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Salt in an open wound

Posted on Mon Feb 29, 2016 @ 4:59pm by Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

474 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 24/Captain’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 13 - In between duty shift change

A soft beeping noise was heard just within the Commanding Officer's private quarters. It was loud enough to be heard only by the inhabitants inside of the area without arousing attention from the assigned guards.

In a hangover from an earlier stage of life when information was key to her survival Isha did as she routinely did and set her own device in paralell to ensure that she had a record of the unsolicited message - all trace of it could be erased from the starbase computer core, but not from her own.

It soon became apparent that her caution was wise.

Within a few moments the screen switched from the traditional Starfleet logo to that of the former United Earth logo. A familiar voice was soon heard.

"Good morning, Isha." Former Security Chief Dorian Gabriel said. "If you are hearing this, then I still have some friends within station Security and Engineering and that this is a testament to their loyalty." He said with an audible laugh.

"I wanted to take this opportunity to just extend my heartfelt condolences to your current predicament. First the loss of your daughter, now the loss of your ill-gotten Command." He said. "I would be lying if I said my heart didn't leap for joy when I learned that Starfleet had actually rightfully detained you. I think house-arrest is too good for a Romulan, but my name is no longer on the door for Security, so what do I know." He added.

"Part of you might wonder why exactly I picked this particular logo for this recording. Well, it's simple actually, United Earth defeated your people once before. It's symbolic of a time when the Federation, more specifically, Humanity, had the courage and necessary strength to fight back against its enemies instead of rolling over and trying to appease them." Dorian said with an obvious edge to his voice.

"A war is coming with your people, Isha. It's just a question of who will fire the first shot." He said with finality. "As much as I would love to have this conversation with you face-to-face, I have an appointment to keep down on the new planet."

"If I see your daughter I'll be sure to say hello, well. . .that's if anybody sees her." He said sardonically as recording ended.

So the former Agent Gabriel, turned public sot and rabble rouser though he could rile her? Perhaps if he'd sent this missive before she had spoken with the oddly comforting Chief of Security he would have achieved that end.

All he would acheive from this was to intigate an investigation into who his supposed friends might be.

Threatening war was never wise, nor was providing hard evidence of hate, and that was something Gabriel had in crateloads.

"Be careful what you wish for, Gabriel," Isha muttered.


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