surface?"

"I know not where it goes," the sentinel replied. "only that my master has granted you passage."

Ben Culver had another question. "Has anyone ever gone in there?"

"Many have. Long ago. Some returned and some did not"

"Well I am all up for some adventure and challenges not like those don't make up the recruitment posters for starfleet after all." Zayna said keeping her side arm holstered, there was no direct threat and something told her that if she was going to be tested it was going to mentally. "I doubt we need to go in there weapons raised people, lets just take it easy and I will take the front, Crewmen you take rear and the rest of you stay in the middle." it was time to get moving and it was clear that this thing was not going to give them anything useful information wise.

"We step blindly, actually." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said mimicking the Klingon who was already ahead and walking into the pitch-dark cavern. The Cardassian failed to share the Human's confidence in the security of the area. He unclasped his holster and keep this disruption in the "ready mode" in preparation for some kind of reprisal from the planet aliens.

As he passed by the stone Centurion he stopped and looked towards it. "What will take place in one day if we have not returned from inside of this cavern?" Ambassador Turvan asked pointedly and without any sign of reverence towards the guardian in his tone.

"Something very enjoyable no doubt and also I am not walking so blindly." Zayna said taking a few steps she had no trouble 'seeing'. All she knew was their way out was through it all and that there was an way out and hence she fully intended to find it and deal with any challenges on the way.

Answering Turvan the Sentinel said, "The doorway closes after one full rotation of the planet. If you do not return before that time, then you will be stranded at your destination unless someone else comes to open the doorway for you. No one will force you to go. If you wish you may return to your ship on the surface." The Sentinel looked up at the granite ceiling. "But it will take you a day to climb, and you will also have to deal with the others who guard these caverns. They do not answer to me. I recommend you go. Never before has my master granted passage to outsiders, and you did want to discover the riches of this planet, did you not?"

Ambassador Turvan refused to dignify the creature with a response. He simply turned his head and continued to walk with the rest of the group.

The group moved from one dark place and into another, only this was outside. It wasn't Pangaea however. This place was crowded with people. There were lights and loud music. People spoke and haggled with each other in multiple languages. It was a town and they were in an open market.

A humanoid alien stood nearby, gaping at them. He had just seen them arrive through a literal hole in the air. He was wearing a blinking collar around his neck and appeared to have a bionic eye and arm.

Another alien muscled his way towards them. This one was a good eight feet tall and rippling with muscles. "Where do you think you're going?!" He pointed a small device at them. They were instantly enclosed in a force field.

To be continued ...


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