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Others Sail On The Sea (part 1)

Posted on Sun Jan 10, 2016 @ 5:02am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

954 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Orbit of Siva 6
Timeline: MD10 1400


"Hey princess," Draxx banged hard on the door to the cabin Yolanthe had been using. "We are almost there. We need to have a few words."

"I'm just getting changed," she shouted through the door. "Actually I could use a hand."

Draxx got the feeling this was a test or a trap. He didn't think he had worn down her defenses enough that she was going to throw herself at him with an invite to come help remove clothing. Still though curiosity got the better of him. And he had to go talk to her anyway.

Then the door opened, and he got a sight he wasn't expecting. She was dressed from head to toe in blackened leather-like armour. Not some fetishists parody of it either, but intensely serious protection dedicated to preventing messy, painful, death. It was made from solid practical pieces, from the reinforced toes caps and shin guards to the solid formed breast plate that had only a single ridge to help deflect blows away to the side. Multi-plated sleeves covered her arms and a gorget that covered her all the way to the chin. Added to that he could see over her right shoulder the actual hilt of an actual sword.

"Are you part Klingon?" he asked suddenly. "It's just .... that's a new look for you,". He could feel his heartbeat go up slightly. What was this? adrenaline for what he had to tell her, nerves at what he now knew to be her definitely going into war or just plain sexual attraction? Not that he had ever been excited at a women completely covered in armour before but this was something else. Like a goddess of old.

She laughed and for a moment her colouring went to soft blue. "I said you'd know when I dressed for war." She raised her right arm, and showed him the line of buckles that lead down from her underarm to above her hip. "These need to be tightened a bit. Its awkward doing them up one handed. I normally have help."

"I won't lie to you. I was rather hoping you needed help taking bits off," Draxx said falling back into his sleazy persona. He stepped forward and fiddled with the clasps. Perhaps another time or situation and this would have been a dream scenario.

She snorted. So predictable. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"I'm not sure I dare tell you now," he muttered. Lucy was right. Except he wasn't just going to be getting bitchslapped. Her in that get up, he would be lucky if he got out of the room still alive. He owed Biggs, he certainly owed Selena but still ........ "But I owe it to you."

She raised an olive coloured eyebrow, her skin was mostly yellow, "Are you backing out?"

He walked forward and put his hands on her shoulders walking her back and then pushing her down to sit. Surprisingly she let him without a fight. More surprisingly "that get up" moved with remarkable ease. Her head, well what he could still see of her flashed a number of colours in confusion and then settled back to greenish yellow, uneasy. Draxx stepped back again putting as safe a distance between them as he hoped would give him a chance not to end up with a broken limb or two.

"Look there hasn't exactly been truth between us."

"You're the one with a gorn with two names. And what is your ship called today?"

"Ok yes she's not called Poppy. And I call my ship plenty of different things. It helps you survive. Look listen will you. This is not ..... what I wanted. You need to know that. Understand that. I'm a scoundrel and yes okay a pompous peacock at times but I am a man of my word. When I can," he hoped she could see the truth in his face.

"Really," the eyebrow went up again, this time it was the blue of a summer sky.

"You weren't exactly truthful about your situation. Or your worth."

She went still, her skin flushing apple green. The Falchion over her shoulder would be slow to draw in close quarters, but the Cats Claw was still lying on the edge of the sink.

"I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you everything. The situation has always been go find where Klia is, then go bring her home. I didn't burden you with details because you didn't need to know. And as for my worth? I can honestly tell you I have no idea what it is."

"Fine, fine" Draxx said watching her eyes flick to two weapons one in reach, one slightly out of reach. He stabbed his hands behind his back so if he needed to make a grab at the phaser he had concealed in the back of his breaches he could. Not that he knew if it would penetrate any of the garb she had dressed in.

"Your worth a lot. Bricks and bricks of latinum. It turns out. And Torm wants you. In his collection. His harem, which is also where I am guessing your Klia is if the coordinates are to go to Torm. Look, your not the only person trying to get somebody back. So understand when I tell you that if it wasn't for that tiny detail I have also not burdened you with, I would not be put in the position of doing this. With bricks and bricks of Latinum I can get my somebody back. Years ahead of when we thought it could happen. So we are going to sell you to Torm."


Ricardo Draxx

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights.


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