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Allies of Convenience

Posted on Tue Nov 3, 2015 @ 3:23am by Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,846 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Romulan Embassy
Timeline: MD 4


"Saldron, connect me to Ambassador Maekhav D'Aerrol, let me know once the channel is secure and you have him online." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as he stared out of his port window. He knew that it would take several minutes to establish a secure subspace communication line with the Romulan vessel.

Cardassian was far from regaining the glory it enjoyed before the Alpha Quadrant war had ravaged its lands with destruction and death. However, in the years since the conclusion of the war, Cardassia had continued to rise from the ashes and rebuild itself amongst its allies and more importantly, strike fear in its allies.

The Cardassian Embassy had already requested and received authorization to increase what Ambassador Turvan had classified as "necessary staff and equipment". In reality, it was the justification he needed to increase the Embassy's security personnel and fleet. It was only the first step in his plan of rebuilding the image of Cardassia as a people to be reckoned with.

---- IRW Vreenak ----

"Mister Ambassador, there is an incoming transmission for you."

Maekhav D'Aerrol looked up from his briefing notes, mildly irritated at having been interrupted, and also at the aide who was merely standing in the doorway waiting for his response without offering further information.

"Who is it?" D'Aerrol asked.

"Ambassador Hydel Turvan of Cardassia. He's calling from Deep Space Five."

D'Aerrol raised an eyebrow. "Indeed? How intriguing." He set aside his notes and raised himself out of his chair with a soft groan. He was not the young man he used to be although he still possessed much energy. "I'll take it here in my study."

The aide nodded and went back out. The door closed behind him with a swoosh.

D'Aerrol stood before the wall monitor and smoothed over his dark brown tunic. The screen was empty save for the words "Stand By" which blinked continuously. He cleared his throat and said, "Computer, open channel."

---- DS5 ----

"Ambassador Turvan, I've established the connection with the Romulan Warbird Vreenak" Gil Saldron reported through the comm unit.

"Very well," Ambassador Turvan responded as he turned to face the holographic projection of the Romulan that had just appeared within his office. "Good afternoon, Maekhav D'Aerrol, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Ambassador Turvan said.

D'Aerrol responded with a slight bow. "Ambassador Turvan. An unexpected honor to hear from you. I did not think we would meet before I reached the station. How may I be of service?"

"Pangaea, you are aware of it?" Ambassador Turvan said, not wishing to waste the Romulan's time with false pleasantries.

"Of course," D'Aerrol said. "The topic of the day."

"Then you are undoubtedly aware of the wealth of resources the planet could possess and what it could mean for which ever government sets their respective stake." Ambassador Turvan said as he began to slowly pace around the circumference of his room.

"The Romulan Empire is keenly aware. Which is why I am being sent to ensure that Romulan interests in the region are preserved, and that no decisions are made about the planet's future without our input."

"Your interest? Ambassador, you and I both know the Federation have very little concern for the interest of any government that is not jumping to become a member of their cabal." Ambassador Turvan said ruefully. "If I recall correctly, it was Starfleet itself that nearly open fired on their so-called allies during the Dominion War when your people wished to place tactical torpedoes on an uninhabited Bajoran moon, correct?" Ambassador Turvan asked pointedly.

"I was a subcommander in that war," D'Aerrol replied, keeping a neutral tone although he was annoyed at Turvan's attempt to manipulate him right out of the gate. "I have many memories of it. The most vivid one is the day I had a Warbird blasted out from underneath me at the battle of Cardassia Prime. But that is far in the past and we are partners in peace now, are we not? The mysteries to be unlocked on Pangaea are something we can all share." He didn't believe that and knew Turvan didn't, either. Still, as an ambassador it was what he had to say in his official capacity. Confounded, slithery diplo-speak.

"Tell me Ambassador, if the Romulan Star Empire suddenly found itself with a highly-armed military base in orbit of a newly-discovered and resource-rich planet, how willing would you be to share such assets with competing governments?" Ambassador Turvan asked rhetorically.

Turvan smiled. "So then you can see why our governments have mutually beneficial interests in this planet." He replied.

"The Empire is more than willing to work for everyone's mutual interest provided that our interests are not dismissed out of hand." D'Aerrol crossed his arms behind his back. "As for what the Empire would do in the same position, you are probably correct that we would not share...if the planet were in our own space. This one is not. It is in a region that by treaty belongs to no one. Is it your official opinion that the Federation may not be an honest broker?"

"The Federation wishes to dole out parcels of land to us if we were starving Bajoran refugees in a bread line." Turvan said bluntly

That provoked a raised eyebrow from the Romulan. "The Romulan Empire does not beg for bread," he said simply. "The leaders of the Federation know that. In the event that they have forgotten, they shall be reminded."

