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Volatile Situation

Posted on Thu Nov 26, 2015 @ 4:54pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 6/1100

Liam was a mix of emotions right now. On the one hand, he had managed to get one delegation to attend the summit. If you can get one then the rest would hopefully follow. On the other hand, he now had to go tell the security chief something he was sure no father would ever wish to hear.

Like the day before, he found himself at the other man’s office awaiting entry.

Caleb strode into the security office and spotted Liam.

“Lieutenant,” he said, not expecting the younger officer. “More problems with the embassies?” he asked with a smile. He pressed the panel for his office door and gestured the man inside.

"I have just come from the Ferengi delegation, Chief." Liam sat down. He didn't know the man well and wasn't entirely sure how he was going to react. "The ambassadors aid, Nazl, said something which needs to be reported. During in the time they had the children onboard their vessel, Nazl said your daughter gave him oomax."

Caleb was halfway to sitting in his chair when he froze. He stood up straight again, his tall, lanky frame towering over the sitting Betazed. “Say that again, Lieutenant?” Caleb’s voice was hard, knife edged, his dark eyes gazing intensely at Liam, waves of barely restrained anger washing out from him. His knuckles were white where he gripped the edge of his desk.

Liam let out a long breath. He could definitely feel the anger emanating off the man in front of him, wave upon wave jabbing him in the chest. "The Ferengi aid claimed that during the time they had the children onboard their ship your daughter gave him oomax. Look, Chief, I hate having to tell you that. But I think it needs looking into. Did it happen? Did anything else happen? Were any of these children compromised during this time? In my opinion, this Nazl is a bona fide creep. I have met him once and don't need to be an empath to tell you that. And again, I'm sorry I have had to report that to you."

Caleb slid into his chair. “No, you were right ta tell me,” he said. He looked down and pressed his thumb to a reader on his desk. The drawer popped open and he pulled out a hand phaser. Caleb pressed the button to power it up and checked the charge. “I will certainly take care of it,” he said coolly. His tone and demeanor seemed very dangerous, the anger Liam could read cooling into a deadly fury.

Liam sighed inwardly as the anger jabbing intensified then calmed into something that felt far more dangerous. "Chief, I know you are very angry right now. And quite rightly so. If I had found out that potentially that had happened to my daughter I would be the same, I am sure, but -- and I know this is the old counselor in me -- can I urge you have some time to try to think calmly and talk to your daughter before any action involving a phaser? What we need here is calm. I have just had to sort out one diplomatic volcano from the captain’s actions. I have managed to broker some peace between Starfleet and the Ferengi. We cannot blame them as a whole for the actions of one."

“Ya don’t know my history with Ferengi…” Caleb said coldly. “And you’re right. A phaser’s too easy. Ah got somethin’ better in mind.” He did secure his weapon again, however, settling back in his chair. He took several deep, steadying breaths. He seemed to calm a little, but his surface emotions were deceptively smooth.

“Zandy hasn’t mentioned this at all ta me,” he told Liam. “How certain are ya that this happened? Why wouldn’t she say anythin’?” He frowned with concern and rubbed his leg. It was starting to ache with the tension.

"All I can tell you, Chief, is the ambassador’s aid said that in my presence. I can't read Ferengi's emotionally due to the four lobe brain. I can only take his word for it. Which is why I have brought it to you and am urging you to speak to your daughter," Liam said calmly. "If it’s not true then I will go back and have some serious words with this Nazl myself for lying and putting me in the horrible position of having to report this to you." He understood the man’s pain and angry reaction to being told this, but on the other hand he couldn't fathom what the Ferengi could gain if he had been lying.

Leaning forward Liam tried to make the chief feel better. "Look, Chief. I can't comment on your relationship with your daughter, but," he paused, "teenage girls. She's just beginning to make a place for herself in the universe and coming into her own person. There could be a million and one reasons she hasn't spoken to you. We don't know the full circumstances. Perhaps Nazl did lie. Maybe it happened and she's embarrassed. Maybe she just wants this to be private and thinks she can deal with it in her own way. When you were that age, would you have felt comfortable speaking to your parents about something like that? Don't beat yourself up because she hasn't said anything."

Caleb wiped a hand over his face, sighing with resignation. “You’re right, Lieutenant,” he said. “Thanks for not lettin’ me go off half-cocked.”

Caleb reached over and hit the comm on his computer. A moment later the pretty young blonde ensign from outside stuck her head into the office. “Jessica, Ah’d like ya ta get mah daughter outta school, please, and bring her ta mah office.”

“Yes, sir,” Jessica said, disappearing again.

Liam nodded. "I'll leave you to it. Again, I wish this could have been under better circumstances." The part-Betazed rose to make his exit. He didn't need to be part of this.


Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical

Ens. Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ltjg. Liam Reynolds
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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