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The Colour of Money

Posted on Wed Jan 6, 2016 @ 11:24pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Ricardo Draxx

1,497 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: The Hexidecimal
Timeline: MD09 2100


"Draxx!" Orson's broad face beamed at the other human from the viewscreen "Got some co-ordinates for you. Where's your client?"

"Either brooding or fantasizing about me shirtless in her bunk," Draxx stated.

The gorn to the front snorted.

"Good. Keep her there. I've got a proposition for you, and she won't like it."

"Evidently, she doesn't like much. Just men who know their place," he said with disdain. "Told me I was a puffed up peacock who thinks I'm the ancestors gift to women."

The entire bridge including his navigator and Orson laughed heartily.

"Go on," he said as they calmed down again. He could feel a shift in what had been a strained and silent atmosphere from Biggs and his gorn for the last hour or so. They weren't as angry as they made out and he knew letting them have something to tease him about would help immensely.

Draxx had already surmised Yolanthe was keeping a pretty big secret and was worth something to someone from what those men had said and how she had been acting from the beginning now he had had time to mull that over in his head, in the crew's silent punishment. If he had had more time he would have dug into that particular sandbox. By the sounds of it Orson had managed it for him.

Orson wiped a hand over his beard. "Do you know what species she is?"

"Not a clue," Draxx said honestly. "But she's seems pretty unique with the skin shifting colour thing going on."

Orsons eyes brightened with greed. "Those orion thought so too. What do you know about them?"

"Well they seemed to be a local gang, typical young recruit look out. Picture of innocence - always helpful when working out the lay of the land. I'll guess they have parts of the station wired and your NOT disfamiliar with them???? Money motivated, we seemed to get them off our backs pretty easily. Perhaps too easily. They know something?" he stated wishing Orson would just get to the point. He was not in a mood for long guessing games.

"Well. You're not wrong. But the syndicate doesn't just use them to look out for trouble. Uses them to look out for potential merchandise too. They can't grab anyone. Syndicate wants everyone to think this place is nice and safe for customers. But fair trade is no kidnapping, right?"

“Hmmmmm,” Draxx mulled it over.

"So I had a little chat with them. They think your charter is something called a bokkai. They're a female dominated species from the arse end of the quadrant. Not warp capable so you have to go to them, and get there and back before you grow old. Makes 'em all rare and exotic. Only a few people are set up to go get them and they charge whatever they damn like. These ladies are very expensive toys. They come up on open market once in a blue moon and the couple looked up went for hundreds of bricks. Not bars, Ricky. Bricks."

“Fuck,” Draxx stated leaning forward in utter amazement. “You better not be dicking around here Orson?” he asked ignoring the “Ricky” just this one time.

"I'm not. But I know you have obligations," Orson's eyes flick to Biggs for just a second, barely there. "You're looking for a big score. This could be it. You just need a fair trade."

“You know of someone we could “fair trade” with?” Draxx guessed the next proposal. “For a cut. Of course.”

"Several options. And believe me when I say a finders fee of five percent will be more than enough to keep me in clover, and leave you enough to solve several of your problems in one go." This time Orson didn't bother trying to hide it, he looked Biggs in the eye, giving a knowing, encouraging nod.

"We could get her back,” Biggs said looking at him. The desperation on his face was heartbreaking.

“Told you,” the Gorn female stated. “Goldmine.”

“Who?” Draxx demanded looking back at Orson. “Who is this buyer?”

“Captain, do we give a shit? Really?” Biggs asked. "The way I see it we just ....."

Draxx held up a hand and effectively silenced his first mate. “Orson who have you in mind?”

Orson rocked back in his chair. "This is the good bit. Either you can put her on open sale here, and I can set that up for you if you want. Or you can keep your word to her, and take her to fucking Torm. He's twisted enough to want one, and minted enough to have the cash for her."

"I hate fucking Torm," Draxx said the disdain in his voice evident.

"Either way, you're looking at a two hundred brick minimum. Think of all the good you can do with that much shine."

"I have a better idea," Draxx said after a moment. "This is our big score and we are going to screw that son of a bitch over. Take his money and steal the Bokkai back. Finish the job she's paying us for."

Nobody said anything, not even Orson for a moment.

"But why?" Biggs asked.

Draxx sighed. "Okay she's a right royal pain in the backside I'll admit it. And she can't kiss for shit," he laughed for a moment. "Actually we could sell her to Torm just to punish him that way ....... No no ..... Look at the end of the day she's just trying to get someone back just like we are. How would we feel if the boot was on the other foot and we got fed to the wolves? And for what? Just being her species????"

"Biggs your not thinking several moves in front. You never do. When we get your sister back do you actually think "they" will leave us alone? And we will have several more mouths to feed soon and bodies to keep safe," he indicated the Gorn who blushed as much as a Gorn could.

"We have to make your sister disappear and we have to lay low for a while. Better still cut our losses here. That was what I was earmarking Yolanthe's favour for and why I have been building up more and more business at DS5 and surrounding areas. When we get her. Think about it. Get your sister in working at her bar, new name, new life. And its fucking federation. That security chief is a dick but he looks after his people and his station. Better resources than we have to keep her safe while we keep flying. And its another contact and another bar we are in with to keep business flowing."

"Orson," he turned to the other human. "If we cut you 20% are you safe to keep working for Torm if you want that, would he suspect you were in with us here???? or do you want to get out of there and come be in our new adventure?"

"Steal her back? You are nuts. He sells weapons of mass destruction. You think you can just wander in there after and beam her out? Just sell the damn bint and save yourself the trouble. Don't grow a fucking conscious. Take the money and run to the Parexcis family, before something happens to Selena that money can't fix. If it hasn't happened already."

Draxx slammed his fist down on the chair arm hard. "See. I fucking hate Torm! Why does he always win? Even when he's not in the discussion. He wins."

"Captain?" Biggs looked at him. "Orson's right. There's four of us. We wouldn't last five minutes."

"Its the lesser of two evils," Lucy stated.

"Our family comes first," he agreed. "It just doesn't sit well with me," he groused. "And that's not a conscience dam it. One day I am going to kill that man and Parexcis for the shit they have put us through over the years."

Orson nodded, unable to keep the pleased look out of his face. He was just about to get a sizeable chunk of money for not a lot of work. "You won't regret it. You want me to get you an auction slot, or comm Torm and let him know you're on you're way?"

"Comm. Torm. We are coming his way anyway. Two birds, one stone," Draxx said. "Later Orson." He mimed slitting his throat for Biggs to cut the transmission.

"You want me to whip up a couple of toys?" his first mate asked with a knowing smile.

Draxx nodded. "Do it. It's the least we can do. And cut Orson that 20% after all this is done. It's going to come back on us in a good way in the future."

"Captain I think your gonna get bitch slapped by her during this transaction," Lucy grinned.

"I certainly ain't getting a kiss. Lesser of two evils," Draxx nodded.


A JP Between

Ricardo Draxx


Small Arms dealer and dedicated pragmatist
NPC by Notty


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