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Welcome to the Team

Posted on Tue Apr 12, 2016 @ 3:56pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

1,178 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 576/Security Offices
Timeline: MD12/0800

Caleb strode into the office, coffee cup in hand. His leg was feeling great this morning, thanks to Doctor Oliver’s treatments. There had been considerably less pain and the muscles loosened up more quickly. The surgery was working.

As usual, Ensign Mayhew was waiting for him at the front desk, the perky young blonde standing quickly.

“Jess,” Caleb nodded, taking the padd she handed to him. She fell in beside him, summarizing as they walked.

“The new personnel are scheduled for their first duty shifts today,” she reported. “A new security officer and your new Assistant Chief.”

“They’re here already?” Caleb said. “Well, good. Is the ACSO’s office ready?”

“Ops is in there now setting up her secure access as we speak, sir,” Jessica reported as they reached the door to his office.

Caleb sipped his coffee and nodded. “Excellent. Let me know when they arrive, Jess.” He smiled at her. “And Ah like what you’ve done with your hair today,” he complimented, pulling a blush from the pretty young blonde.

“Thank you, sir,” the ensign said, a bit flustered.

As Jessica returned to her desk, Caleb went into his office and settled into his chair to read through the overnight dispatches.

It took her a few minutes to find the office, but that was why she left early. She wondered if it was buried in the middle of the station to maximize response time should extra help be needed. The reason didn't really matter; she was a security officer instead of an engineer.

Entering the room, she greeted the young woman at the front desk. "Excuse me, Ensign, I'm looking for Lieutenant Commander Ryan. I'm his new assistant security officer."

“Oh!” Jessica said with a bright smile. “Yes, of course!” She stood up while doing an awkward little salute. “Commander Ryan just got in not too long ago.” She pressed the comm panel on her desk. “Commander, Lieutenant Annora Tessaro is here now.”

“Send her in,” came the response.

“Right this way,” Jessica told Annora, leading her to Caleb’s office and opening the door.

The place had the typical Starfleet décor, though there were a few personal touches. Over the couch on one wall was a large framed picture of a ranch house and a cowboy on a horse and miles of flat prairie. On a stand by the door was a black Stetson. On the desk were two framed photographs, one of a pretty blonde Trill woman and the other of a younger teenager, also with Trill spotting, but her hair was died in rainbow colors. Also on the desk was a wood and glass display box containing a pair of silver pearl-handled Colt Peacemakers.

The man behind the desk was tall, dark, and handsome, his dark hair cut short, his black eyes quick and observant. He unfolded his lanky form as they entered and came around the desk.

“Lieutenant Tessaro,” Caleb greeted, extending his large hand. “Pleasure to meet ya.” He spoke in a Texas drawl. “Can Ah get ya anything?” he offered.

Taking in the decoration of the office, Annora wondered if she had once again experienced a temporal anomaly. Only this time she went several hundred years into the past, instead of the future. She shook the man's hand, as she answered his question. "Nice to meet you too, sir. I'll take a coffee with cream and sugar please."

Physically he reminded her a bit of a drill instructor from basic training, although personality wise he was much more cordial.

“Gotcha,” Caleb said, going over to the replicator. He ordered her drink, and then a black coffee of his own, setting hers in front of her and returning to his chair behind the desk. “So how are ya settlin’ in on the station?” he asked her, sipping his steaming coffee, seemingly practiced at it since the piping hot beverage didn’t faze him.

Taking a cue from her new boss, Annora took a seat on the other side of the desk. "I haven't been hopelessly lost yet, which is a good thing. Chief Quirm filled me in on the basics yesterday when I came off the transport. The new system is causing a headache for the Diplomatic and Command staff, and we have to deal with the influx of people passing through the station. She also mentioned an anti-alien group causing trouble."

She didn't mention the CO's house arrest, as it sounded like the case was all but closed one way or another.

“That seems ta be the gist of it,” Caleb nodded. “That’ll be our biggest new headache, providing security for authorized trips to the planet. And rootin’ out any unauthorized ones,” he told Annora. “And the system. Most are focusing on the planet right now, but there’s a bunch of other planets and asteroids out there too that we haven’t managed to survey yet. So brush up on your babysitting and diplomatic smile’n’nods.”

"Guess I finally get to use my International Relations skills. As my one instructor at West Point was fond of saying, 'Diplomacy is the art of saying nice doggy while you search for a bigger stick.' I can play nice, but if they step out of line I'll remind them who's in charge."

It would be interesting dealing with diplomatic representatives from all the different groups represented.

Caleb chuckled. “Remind them nicely,” he said with a chuckle. “West Point,” he said. “Ah did read your file. That’s quite a bit of Rip Van Winkle you got going on,” he commented. “How’s that all shaking out?”

"Nicely, roger that, sir. As for being a modern Rip Van Winkle, this is the second time Starfleet let me keep my rank, so I have that going for me."

She fingered the rank pips on her collar a bit.

"Other than that, I'm just getting back into the swing of things. However, so far so good. Didn't necessarily want to be stationed this far out, but on the flip side I have plenty of experience on a frontier."

“The frontier just got a whole lot more exciting,” Caleb commented. “It’s good to have ya on the team, Lieutenant Tessaro,” he said. “If ya have any questions for me, feel free to ask.”

"Good to be here, sir."

She was a bit unsure about the posting, but wasn't about to admit that in front of her new supervisor.

Caleb stood, indicating the interview was over, and offered Annora his hand. “Ah’ll have Jessica get ya caught up,” he told her. “We usually meet about a half hour before shift ta go over the day’s agenda before briefing and assignments for the day are handed out. An’ don’t worry. Ah’ll have coffee,” he said with a smile.

"That's one constant throughout the ages, Coffee makes things much more tolerable. See you around the shop, sir."


Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lt(jg). Annora Tessaro
Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical


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