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Dinner Date (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Feb 29, 2016 @ 6:43pm by Civilian Thereen Tera & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Bajoran Gardens
Timeline: MD 11/2000

Liam had caught the nervousness fly off her when mentioning not following Bajoran politics. He decided not to press it. Maybe it was bad thing being Bajoran and not that religious in their culture, he reasoned, not knowing any logical reason behind it.

"I'm a pianist. I am used to using my fingers. I am certainly not afraid." He torn off some of the bread and followed suit, diving right in. He had to admit it was pretty good. Out of the two lots of food he had tried, Bajoran was fast becoming a favorite.

“Good,” Tera smiled. “It isn’t typical Bajoran,” she admitted, “which is why it’s not on the menu.” She sipped her wine. “So a pianist, are you?” she asked, intrigued. “I never did learn to play an instrument,” she admitted. “That is a Terran instrument, isn’t it?”

"Oh yes," Liam said, smacking his lips after another bite of the bread. "I have a baby grand in my quarters. I call her Betsy." He realized how goofy that probably sounded as soon as he said it.

"What do you do in your spare time?" he said after a cough, attempting a smooth recovery.

Tera smiled. “I would love to hear you play sometime,” she said. “Well, I’m very crafty, so besides my jewelry I also knit and try my hand at painting occasionally. I also like to read. And I go to Temple.”

"I might start a band," Liam stated. "Yes I think I will start a band." He said more firmly. He had enjoyed the Slapping Kimono's on his last ship. "See if any of the bars do an open night. So Temple, eh. I have heard that word a lot today."

“Well, most Bajorans are fairly religious,” Tera pointed out. “I don’t go as often as I like, or should,” she admitted sheepishly. “I heard they are going to build a bigger one, with the new vedek arriving.” She sipped her wine, averting her eyes as the reason she didn’t go to temple often enough arose.

"I don't know if it will be bigger. It’s subject to their space in their embassy and health and safety regs," Liam said. By the Goddesses, he sounded boring. How many times had he said those words today?

"Why don't you go as often as you like?" he asked. She had mentioned something around this twice now, and in Liam's experience if someone kept dancing round the same subject they usually even if it was subconscious wanted to talk about it. "If I may ask," he added politely.

Tera gave an embarrassed smile. “Just…personal issues with some of the Temple patrons,” she said. “I go to see specific vedeks, and at times when it isn’t as busy.” She toyed with her food nervously and then took a breath. “I should…warn you, Liam,” she told him, meeting his gaze honestly. “Being seen with me will not win you friends among the Bajorans on the station,” she told him. “And since making friends is your job… Well, perhaps this was a bad idea.”

"Ah, so you’re gorgeous and have an intriguing past," Liam stated. "I'm not scared of ticking off a few Bajorans by being seen out having dinner with you, Tera, and it’s not in the job description that I have to be friends with everyone. So how's about we carry on this ‘bad idea’ and get some ridiculously indulgent dessert?" he said with a wink.

Tera blushed at the compliment and nodded. “I think that would be lovely,” she said, reaching out and giving his hand a squeeze. “Thank you.” She hoped he wasn’t being precipitous in dismissing her warnings, but it made her feel warm inside. “You may choose the dessert,” she offered. “The ichleberry tort is delicious with your Terran vanilla ice cream, though,” she hinted with a smile, brushing back her dark hair.

"I'm more of a chocolate kind of guy, but," he grinned watching her hair tousle round her shoulders sexily, him taking her hand this time and pulling it to his lips playfully. "Whatever ‘milady’ wants."

Tera blushed. “There’s hot fudge,” she smiled, waving the waiter over, but not pulling her hand away. She ordered the tort and ice cream with generous amounts of hot fudge on top.

Turning back to Liam, she closed her hands over his and smiled shyly. “I am so not used to this,” she admitted with a nervous giggle. “Most of the guys Tianys has set me up with are trying to skip dessert and get to…dessert,” she implied.

Liam swallowed and went slightly pink. "So that's not happening then? Double dessert?" he joked with a cheeky smile.

Tera actually laughed. “Sometimes the long game is worth the challenge,” she said cheekily.

"Look, Tera, I'm a guy. And an empathic Betazed. I can't lie and not tell you that that thought hasn't crossed my mind. And now you have brought it up, that idea is probably going to be the ONLY thing on my mind. You’re gorgeous. How can it not be? But when I take a woman to dinner, I do things right. Or I certainly try too."

"Look, if you want to…get to dessert, I'm all for it. Or we could just eat the tort you just ordered and enjoy that. That's dessert, after all." He smiled simply trying to put her at ease. She was completely in control here. He had made it clear he was out of a messy relationship, so she knew what she was getting into.

“Oh, I’m eating tort,” Tera said pointedly. “Second dessert…let’s see if I leave room for it,” she said with a teasing smile. He felt…interest, but also wariness, from her.

Liam nodded and gave her a smile. He wasn't going to push his luck. The lady had made the position clear. He could, however, hope he struck lucky.

"So, anyway. What's an ichleberry?"


Thereen Tera
Bajoran shopkeeper
NPC Matthew

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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