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Posted on Tue Apr 26, 2016 @ 12:57am by Civilian Ricardo Draxx

804 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Orion market
Timeline: MD16 1500


They landed late in the afternoon, Draxx checking into a hotel room for a few days under an assumed name. Squink had gone off to do his own thing. Thank goodness. It had been a long few days with just the Ferengi for company. Unfortunately his little insurance policy didn't reach the same speeds as his proper ship. Five days with Squink, well if he had known he was that annoying he would have left his arse back at the Estate. And he couldn't speak to his crew as he hadn't wanted Squink to know he had everything Torm had in his computer. It had been a boring few days.

“How long will you be staying with us Mr Merant,” a very pretty Orion girl on the kiosk asked.

“Angelo, call me Angelo darling,” Draxx drawled. She was very cute. “And possibly a couple of days.”

“Oh how nice,” she replied. “Looking for anything in particular at the market?” she smiled leaning forward making sure her chest was on display.

“Well actually,” Draxx mirrored the action, “I’m on route to some ruins in the Qualia system. I’m gathering supplies and meeting a colleague with some geographical information.”

“Oooo so you like one of those,”

“Archeologists,” he finished. She was completely on the hook.

“Wow, we don’t get many of those,” she battered her eyelashes while handing him a small PADD.

“What do you normally get?” he asked.

“Oh you know, men wanting to purchase slaves, gamble, fight, visit the brothels – have sex,” she said not breaking eye contact.

Oh god, Draxx loved Orion girls.

She walked out in front of him hips swaying. Draxx grinned he was getting the personal service it seemed, walked to his room. “Have you ever, you know discovered anything.”

“Sure,” Draxx played along. “Lots of bones and pottery. Some alien jewellery.”

“Jewellery,” she stopped and turned round her eyes wide. Draxx moved in closer nodding.

“Oh yes, in fact,” he reached forward and ran his fingers down the necklace she was wearing that nicely landed in-between her pert breasts. “I found something similar to this once. You would look stunning in it.”

“Oh,” she said breathlessly stepping back. “Really.”

She smiled and flushed. It was always hard to tell with a green skinned women but Draxx caught it.


She jumped. Draxx almost did too.

“Stop flirting with the guests and get back here,”

“The boss,” she said sheepishly. “The last door at the end, that’s yours.”


“Thank you,” Draxx nodded. He set off again only for her to catch his hand.

“I get off at 2100,” she said almost a whisper. “If you would like to show me your jewellery.”

The pirate grinned. Orion women. Got to love them.

He swept the room for bugs, dumped his holdall on the bed and headed straight for the replicator.

“Kanar, lots of ice, a double,” her ordered pulling off his jacket. He picked up the drink and knocked it back. “Another,”

Taking the glass, he sat down on the bed and opened up a personal comm.. device. His first mate appeared on screen.

“So Captain. What do you know?”

“I got a hook up later tonight,” he raised the glass and toasted it too him.

“Nought new then?”

“What do you know Biggs? Tell me you cracked those files.”

“Practically,” the other human replied. “I’m getting there.”

“But you found me something right? A name?”


“Aedan what?”

“Just Aedan. Like I said. I’m getting there.”

“My fathers name is Aedan. What the hell? I thought after all this time it would be cooler. Any further leads,” Draxx said gulping another mouthful of Kanar.

“Not on Aedan but err, …….”

“Biggs,” he snapped. He wasn't in the mood for procrastinating.

“You know how we always joked you and Orson looked similar and could be brothers?”

“Oh fuck no,”

“Yeah Captain, sorry to inform you but you’re not an only child any more,”

“I’m going to need more Kanar,”

“You gonna tell him,”

“You kidding. He’ll start calling me Ricky all the time. And I want a DNA test on that one. Not Torms record keeping.”

Biggs shrugged. “You didn’t find Yolanthe then?”

“Do you see me tied up and bruised? Or reporting back on who won the bet?”

Biggs chuckled.

“She got out. That much I do know. Bet she’s heading back to the station as we speak.”


“Give her the cash,”

“Already done, well we left it at the bar. Shocked the hell out of a little Bajoran behind the bar. Zo’s trying out for a chefs job.”

“Good,” Draxx brightened up. “Okay then stay put. I’m staying a few; keep my ears to the ground on Torms father."


Ricardo "Angelo Merant" Draxx


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