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Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 1:11pm by Maekhav D'Aerrol & Captain Isha t'Vaurek

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 24-A-039 (Captain's Quarters)
Timeline: Prior to the Summit

Isha rested on the sofa, legs curled beneath her and a cup of tea balanced in her lap. She studied the intricate embroidery of her gown through the steam that rose from the surface, the swirling tendrils enough to change momentarily the pattern.

With so many days spent in isolation with only the rarest official visitor she slipped a little further inside herself with each that passed. Perhaps that was the true reason she insisted that she and Tahhk continue their mindmeld sessions - it kept her abreast of what was going on beyond the door.

The door chime rang. Rather than waiting for Isha to respond to it, however, Maekhav D'Aerrol walked right in. After what he considered a respectful pause, of course. "Captain t'Vaurek, I trust I am not interrupting anything important?"

Isha didn't rise. "I had the last man who felt himself at liberty to waltz in and out of my quarters put down," she said. Isha placed her cup back on its saucer. It was doubtful that D'Aerrol knew of the incident she referenced, and if he did whether or not her claim was true. However this sort of discussion was, in her experience best conducted from a position of perceived strangth. "You may sit."

D'Aerrol smiled at the "put down" comment. He didn't care to do the power dance with her. Not yet. He took the offered seat. "First, I'd like to say if there's anything I can do for you on behalf of the Empire, feel free to ask. Second, and for the record, I think it's a travesty that you have been relieved of duty. You were quite obviously acting to defend your children and this station. I am putting maximum pressure on Starfleet to conclude their farce of an investigation. If you are not returned to your command soon, then we are already contemplating ways to demonstrate our displeasure."

"They will do nothing that will jeapardise the exchange program, it is at far too delicate a stage for that. Tell me, how is the Federation's exchange officer faring?" All she knew was that they had selected a Vulcan officer for the program and that his posting was a remote and barely significant outpost named her'u.

D'Aerrol shrugged. "I'm sure he is being kept busy counting inventory at that supply depot. No concern to you or me." Then, changing the subject, he approached his next question with sensitivity, even if it was feigned. "I was deeply sorrowed regarding the news of Eviess. From what I've heard she was the light of your world. How are you coping?"

From what you've heard? her thoughts sneered, You wouldn't know her name if you hadn't been briefed.

"Your concern is both appreciated and noted on behalf of the house of Vaurek," she replied with a politeness as polished and veneered as his own. "But I think we should not dwell on personal matters."

"Agreed," D'Aerrol said without hesitation, inwardly glad that he didn't have to spend an inordinate amount of time pretending to grieve for some child he had never met. "Even in our sorrow the goals of the Empire must still be accomplished. In that regard I trust we can count on you to work for them?"

"Alas," Isha said, her lips curled into a thin, self assured smile, "I find myself in a state of house arrest. Until the case against me is resolved there are no matters I can influence. All rests in the hands of Commander Aldrex who I trust was able to pull the necessary strings to allow this visit."

"I expect that you will be returned to your duties very soon, and I will push for that. It is imperative that we have a Romulan in command of this station before any agreements are made. As for Aldrex, I have no use for him. I certainly do not require his permission to visit you." He raised his chin. "You are a Romulan citizen, and I am here to ensure that you are being treated well. Have you been assigned someone from their legal counsel?"

Isha laughed, "I require legal counsel no more than I require you to dictate what is imperative. It is clear to me that the issue of Pangaea will be decided before I resume office, in which the interests of the Empire and my own are aligned," and as they both knew Isha's interests might overlap with those of the Empire, but not necessarily with those of D'Aerrol.

D'Aerrol regarded her under furrowed brow for a moment, then responded in a calm, icy tone. "Your confidence is admirable, 'Captain,' but you'd be well advised not to bask in your own self-assurances. I am here to ensure that the Empire does not play a secondary role to the Federation or anyone else. To that end I am willing to do whatever is necessary. If I can count on you as an ally then you can count on me to persuade, cajole, threaten, or intimidate whoever has locked you in your room like a naughty child, and get you back in command of this station where you're needed. If, on the other hand, I must do this without you then I will. So again I ask, on behalf of the Praetor who has personally appointed me, can we count on you?"

When she replied, Isha's tome was equally cool. "I will remind you, D'Aerrol that I came out of retirement at the specific request of the Praetor. My loyalties are known to those who matter. In no way do I have to confirm them to you," she said.

"On the contrary, dear woman, with only a few bellicose words you bring your loyalties very much into question. Perhaps the loss of your child has affected you so deeply that you've lost focus? If so, then that can be forgiven." He shiften position in his chair. "Or perhaps you've been here so long that you've been softened by your Starfleet underlings?"

Isha smiled thinly, "If you'd done your homework, you would realised that I do not respond to posturing and bluster. You may either take a seat and conduct a civil conversation or take your leave."

"Civility was attempted, Hru Laudh," D'Aerrol said, "but I'm afraid in your current state of mind it is not possible." He stood and bowed slightly. "A pity. We could have been powerful allies. Jolan Tru, lhhei."

Isa watched him leave. You were never my friend, D'aerrol, she thought, better for me that we acknowledge that now, than at your own convenience.

Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Ambassador


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