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Something Wicked That Way Went

Posted on Fri May 13, 2016 @ 3:14am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Lieutenant Benj Amoran

1,168 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD14 1030


Cade Aldrex marched into sickbay at a brisk pace. The security officer on duty in Ops had informed him that Liam was here with "serious injuries." He'd come down as soon as he heard that.

DS5's sickbay was fairly large so he didn't spot Liam at first. He asked one of the nurses on duty, who pointed him to the right bio-bed. He hurried over. "Liam, what happened?"

Liam had managed to sleep alittle, possibly with the help of whatever Benj had injected him with for the pain and head wound. In fact he wasn't quite 100% with it. He hadn't managed to make himself eat the food and drink the tea that had been given to him yet, so he was still hungry and dehydrated from their experience planetside.

"Cade," he said with a smile recognising the XO. "There's an invisible thing in your second officers office," he said trying to convey what he wasn't totally sure what it was. "An angry, evil, pissed off invisible thing in her office. Attacked me telepathically and emotionally."

"Well, she's pretty high-strung but I've never seen her become invisible," the XO deadpanned.

"Well there's one visible one and one not visible," he laughed heartily. "She summoned me ..... to yell at me. Said I took the Ferengi on a tea party ..... "

Cade looked at him with mild incredulity. "Huh? I didn't know that was a dressing-down offense. What does she care what you do with the Ferengi?"

"But she's not grieving Cade," Liam said seriously. As seriously as he could when forced to stay in sickbay to be monitored and wear the flimsy outfit they had forced upon him. "Odd for someone who just took a week's compassionate leave don't you think? She's hiding something."

Cade nodded. This did sound serious the way Liam was describing it. "This 'invisible thing' you were talking about. Do you mean there was a second presence in the room? Something alien?"

"Exactly," Liam sat up forward quickly and then regretted it. However he had to convey just how nasty this thing was. "It attacked me first sending me flying up and bashing my head against the wall which did this," he indicated the back of his head that although Benj had done some magic fixing him up still throbbed like crazy.

"Then it slammed me against the floor. She ..... man she's rude Cade. Just told me to get up when I was bleeding. Then it swept both of us in opposite directions and whacked us around the room. I suggested we both go to sickbay and then report it to security. She said she would go to security and ordered me beamed to sickbay. I got half way through protesting and materialised here. She should be down here too. She got whacked too but she wants to speak to security first because she knows something about it. She is hiding something. And the Ferengi. We need to talk more about the Ferengi and her orders there!" he groused.

"Drink this," a nurse handed him a glass of water. Liam took the offered glass but didn't raise it to his lips. He needed to know Cade was taking this seriously.

Speak to security? She needs to surrender to security! Cade thought to himself, although he was glad Soran had enough presence of mind to alert them. Hopefully they had the situation in hand. "The Ferengi? What do the Ferengi have to do with this?"

Liam sighed finally giving in and taking a sip of the cold water. "Lets talk about it tomorrow." Something about gulping down the rest of the cool liquid brought some much needed clarity to his mind. Either that or the sedative was definitely taking full effect now.

"I'm tired, hurt, emotional and drugged. She might not be herself. It attacked her too. If I push forth and put a complaint in now about orders, I could be more reacting to other factors than the actual orders right?" he asked Cade.

"Possibly, but then you're the most level-headed person I know," the Trill answered. He would let Liam rest, but first he had to get a bit more information. "This lifeform that you encountered, can you tell me anything more about it? Was it Fae? Do you have any idea where it went?"

"It was different. Didn't feel like the Fae or Eviess down there. It seemed to get exhausted. All that throwing us around got the better of it. And that's scary, it means once its recharged its energy it can do harm again," Liam told him.

"You need to get her down here too. It bashed me about pretty good Cade. She's stubborn as hell but she can't've escaped its last trick unhurt."

Cade nodded and tapped his commbadge. "Aldrex to Ops."

"Ops here."

"We've got an intruder alert. Scan all decks for a noncorporeal lifeform."

"What kind, sir?"

"I don't know. Its species is unknown but it's hostile. Go through everything in the database, and if you find it then warn security and figure out a way to detain it. Also, Commander Soran needs to come to sickbay. She's injured. Locate her too and get her here. Understood?"

"Aye, Commander."

There was several seconds pause, and then a new voice came on the line. "Commander Aldrex? This is Leonora Dell. I apologise sir, but we can't find Commander Soran."

Liam gave Cade a look, he hadn't been expecting that. Perhaps it had knocked it off her in whatever had occurred. "She might still be in the room?" he suggested.

"You could probably try scanning for lifeforms with her approximate mass," Cade said to Dell.

"I know sir, but when we went to lock on, the transporter showed there wasn't enough mass in the vicinity of her comm badge for her to be there. We're running scans, but its going to take a while."

"Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it had more energy left than I could sense," Liam shuddered, suddenly feeling more ill. What if it decided to try finish the job. And with the drugs Benji had given him his senses were numbing.

Cade nodded at Liam's comment, then gave Dell the next logical instructions. "Have security begin a search for her. Start from where her commbadge is located. And tell them to approach with caution if they find her. This hostile life-form may still be in her vicinity."

"Yes sir," Dell cut the line.

"And here I thought it was going to be a laid-back kind of day. I'll come back and check on you later," Cade said to Liam, giving him a gentle punch on the arm. Then to Amoran he said, "report right away if Commander Soran shows up, and don't let her leave."


A JP Between:

Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex


Lt Liam Reynolds


Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon


Lt JG Leonora Dell
Acting Chief of Operations


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