Finally, he was getting somewhere with this obstinate individual.

"You and I know that this is open space and unclaimed territory; but why would the Federation host a "summit" on this installation other than to send a signal to other major governments that they control this planet and the space around it." Turvan said quickly.

"I would think that your people would be intimately familiar with the invidious nature of the Federation. Look at how they try to lull your people into a false sense of security by engaging in this farce of an "Officer Exchange Program". As if they truly intend on allowing anyone other than a Starfleet Officer to have absolute control over an installation with this much firepower." Turvan pointed out, recognizing a familiar tactic of Central COmmand of giving political opponents the "appearance" of authority in order to distract them from a greater power play that was unfolding.

D'Aerrol decided to keep his thoughts about Isha t'Vaurek to himself. As for Turvan's belief that the Romulan Empire could be "lulled" into anything, well, he could continue believing that. It was something that could potentially be exploited later. Instead he posed a question of his own. "What do you suggest?"

"I suggest. . ." The Cardassian said, marshalling his words. "That our governments remain united in opposing any Federation plan that allows them to dictate how the planet and its assets are divided amongst the stronger governments." He stated.

"Agreed," D'Aerrol said with a nod. Then after a moment's pause he said, "Am I the only one to whom you have made this suggestion?" In his mind he was picturing the Klingons. Vile and untrustworthy creatures that they were.

Turvan smirked at the question. "Do you think I'd waste the subspace bandwidth to contact the Ferengi or even the Federation's personal lapdogs on Qo'Nos?" He said spitefully. "The Klingons claim to be proud independent warriors, Ambassador; however history has proven time and time again that when the Federation needs their dirty work carried out, they always call upon the Klingons to "serve the Empire" in any form or fashion that suits the Federation." The Cardassian said directly.

D'Aerrol nodded his approval, glad to hear they were in accord on at least that opinion. Perhaps Turvan could indeed be a useful ally, albeit one who would necessitate caution. At the end of the day he was still a Cardassian looking out for Cardassian interests. "Very well, Mister Ambassador. Can you tell me how Cardassia intends to proceed in a worst case scenario? Say, for example, if the Federation were to suddenly declare the planet off limits to us?"

Turvan had thought of such scenarios and weighed them in his mind. "The probability of that is appreciably low. If the Federation wished to control the planet exclusively, then they would not have organized this sham of a summit., they need us to acquiesce to their 'benevolent dominance'" Turvan explained.

"If one power were denied access, then they could easily convince other governments to support that particular government's denial. HOWEVER, Starfleet does not have the political capital to justify denial to multiple major alpha quadrant governments." Turvan said, building to his larger point. "More importantly, who would stop us if he decided to ignore their directive and establish settlements on the planets anyways?" Hydel said, explaining the central tenet of his gambit.

"We are dealing with Starfleet, not the Breen. They naively bend to the will of their constituents. They have neither the audacity nor the stomach to use their military against several major Alpha quadrant powers all over an uninhabited planet." Turvan said. "After the cost and devastation of the last Federation War, they're unwilling to jump back into the frays of battle over such a trivial matter." He said.

"We've come to a similar consensus on our end," D'Aerrol said. "Thank you for clarifying that. And now I'm afraid I must take my leave of you. There's much work to be done. I look forward to continuing this dialogue when I arrive, Mister Ambassador."

"Yes, thank you for your time and audience, Ambassador D'Aerrol." Ambassador Hydel Turvan said as the holographic projection of the Romulan faded from his office. Hydel was prepared to call for his assistant when he looked over his shoulder and saw Lha'nem standing at the door.

He paused for several moments to enjoy the shapely young Cardassian before casually make his way towards her. "I'm assuming there is a reason you walked all the way down to my office versus using the comm unit." He said in a authoritative tone. "Not that I don't enjoy an opportunity to be visited by you..." He said much more casually.

"Ambassador Turvan, if I did not know any better, I would think that you were flirting. What would your wife have to say about such behavior?" She asked with a smile.

"My dear, somethings are best left unspoken" Hydel said with a sly grin. "But enough of that," He said dismissively as he went back towards his desk.

"Sir, a Starfleet Diplomat by the name of Sir Mortimer Praxis is here to speak with you in regards to an upcoming conference. Should I send him to your office?" She asked.

"A personal greeting? I'm flattered." Ambassador Turvan responded as he leaned against his desk. "Please, send him in and get him something to a drink." He said to the young assistant.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

Ambassador Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Empire
(NPC Bert)


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