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Securing the Future

Posted on Fri Apr 8, 2016 @ 6:42pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Lieutenant JG Zayna Malik

1,456 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 576/Security Offices
Timeline: MD 10/0800

To say that Deep Space 5 was big was an understatement of equal proportions to the station itself. Zayna and the other Starfleet personnel swiftly moved through customs and went on their ways. There were no long term friendships or relations built during the weeks of transit, as everyone knew life for them would continue elsewhere. So Zayna stood there looking at the ships in dock as she tapped her combadge to get the first matter done. "Computer, please locate Commander Ryan and ask if he can receive me."

Before the computer could reply however the stations Yeoman had tackled her and hence a while later after cancelling her first request she made it again.

Commander Ryan is in the Security offices on Deck 576, came the computer’s reply. There was a bit of a pause as the request was processed. Permission granted.

With that cleared up Zayna found herself a turbolift. "Deck 576 Chief Security office, authorization sierra-sierra-alpha-nine-seven," she stated, knowing the computer would need her security clearance to allow her to visit the area.

On a big station even the turbolift took its time and a few minutes later she arrived at the central command of station security. It was a buzzing hive of activity and she had to dance through the people before making it to her boss his office where she hit the chime.

“Enter,” came a baritone Texas drawl, and the doors slid open. A tall, lanky dark-haired man with a bit of shadow to his strong jaw sat behind the desk, lounging back and looking over a padd. A young, attractive blonde ensign in security yellow stood near, apparently awaiting some instruction. Her blue eyes flashed to Zayna and gave the white-haired woman a tentative smile.

The office was typical Starfleet. A long leather couch had been set up along one wall, with a landscape painting of some old ranch house, miles of prairie, and a lone man with a horse and a cowboy hat. Another wall held a glass and framed tattered flag in red, white, and blue and a single lone white star. On a stand near the door was a black Stetson and the desk had a glass case with a pair of ancient silvered pearl handled Colt Peacemakers.

“That should do it, Jessica,” the man said, pressing his thumb to the padd and handing it back to the blonde, who juggled a few more padds in order to accept it.

“Yes, sir,” the young officer said pleasantly, heading around the desk for the door. She nodded to Zyta again. “Sir.”

The man put his feet back on the floor and stood up, tugging at his uniform tunic and brushing back his dark hair. “Lieutenant Malik, Ah presume?” he said, holding out a large, calloused hand. “Caleb Ryan,” he introduced himself.

Zayna took the hand in a firm grip before releasing. "Zayna Malik, indeed. I thought I best drop in right away. From what our welcome committee had to say, this place is quite busy."

“It can get that way,” Caleb agreed. “Believe it or not, this is fairly calm. The Marshals handle most of the problems. We just give ‘em a hand occasionally.”

Caleb gestured for Zayna to take a seat. “Can Ah get ya anything?” he asked her, going to the replicator.

"I am fine, thank you. Also interesting. On Deep Space 7 during my time we had no civilian police force, so we handled everything. How is it working with them? Are they competent, and are there any cases of corruption?" Zayna started with questions right away, the more she could learn beforehand, the better off she would be.

“Not that Ah’ve seen so far,” Caleb told Zayna. “They seem to handle themselves well. No jurisdictional headaches so far.”

Caleb retrieved a coffee from the replicator and took his seat again behind the desk. “So tell me about yourself, Lieutenant,” he prompted, picking up a padd with her file on it.

"Not sure what you like to know. I do my job nearing my tenth year of service and I spend way too much time, according to some, in training simulations. Overall I like to doing things. Sitting on my rear end or standing around like a honor guard is not my cup of tea. It is also why I requested to be posted back on a large station. Frankly I was bored out of my mind onboard the Valkyrie," Zayna stated, not sure what he wanted to know, so she gave him some generals.

Caleb chuckled. “Ninety percent of security is sitting on your rear end or standin’ around,” he said. “It’s usually a bad thing if ya have ta do somethin’. But Ah understand your meanin’,” he reassured her with a smile. “There’s plenty to do around here.”

Caleb sipped his coffee and tapped a finger on the padd in front of him. “Ah’ve read your file,” he said. “You have some…unique physical challenges,” he said politically. “Is there anythin’ Ah need to concern mahself with there?” he asked her.

"I am slightly more limited in my spine movement and the unit itself is due for maintenance in nine months, but other than that there is no need for any concern. As for the eye sight, I would suggest you deep clean your office," Zayna added the last line with a smile.

Caleb chuckled. “Ah’ll have Jessica get right on that. The maintenance, is that complicated?” he asked. “Or can that be done here on the station? What about in the field?” Caleb asked. “Should we keep something needed in the emergency medical kits?”

"It is a rather complex unit, but any engineer specialized in small mechanics can do the maintenance following the guide. As for the field, the unit has never failed me. As it is pretty much a support, it only draws very limited power, which it gains from my own body heat, the movements are made by my own muscles," Zayna explained. It was the beauty behind the unit that it was nearly 100% mechanical, using springs and such to maintain its structure and those springs were what had to be replaced, alongside any worn out joints.

“Good to know,” Caleb said. “Ah want to be sure we have everything covered to service your needs in the field,” he assured Zayna. “Put together a small field pack of everything ya might need, including the maintenance guide, just ta have on hand,” he told her. “Hopefully anyone that can field strip a phaser will be able to help you if ya need it.”

Caleb sipped his coffee again and said, “Did you have any questions for me?” he asked.

"I am afraid I have not been entirely clear. When my spine support is taken away I need to be supported very securely, hence I need to be in a sickbay for it to happen. My own literally cannot hold any weight. And as I said, it never broke down so I will not be needing anything special in the field," Zayna said and quickly corrected herself. "Though I do tend to carry a projectile based pistol as a backup in case phasers don't do their job. I am trained and qualified in their use; the documentation for this is in my file."

Caleb nodded. “Ah just want to be sure we are prepared for any mishaps,” he told Zayna. He gave her a smile. “Ah have no problem with ya using a projectile weapon if you’re cleared for it. Ah have a couple myself.” He nodded to the twin pearl-handled Colt Peacemakers in the display case on his desk. “Though Ah wouldn’t dream of firing them,” he admitted.

"I am afraid mine is slightly less antique and quite a bit more effective. I like to maintain a ranged option; it remains a tactical advantage," Zayna stated with a nod. It was clear that it was the base reason why she had the weapon. Anything that would give her an edge was welcome in her book.

Caleb nodded. “As long as you’re cleared on it, Ah have no objections,” he said. “Welcome aboard, Lieutenant.” He stood again and offered his hand. “Ah’ll assign someone ta get ya up ta speed on things and parcel out some of the workload.”

Zayna took hand once more firmly. "Thank you, sir, and I will see this person knock on my door soon enough after I found wherever the quartermaster wants to drop me."

“Dismissed, then,” Caleb said, returning to his seat and letting her find her own way out.


Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant(jg) Zayna Malik
Security Officer


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