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A field trip?

Posted on Sun Feb 21, 2016 @ 4:36am by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Caden Aldrex

1,379 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Ops
Timeline: MD12 21:00 - After day 1 of the summit

Liam left sickbay and headed to ops. He had something he needed to square with Cade. As he arrived, it seemed his friend had not been lying about him having a bit of a fan club. Two young girls immediatly started whispering and he could feel the feelings of attraction. He did a doubletake at one of them. Liam was sure she had started using the same jogging route.

"Can I help you sir?" one of them walked over smiling.

"I was wondering if I could have a word with the Commander," he said staring at the other women. Yes he was certain now. He had seen her three times this week on his route round the park area in the promenade.

"I'll let him know your here," she said wandering in the direction of Cade's office. Another young lady had arrived and was covertly whispering to the runner.

Cade was at his desk, trying to stay on top of the mounting paperwork, as usual, when Ensign Alessandro opened the door and peeked inside. "Commander Aldrex? Lieutenant Reynolds is here to see you."

"Reynolds? Who...Oh, Liam! Send him in." In his bleary-eyed state Cade had almost forgotten he had friends. He stood and rubbed his eyes as he rounded the desk, happy for a reprieve from the grind.

Liam walked through the door moments later. Alessandro stood to the side facing him, hands behind her back and chest pushed out just as far as it would go. The adoration on her face was apparent.

Cade raised his eyebrow at her. "Thanks, Erin. That'll be all."

"Aye, sir," the Ensign replied, her eyes still fixed on Liam. With a big grin she turned and exited the room.

"What is it about you? I don't get it," Cade said. "Are you doing some Betazoid thing to them that I don't know about?" He placed an index finger at his temple and pretended to transmit romantic vibes.

"No clue and not that I know of," Liam said honestly watching the person he now identified as Erin leave. "I have never been a "stud" with the ladies anywhere else. It works one way if your empathic," he explained just as confused at this sudden popularity as Cade was, "You can pick it up but you can't push it back out at people. Well unless they are also empathic and they pick it up but none of them are empathetic or telepathic. I would be able to sense that if they were. Who is the redhead?" he asked meaning the runner. "She seems to be showing up on my morning exercise routes and I don't know whether to be worried. There's some serious unrequited crushing going on here."

"Rahia Aler. She's half Risian. You've met Erin Alessandro, of course. And the rest of your fan club consists of Cathia Hender, Shizuko Tian, Sarai Carthen, and Tanya Dowe. They all love you to one degree or another."

"I have 6 young women in love with me?" Liam asked in disbelief. "I think I am going to go with worried."


"You look awful by the way," Liam informed him. "How long have you been locked up here?"

"Since 0300 this morning. With the captain gone my workload is doubled. And Soran is out sick. What brings you up here?"

"Take a break. Go have a meal with you wife," Liam suggested. "Amia is worrying about and missing you, you know. I can hold the fort if you need me, happy to help out but just tell me I can keep those ladies out there," he shuddered.

"Yeah, that sounds good. As a senior staff member you have the privilege to visit Ops whenever you like. And I wouldn't mind having an extra hand to stand watch. What you do with the junior officers in your free time is your business. So what's up?"

"Yes why I came to visit. Day 1 of the summit was .... Well I would like to say interesting but I am going to go with exactly what I suspected. So I would like permission to take them all down to that planet. Let them see what they are all fighting about. I think it will help with some perspective. One Ambassador, one aid from each delegation," Liam asked.

Cade Aldrex chuckled at that. "Yeah, I see where you're coming from, and it doesn't sound like a bad idea. But it is pretty dangerous down there, Liam. What kind of security are you going to take with you? Oh, and where are you going to set down?"

"Whatever security Lieutenant Commander Ryan advises and will let me have I guess and I wouldn't mind a doctor too, just in case. May I borrow your wife's expertise?" he asked. "Well if Amia is willing."

"Yes, of course," the XO said. Inwardly he didn't want Amia near that planet, but it was her job. He couldn't keep her away. Having a doctor along would be a smart move.

"Have we got mapping of the planet so I can choose somewhere we can feasibly land a craft?" he asked. "And not get in the way of any of the other science stuff that's going on down there? I could have a look through it while you go get some dinner and take a break???" Liam suggested again. Cade really did look knackered. He was beginning to think he might need a crowbar to get him out of there and take up the offer.

"Follow me," Cade said. He headed out the door and back into Ops. Liam followed him the short few steps to the plotting table. A color map of Pangaea was on display there.

"This here is where Soran's away team set down," Cade said, "near these caves." He looked Liam in the eye. "You're not going there." Then he pointed at another location. "Here's where Ryan's team explored. Near these ruins." He shook his head, thinking about their strange encounter with what may or may not have been Eviess. "Let's scratch that place off the list too." He glanced briefly at the thick jungle where the fighter had crashed. He didn't even bother mentioning that place to Liam. It was a definite no.

"Computer," Cade said, "is there a place on Pangaea where scans have observed ruins but no signs of life? Animal or sentient?"

The computer chirped and said. "Affirmative. At the center of the norther continent are the ruins of a city. Seven multi-spectral scan passes have shown no life other than benign microbes."

"How does that sound?" Cade asked Liam.

"That sounds an excellent plan Commander," Liam said. They were back in Ops so full decorum was once again required. And Cade was making it clear he was in no way going to take a break and have dinner with his wife. Liam was not stupid enough to try it a 3rd time. Well his good intentions had been there. Liam pulled out his PADD and noted the coordinates. "I'll get everything set up and get out of your hair. Thank you Sir."

Liam turned to make an escape but was met by a beaming red head instead. "Lieutenant, I'll walk you out. I have just finished my shift and am heading that way too,"

"Right," Liam said nervously and not fast enough to think of some polite way to get out of having the fawning women come with him. He shot Cade a terrified glance as he left, leaving the Trill with the rest of his female crew looking daggers at Rahia Aler.

With a raised eyebrow Cade watched them enter the turbolift. When the doors closed he grinned and shook his head.

Liam's planned landing site was still displayed on the table. Erin Alessandro placed her hands on the edge and leaned over it. "Commander Aldrex, those ruins are in the middle of a desert. That's some rough territory."

"If you can find a more inviting spot on that planet, then I'm all for it, Ensign," the XO replied. With one hand he rubbed the back of his tired neck and added, "Take over here. I'm gonna go visit my wife. Haven't seen her all day."

"Aye, sir."


Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex

Lieutenant JG Liam Reynolds


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