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Arsonists Lullaby

Posted on Fri Jan 15, 2016 @ 3:47am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin
Edited on on Fri Jan 15, 2016 @ 3:52am

1,263 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Moon of Siva 6
Timeline: MD09 2100


She got the idea one afternoon when she was being escorted away from Torm's bedroom and back to the hovel where he left the women until he wanted one again. They went past the veranda, where a lurian was pouring a barrel of something black and viscous into the firepit for fuel.

The plan solidified a day or so after that when one of the other girls left, and didn't come back.

Klia shook Adriel awake. "I need something. Insulation bricks. Plastic foam, packing chips. Anything like that. A cup of the fuel for the fire pit on the veranda. And I need you to persuade Torm to take a nice relaxing, candlelit bath with me."

Adriel fought off the fog of sleep quickly enough to get the gist of what Klia was telling her and she couldn't say the idea didn't amuse and intrigue her, she having thought several times of sending the bastard to hell herself, "Okay, so you're wanting to make napalm." She sighed, placing a hand on Klia's shoulder, "And you're planning on barbecuing the son of a bitch in the tub, I like that. But, what I don't like is you being in there with him when it happens. I don't want you to get hurt...." She had been trying hard to get Klia to want to live, so far it hadn't been very successful, for some reason she'd become very attached to the beautiful Orion, more so than anyone else who had been there with her.

"Bitch please," Klia snorted gently; it was the old endearment she'd used with Lani, way back when. There was no rancour in her tone. "Something like this has to be timed right. Don't want him in a position where he could just put it out in the bath. I want this motherfucker to burn."

"Okay." Adriel laughed softly, "I can get behind that. Hell, I can get on any side of it and roast marshmallows." She ran a hand through her hair, deciding if they did get out of here that she would rid herself of the mass of tangles at the first chance, and leaned in to Klia, close enough where if someone walked by and saw them they would think the two were kissing, not plotting, "Getting the stuff will be easy enough, well, most of it. That fuel, that's going to be the hard part, the only three people with a key to that locker are very loyal to Torm."

"I'm not expecting you to ask. There has to be a way to steal them." Klia insisted.

"Yeah, there is." Adriel nodded, a plan was beginning to form, but she would need Klia's help and Klia would have to be willing to do what was probably unthinkable for them to pull it off.

"and?" Klia urged. "Don't pussyfoot. There is no way it is worse than anything I've had to do in the last year."

"I think we can get Squink, he's that Ferengi dirtbag who works for Torm, I think we could distract him and get the key to the fuel supply away from him." Adriel said, then sighed, "But we'll have to give ourselves to him to pull it off."

"Considering you've been here so long you are surprisingly squeamish. So I have to fuck him. Big deal."

"Squink is...... nasty." Adriel replied, "Even by comparison to Torm." Sure, Torm would beat on them like there was no tomorrow, but Squink sunk to new depths of sexual depravity that even Torm, horrid though he was, couldn't even begin to fathom, "And it's not a sure thing. We'll have to hit him and hope he's in the right mood. Squink changes sexual proclivity as often as some people do underwear."

"He won't break me. Not if he wants to stay in Torm's good graces. I'll cope. If it means I get to burn this place down. Where can I find him?" Klia looked nothing but determined. She'd do whatever it took to get the fat bastard and all his bastard friends to burn.

"Okay, but I'm not letting you do it alone." Adriel replied, "And that part's non-negotiable." She knew Klia had the right idea, but she also knew that the pretty Orion's head wasn't totally clear, she wouldn't lose her to a mistake, "Besides, if he gets a chance to do both of us he'll cooperate that much faster."

"Then lets get it done."


They found Squink in one of the lounges of Torm's estate, watching a game of parisees squares on the Entertainment system, drink in one hand, a bowl of some sort of dried meal worm near his other.

"Well, good afternoon, Squink." Adriel began, batting her eyes at him, "Who's winning?"

"The Klingon girls." Squink sighed, "Rhinoceros looking creatures are going to cost me three slips. Who the glebbening hell let you and this..... new thing out of the cell block?"

"I don't think Torm would like you referring to his two favorite pieces as things, Squink." Adriel sighed, "But, if you're not interested in talking, I guess we can just go talk to him. Who knows, maybe he might come to think you let us out....."

Squink gave her a nasty look, considering calling Torm himself and calling her bluff, but a quick self reminder that he did have one of the very few sets of keys to the cell block wouldn't allow for that, "Okay, so what do you want?" Squink began, "Make it quick, I'm still watching this game."

"Oh, just a few things to warm up the cell block is all." Adriel shrugged, "Environmental controls having stopped working there a couple months ago, we just figured a nice cozy fire would be in order...."

"And what's in this for me?" Squink sneered, if they wanted flammables they would have to pay him very well for it.

Klia lent over him so her breasts were pressed to his shoulders and her mouth was on his earlobe so she could whisper to him the details of the most toe-curlingly dirty things she'd ever programmed. Stuff in another lifetime she'd run awards for.

"Not good enough." Squink replied, though he'd had to cross his legs to cover his 'interest.' He turned from Klia to Adriel and pointed, "Both or no deal."

"Fine." Adriel agreed, "Both."

Klia swung herself into the Ferengis lap, nibbling at his lobes as she did so and unbundled his belt, popping the buttons on his pants as she ground little circles into his crotch with her hips. "She'll ride. I'll eat. Then repeat. No rinse needed. Good for you?"

"Excellent...." Squink replied, locking the doors to the room from his PADD, a Herculean effort as the Orion arched his back with every movement of her lips. He fell back onto the couch, waiting for the Betazoid to join in.

She didn't want to do this, Squink was the only creature in the galaxy more repulsive to her than Torm, but Adriel knew she had to do it, ~No other way, girl.~ She steeled herself, dropping her clothes to the floor and straddling Squink's face, imagining he was anyone else.

Afterwards as she watched the foam and oil dissolve into a jelly like mass, Klia decided it didn't matter she'd never be clean again. When Torm was burning merrily she was going to rinse her mouth out with bleach and let the flames cleanse her too.


A JP between

Klia N'shahdra
Orion slave


Betazoid Slave


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