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There's a price to be paid (Part I)

Posted on Fri Nov 27, 2015 @ 1:43am by Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

530 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Dilithium Chamber
Timeline: MD 6 1320

". . .Ferengi Security? Are you kidding me! I haven't seen an OpFor (Oppositional Force) that weak since that one hump we did on Caldrek IV." Petty Officer Pasjman said as he took another generous gulp from his mug.

" mean the same Caldrek IV with the cute nurse's aide that you just had to go back and see despite Orders to avoid the native population?" Dorian said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Heh. . .it might've cost me a few ranks, but DAMN if it wasn't worth it!" Petty Officer Pasjman said boisterously. "Hell, I can't even remember her name!" He said as both men erupted into laughter again as the music within the club continued to thump all around them.

"So, seeing as how I'm no longer in the loop around security. . ." Dorian said as he drank from his glass again. "What the hell is Starfleet gonna do to the Ferengi's for kidnaping a bunch of kids, some of them humans?" He inquired carefully.

"Not a damn thing!" Pasjman shot back as he down the last contents of his glass.

"You're fucking with me?" Dorian asked in disbelief. "They committed a damn-near act of WAR right here on our station during the time of crisis. They can't just let this slide like it didn't happen!" Dorian said, his angry creeping higher and higher in his voice.

"Hey...hey, don't dematerialized the messenger!" PO Pasjman said. "Look at the new administration, who do you think gives a South End of a Northbound Rat about Human children." He said, "Hell, neither our Commanding Officer or even the Chief of Security is human, you think they will risk their necks or careers for one of us!?" He said as he signalled for another glass from the waitress.

"...and here's the best part," He said as his drink arrived. "Once we were onboard and secured the bridge, guess who we found coming out of the Daimon's quarters, freshly showered?" PO Pasjman said slowly, letting the anticipation build.

. . .

". . .damnt don't just sit there! Who was it?" Dorian asked excitedly.

"Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan..." He smiled as the cooled drink passed from the glass and over his lips.

"Security Chief Ryan's daughter!?!" Dorian asked incredulously. It made sense why the aliens-in-charge wouldn't want to make a big deal out of the situation. How embarrassing would it be for the entire Federation to find out that the Chief of Security's daughter was busy giving Oomax during a station-wide crisis.

"One and the same," PO Pasjman said, "but you know what? That's way above my pay-grade." He said as he staggered to his feet. "I got Firewatch Duty coming up, so I need to get out of here." He said to his old friend. "For what it's worth, if you were still in charge I'm positive you'd make those bastards pay a price." He said.

As he watched the security officer leave, Dorian leaned back in his chair and simply nodded. ~...there's definitely a price to be paid, and I'll make sure they pay it.~


Dorian Gabriel
Raddon Corps

Petty Officer 1st Class
Curtis Pasjman
Assistant Security Officer


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