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Dinner to Thank the Lifesavers

Posted on Sat Nov 21, 2015 @ 3:56pm by Commander Caden Aldrex & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

1,694 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: XO's quarters
Timeline: MD6 - 1900


Amia had moved back in with her husband. She hadn't had a lot of things in the temporary quarters that she'd stayed in while she wasn't able to remember who she really was. She quickly brought back what was there and rather thoughtfully put one or two bits of memorabilia away. She wasn't intending to dwell on them but they were a reminder of how it felt not to be herself and if she ever got niggly or dissatisfied she was planning to get them out to remind herself just how perfect her life and her husband were.

Tidying round, just because 'nesting' felt so good, she soon felt at home again and began on the preparations for dinner tonight. She couldn't wait to thank Liam again. She was just so FULL of gratitude and love for him and for Cade and just for the whole universe!! She burst into tears of joy and relief and then dried her eyes.

~That's enough of that, young woman!~ her inner parent scolded. She looked at herself in the mirror and tidied herself up. She was looking a bit pale and had bags under her eyes as a result of her traumatic time while she was 'lost' and she knew she did NOT need any more tears, even those of joy now, to make her look even more wrecked. Cade had been being so gentle with her, as if she were made of porcelain and he thought she might break again. She deeply regretted the anguish this must have all caused him. If anything she felt a need to protect and nurture *him* to help him recover, not herself. She told herself she didn't need anything. She was all better.

In actual fact she was still in recovery and Benj had told her to take things easy but she hadn't listened, well not on the surface. The doctor inside her knew he was right however but she was much more concerned to look after Cade first.

The man she was worried about had got up this morning.... she smiled instinctively as she remembered waking up beside him and just snuggling into his strong arms with a wave of relief and love..... she brought her thoughts back to what she had been thinking at first. He had got up. She had made him some breakfast.... and.... yes, well.... afterwards, he had gone off to Ops for his shift. She was on short duties so she wasn't on until tomorrow but Cade was still working full time, as always. That worried her. Especially with the CO off as well.

Amia had decided to thank all those who had done so much to help her get better so she had not only prepared dinner for Liam and her beloved Cade but had also invited Amoran, Benj and Yolanthe Ibalin.

Preparing the dinner the old fashioned way, just because she could, Mrs Caden Telamon-Aldrex - that complication of the names and the mention, mentally of Aldrex, the Symbiont - sparked off a whole new tree of thought as she peeled, chopped and cooked almost absently.

Aldrex would keep her Cade safe, wouldn't he? That was a reassurance. If Cade really was too exhausted, surely she could appeal to Aldrex to talk to him. Did they do that? Did Trills have 'conversations' with their own symbionts? Was it like schizophrenia? Talking to your own self in a way?

Amia decided she was thinking too much and put on some music to distract herself. It wasn't long at all before the whole afternoon had slipped happily away and she was able to sit down and leave the dinner to cook. She had prepared starters and a huge Hasparat Souffle....... that had probably been where the most of the time had gone. Bajoran Souffle was not something a person could just fling together. It was an art and Amia had been forced to have at least two tries at it. There was even a third, half attempt but that did actually lend itself to a restart so early on that it couldn't really be counted as a whole fail... could it?

Eventually, there were enough courses and helpings of more than enough dishes and recipes, some sweet, some savoury and some of distinctly and purposefully mixed flavours. She had tasted it all and was happy.... which considering how important this was to her... had been pretty long in finally coming.

She snuck in a quick sonic shower, dressed up, put up her long tresses into something intricate and 'evening' suitable and now all she had to do was to wait for the most important people in the saving of her life as she knew it - most of the time - back at last thanks to these good friends!

Cade Aldrex came through the front door and immediately began unfastening his uniform's tight collar. He was tired from the long day's work but happy. Happy that Amia was doing better. He headed for the bedroom, still working on unzipping his jacket.

He found her there finishing up her preparations with her hair. "Hey, you," he said with a grin. "How was your day?"

