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A not so casual conversation

Posted on Sun Feb 1, 2015 @ 3:51am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

966 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Cardassian Restaurant - Mriytic Cardăsa!
Timeline: MD 1 - 0850


[Cardassian Restaurant - Mriytic Cardăsa! - The Square Mile]

Dorian hated Cardassian food. He hated the way it smelled, he hated the way it was cooked, he hated the way it looked. There was nothing about it that he enjoyed. So why in God's name was he sitting on the outside patio of the station's main Cardassian restaurant? Simply because his new employer Melvyn Raddon had told him to keep an eye out for a Cardassian by the name of Credak, supposedly he served as the First Mate on some freighter.

It made since to Dorian to pick this location as an observation spot considering this was also the same restaurant that the Cardassian Ambassador, Hydel Turvan, choose to frequent on many occasions. It was only natural that all of the reptiles would choose to slither to the same feeding ground during their regular feedings.

Dorian leaned back and continued to read his padd in an attempt to look busy as he wanted for any sign of the Credak. After several minutes Dorian noticed out of the corner of his eye a familiar image. The station's newest Marshall was coming his way.

~Not the person I wanted to see right now. . .~ Dorian thought to himself as he sat up and adjusted his composure to be more welcoming. "Marshall Steiner! How are you doing today?" Dorian said gleefully.

Steiner looked around, he was on his way to a meeting at the Security Department when he heard his name being called. Turning, he saw Dorian Gabriel sat at a table outside a Cardassian restaurant.

Keeping his expression neutral Steiner stepped over. "Mister Riley isn't it?, Joseph? Joe?" he asked "What can I do for you?"

Dorian noticed from the direction he was walking that he was most likely heading towards the access 3 turbolift. It led to the lesser populated corridor on deck 576. The most relevant department on that deck would be the Security Department.

~New Federation Marshall onboard, having face-to-face meetings with that stuff-shirt of a Trill, I wonder what is going on~ Dorian thought to himself as he reclined back in his chair.

"Jonathan, but Mr. Riley is fine" He gently corrected. "But nevermind that, I just wanted to say hello and see how things were going in your small corner of the universe. I've been seeing some strange-looking Nausicaan walking around with some woman on a chain." He said, "Seemed kinda suspicious. You know anything about what he might be up to?" Dorian asked. "That Box of Delights place always has a odd cast of characters going in and out." He added with a smile.

In reality, the very phrase strange-looking Nausicaan was an oxymoron. It was hard to believe that the security of this station used to be in the hands of one several years ago.

Still lying and using the name of a dead hero then Steiner thought to himself Just what are you up to Gabriel?

"A woman on a chain huh? I'll be sure to watch out for that pair" Steiner said "And odd characters in the Box too? You certainly do keep your eyes open Jonathan. Seems like your business is taking you to all sorts of places."

Dorian laughed. "Well, you know the old Human saying, 'a rolling stone gathers no moss'" He replied. "I've noticed that your office has a full complement onboard the station. What big thing are you all working on?" He asked.

"Oh always stuff to keep us busy" Steiner said So now you're watching me and my team huh? "Perhaps you have a suggestion for us to investigate, we always welcome reliable information from concerned citizens like yourself Jonathan..."

"Oh no. . .I'm not that familiar enough with the station to know the 'ins and outs' of the place, but I would certainly keep an eye on that "Box of Delights" location. Just something about it. . . just doesn't sit well with me. No sirrie!" Dorian said as he shook his head.

Steiner nodded "You know, maybe you should stop by the Precinct, so we can do a formal interview, get your suspicions and observations recorded so that l can start a case file. What do you say?"

Dorian narrowed his eyes on the Deputy Marshall and studied him for several moments before responding. "Maybe some other time, Wolfgang..." Dorian said with a slight smirk as he stood to leave.

Steiner just returned the stare, keeping his face friendly and open "Sure thing Jonathan, whatever you choose." Steiner said "I was just thinking of your safety, all these unsavory characters you've been noticing, they might start getting a bit suspicious if they keep seeing us meeting in public.

Could be they start asking questions about why Jonathan Riley is always talking with the Marshals. I wouldn't want anything to happen to somebody who could be a useful informant"

Dorian smiled, "I would give my life to defend the Federation," he said, letting the irony of the statement hang in the air. He looked over Steiner's shoulder and saw the Cardassian that he believed to be Credak walking into the restaurant in a casual manner. Evidently, this was the person that Mr. Raddon had instructed him to follow.

"I..I'll catch up with you later, Wolfgang," Dorian said quickly as he began to leave.

"Sure thing Jonathan" Steiner said with a smile, "I'll look forward to it" Then stood still and watched Gabrial as he walked away, holding the smile in place. And just who are you rushing off to see now, you devious bastard? he wondered

Chief Deputy Wolfgang Steiner
FMS Precinct

Dorian Gabriel
Federation Civilian


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