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Parting Gifts

Posted on Thu Oct 15, 2015 @ 8:41am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Captain Isha t'Vaurek

622 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Isha's Quarters
Timeline: after Goodbyes

Roxxi had finished preparing her sister for burial, a task she despised doing though she was happy to have kept her promise to Amanda, and now was packing her sister's things for the return to Greece. As she packed her sister's clothes, along with a lot of new jewelry, no doubt from Rianni, she found a small box with the name 'Eviess' on the card, wrapped in a pretty pink paper with fairies on it, "Must be for a student." Roxxi concluded, smiling softly. Amanda loved children, that's why she'd chosen to become an educator and not follow her sisters into Starfleet, and had hoped to have children of her own in spite of having come out as a lesbian at twelve, ~Now there's no time....~ Hot tears started to flow down Roxxi's cheek, and she forced herself to shake it off and find out exactly who this present was supposed to go to.

It had taken almost twenty minutes, Amanda was never the most organized or the best housekeeper, but Roxxi had finally found Amanda's PADD with her class roster on it, finding one Eviess, Eviess t'Vaurek, the CO's daughter, on it. She was a little unsure about the idea of going to the CO's quarters with a present for her daughter, especially unannounced, but this was just something else she had to do for Amanda, so she wiped her eyes, fixed her hair, and prepared to meet Capt. t'Vaurek and, most importantly, Eviess.

The great thing about Starbases was the fact that no matter how big they were you could cover almost any distance in a matter of minutes, DS5 was no different. Ten minutes ago Roxxi had been getting her head together, preparing for this grim task, now she stood in front of the CO's quarters, shuffling the gift nervously in her hands as she awaited someone to answer the chime.

The security officer picked up her pace when she saw someone outside the Captain's door - it must have been something she'd eaten, nothing else would have caused her to abandon her post for a few minutes in the Head.

She slotted back into her position by the door assessing the intent of the visitor. "These quarters are off limits," she told the woman.

"Uh, yes, hello." Roxxi began, trying to hide her nervousness from the woman who had opened the door, "My name is Lt. Cdr. Roxette Lanos and I'm looking for Eviess, this is for her...." She lifted the present so it could be seen, "It's from my sister... it was from my sister."

Eviess? The missing girl Was she serious? "I'm afraid you'll have to deposit it with the Chief of Security if its to be delivered," the officer told her.

"Okay, I'm going to be here a little while longer." Roxxi replied, "I'll just hold onto it until I can put it into her hands. Thanks anyway."

"As you wish," the officer replied smartly. As long as the woman didn't plan to camp out in the corridor that was ok with her.

Roxxi turned to leave sadly, she'd hoped to meet this Eviess, who obviously had meant a lot to her sister, but it didn't seem like that was going to happen. Not yet at least.... She could get a few weeks of bereavement leave, maybe stay here, she needed to know why this child was so important to Amanda, for some reason it was just that important. She left the area quickly, not wanting to anger the security officer if she could help it, and returned to her temporary quarters, the idea of staying in Amanda's place and sleeping in her bed just too hard for her to even imagine.



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