"Good thank you, handsome!" she beamed up at him. "You?" she rose and approached him, reaching out to help him with his jacket. As she threw it behind her onto the bed, she nestled into his vest front without waiting for him to remove that too and stole a hug.

"Much better now," he answered.

---- Thirty Minutes Later ----

Liam was not sure how dressed up he was supposed to be, nor was he that comfortable Amia was making all this fuss. However he had decided on some black trousers and a light blue shirt. Armed with wine and a decorative box he made his way to the Aldrex quarters. As he turned a corner surprise hit him as he recognised someone suspiciously heading in the same direction. "Good evening," he said to the bar tender.

"Hello again, sweetling." She was carrying an ice box in one hand and a metal case in the other. She wore a simple black sleeveless dress that draped from one shoulder to show the definition of her arms, and had a slit to mid thigh on both sides. "Can you get the door? My hands are full."

"Not a problem," Liam answered. He slipped the box under his arm and with his now free hand pressed the chime. "I take it your joining us for dinner?" he asked. "That would be very nice."

"And I brought martinis."

The door opened to reveal Cade. He had changed into more comfortable-looking tan trousers and a beige shirt made from some silk-like material. He was holding a glass of ice water in his hand. "Hey, you two! Come on in." He stepped aside to allow them entrance.

Yolanthe waited for Liam to pass through, then followed in after him. "Have you got somewhere i can put this, then I can start mixing.?"

"Kitchen is over here," Cade said, leading her in that direction. He eyed the small burdens she was carrying. "Can I help you with anything? You look great in that dress, by the way."

"Thank you," she beamed, and the skin on display turned to a light shade of tropical blue, like a warm and sunny. "If you can replicate some glass ware, There will be martinis all round."

Liam handed Cade the wine, feeling it would come across somewhat inferior. But then martini's were so much more fun. Then he handed him the ornate box. "Happy belated wedding. I ended up in the lotus lounge today. Slightly terrified, slightly mystified. I think I am going to invite the Ferengi delegation there ......" he mused. "Anyway a lovely Rowani lady got me to the right shop and helped me pick this out for you both."

"Thanks, Liam. You didn't have to," He put the box on an end table next to the couch. He'd let Amia open it later. Then he disappeared into the dining room with the wine bottle.

Yolanthe turned a dirty yellow at the mention of Tianys, but carried on pulling bottles out of the icebox. Then she opened the case and produced equipment. "How do people like their martinis?"

Cade opened up a wooden cabinet with glass doors that contained their best glassware. "I've never had a martini. Surprise me." He removed one glass and inspected it. "What is that place anyway? The Lotus Lounge? I've passed by several times but never went inside." He retrieved three more wine glasses and took them to the sink to wash.

"Its not my usual hangout I can tell you that! Do you remember that alien Isess onboard the Nimitz?" Liam asked. "well there's a lot of her race there. As far as I can gather its a bar/pleasure emporium. Perfect for Ferengi though. Beautiful women skilled in Oomax. If I stand any chance of convincing them to come to this summit got to pull the big guns out to make things right after our assault on their diplomatic ship."

"Ermmm surprise me too please," Liam said to Yolanthe.

"Alright then." She pulled the top off the cocktail shaker, span it into the air. She caught it on her inside elbow and it bounced down her arm into her palm with one hand whilst spinning a martini glass out with her fingers of the other hand. "True Martinis for the beginners then. What about you doctor?"

They all glanced towards the bedroom door, which was opened only a crack. There was no immediate answer. "Probably in the loo," Cade said. "She'll be out in shortly."

Liam turned to the Trill again. "Cade, can I ask a favour? Might you have some time next week to come help me move my piano Betsy? I spoke with the quartermaster and she came in at the weekend on a Betazed ship and is now in one of our cargo bays, so he's going to beam her to my quarters all packed up."

"Again with the piano, Liam? Why couldn't you have taken up the harmonica?"



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