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Another Anonymous Tip

Posted on Wed Feb 3, 2016 @ 6:46pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,060 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Security Office
Timeline: MD 10/1630

Rianni's intelligence gathering skills were as good as any agent he'd worked with, for, or over in special branch, making Gregori smile with pride as he read over the information she'd obtained and the accompanying pictures. "Must run in the bloodline," he thought aloud, sipping a cup of hot tea as he mulled over what to do next. It didn't take long for him to decide exactly what he needed to do, and who would help him accomplish the end he now sought. He finished his tea and put in a call to the direct line of Chief Warrant Officer Sullivan Drake, a man who owed him one.

[Deep Space 5, Quarters of WO-4 Sullivan J. Drake]

Sullivan Drake – Sully -- had just sat down to a nice hot meal, ready to leave the nightmare that was his day behind him. Not only had the day just been crazy, but he still had that thing from the other day, the part where a retired Commodore now had Sully's butt in his gun sights, hanging over his head, and all he wanted now was food and a good night's sleep before he became the world's oldest crewman recruit. That was when the damn comm started blinking. "Ahh, what the hell?" He groaned and made his way to the comm quickly, considering giving the rude person interrupting his meal an earful for their troubles, but when the Starfleet logo was replaced with the face of the aforementioned Commodore he quickly and smartly reconsidered. "Oh, Commodore Monteros. How are you, sir? No more trouble, I hope."

"No, Mr. Drake, no trouble," Gregori answered. "Just thought you and I might be able to help each other out, is all."

~Help each other out?~ Sully thought, knowing that was probably his one and only ticket out of this old Commodore's doghouse. ~Better jump on it.~ "And how can we do that, sir?" he asked, though he didn't care if it involved peeing in the Klingon Ambassador's bloodwine at this point. He had less than six months left until retirement and he wasn't about to spend them living in the barracks again.

"There's been a recon conducted on Verex III, Sully," Gregori began, adding quickly, "Don't ask by whom or for what purpose."

"No intention to, sir." Sully shook his head. He knew better than to ask a man whose service record he couldn't even see any questions about his business; in Sully's experience such questions were harmful or fatal if asked.

"Well, during the course of this investigation it was discovered that several of these slave ships, and no doubt they're into some other highly nefarious dealings, have been seen at and around DS5," Gregori continued. "Now, if I was to forward this information to you, I would expect your Lt. Cdr. Ryan to be quite grateful for it, so much so that you might find yourself moving up again before your impending retirement, and, it goes without saying, that any...lingering issues between we two would be effectively erased."

"And to reap these amazing benefits, sir?" Sully pressed. This time he had to ask a question; no way in hell this kind of jackpot came without a catch.

"All you've got to do is walk a couple of decks to your boss and sell him on this information, Sully." Gregori shrugged, knowing Sully was waiting for the catch. "But that's not to say that after all this there won't come a time when a man of your skills and experience becomes of use to me again."

There it was! The catch. There was always a catch. But, that being said, being on call for a man like Gregori Monteros probably had a handsome set of rewards that came along with it, so it wasn't all bad. With a slight nod of his head Sully agreed. "Okay, Commodore, I'll go sell Commander Ryan on this right now."

"Good." Gregori laughed, transmitting the information to Drake and simply saying, "Monteros out."

The Commodore vanished and was replaced by the Starfleet logo again as Sully downloaded the information onto his security padd, scanning it for a second to see what it was he was going to take to Lt. Cdr. Ryan. There was a list of wanted criminals and vessels of ill repute a parsec long, along with pictures of some of both, and highlighted names of people and ships the investigator, whoever they were, knew to have been on DS5. "This is the stuff that makes careers right here." He smirked, sliding his boots and jacket back on and moving out smartly to the boss' office.

[10 minutes later, Lt. Cdr. Ryan's office]

"Sir, Chief Warrant Officer Drake," Sully introduced himself. "I have some information here you might want to look at. From a very reliable source, sir. In fact, I'm not sure if you're familiar with the old color code for source reliability or not, but if you are, this source would be platinum." He reached out and laid the padd on the Commander's desk. "Seems we've had a lot of very nasty people coming on and off our station. My source just wants to help us scoop them up."

“Platinum?” Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow. He could count on one hand the number of platinum sources in Starfleet Intelligence. And most of them were on his former posting on the USS Nimitz>.

Caleb picked up the padd and scanned through its contents. “This is good. Yeah,” he said with a nod. “Good work, Drake,” the tall, lanky officer said, looking up at the warrant officer in front of him. “Ah’ll note this on your record and we’ll get on this.” He pressed his desk comm. “Ensign Mayhew.”

Soon the pretty blonde ensign from the front desk popped her head in.

“Jessica,” Caleb said, holding the padd out to her, “start putting together BOLOs on these,” he instructed her, “and run the names through the current station manifest to see if any are on board right now.”

“Yes, sir,” Jessica said smartly. She flashed Sully a smile and spun around to hurry back to her desk.


Commodore Gregori Monteros
Former Starfleet Intelligence
NPC Rianni Monteros

Chief Warrant Officer Sullivan Drake
Security Officer
NPC Rianni Monteros

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Tactical/Security

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan


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