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It Can Always Get Worse.... And Usually Does

Posted on Tue Oct 13, 2015 @ 5:32am by erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,151 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Box of Delights
Timeline: MD05 2330


Rianni was already drunk when she arrived at the Box, she'd downed most of a bottle of Ale after viewing Amanda's body and meeting her sister, Roxxi, in the morgue. She was blasted worse than a first year cadet on weekend liberty, but she couldn't pass out or, as she really hoped, pass away. She'd come to the conclusion that she was just plain tired: tired of not being accepted anywhere or by anyone, tired of losing the people she loved, and, most of all, just tired of living. She stumbled to her normal seat; that was generally a sign you had a drinking problem, you had a normal seat at a bar, and motioned the bartender.... she thought this one's name was Mike, he was part time, he had once also a Marine on the station, to her.

"Commander, what can I get for you?" Mark, not Mike, smiled. Unlike a lot of former Starfleet personnel Mark had respect for Rianni, she'd saved his father's life during the war whether she knew it or not when she'd destroyed a Jem Hadar assault ship attacking the transport his father, Staff Sergeant Nicolas Caine, was aboard. Besides, she wasn't exactly hard to look at, either, ~Such a shame she started playing for the other team....~

"I need... I need Ale, oh, and some Saurian Brandy." Rianni grinned, the room spinning though she remained accursedly conscious, "Just leave the bottles, huh?"

"Sorry, boss lady doesn't like me leaving bottles with people, Commander." Mark shook his head, adding, "You know this."

"Then you better post up." Rianni said, then burst into a peel of raucous laughter.

~Oh, great, she's already blasted.~ Mark thought, though he kept his poker face on as he poured her a shot of Romulan Ale and a shot of Saurian Brandy, ~A few rounds of this and I'll be carrying her to Romulan country over my shoulder.~ "There ya go, Commander." He smiled, "Call me back when you need a refill."

Rianni, becoming more unsteady since she sat down, replied with a wink and a blown kiss then proceeded to slam both shots and put the glasses upside down on the bar, "How about.... about now." She snickered.

"Yes, ma'am." Mark smiled, though he was sighing sadly inside, as he poured her two more shots, "You're the boss."

"That's funny, Mike...." Rianni answered, giggling again, "I'm the boss... I'm the boss of what? Life's a frackin' distaster." She slammed the two shots again and could now see three of him, the one in the middle was pretty cute but his brothers were blurry as Hell.

"Let me go get another bottle real fast, Commander." Mark smiled, "You just stay here and wait for me, okay?"

"Okay." Rianni nodded, holding onto the bar with both hands now for fear she might fall off the floor and hit the ceiling, ~Almost like Amanda did.... Poor Amanda, if she hadn't met me she'd be alive.~

Mark made his way to Yolanthe's office quickly, like mile run at the island quick, sticking his head in the door without even knocking, "Uh, boss, we got a real problem out front."

Yolanthe's put down the padd she had been checking the holosuite bookings on, the violet of her body fading palest green. "How real?"

"It's Rianni t'Khellian, boss, she's absolutely shart faced and pounding doubles like a thirsty Gorn." Mark informed, "She tried to get me to leave the bottles with her, I told her I was going to the back to get more booze. Maybe you want to talk to her?"

"Its probably best if its me cutting her off." Yolanthe agreed. "Let's go see what's going on."

Mike had been gone a long time, she was starting to wonder if he was coming back, "Seriously, girl is getting thirsty out here." She muttered aloud, scanning the room to find Mike then cursing when her eyes fell on D'rek D'Liin, "Oh, frack me."

"No need to beg, darling." He sneered, "Though there are many things I would much prefer to do."

"What do you want?" She snarled, regretting leaving her disruptor in her quarters.

"Oh, I think it's time for you to come home." D'Liin replied, then added, "In fact, I insist on it."

"I'll go home when I'm damn good and ready." Rianni stated, "And not a second before. Oh, and you stay away from my place, trespassing will be hazardish to your... your health."

"And that's what I have to look forward to, a drunken guttersnipe slurring her words and making a spectacle of herself in public." D'Liin said with a roll of his eyes, "And you're to move your possessions into our quarters tomorrow...."

"One, there's no such thing as our quarters." Rianni chuckled, the laughing belying her seething rage, "And two, you don't tell me what the frack to do, got it? Your imagined authority means less than zero to me, you vole turd."

"All right, dear, it seems you've had far too much to drink." D'Liin shook his head, grabbing her arm and hoisting her off of her stool, "Come with me now."

The sudden jerking motion lifted Rianni to her feet, and really pissed her off, she stared daggers through D'Liin for just a second, then turned to the young Vulcan woman alongside her who had just emptied a glass of iced Tranya, "You done with that?" Rianni asked, indicating the empty glass.

"What an illogical question." The Vulcan replied, "Clearly the glass is empty, so the only logical conclusion is I must be done. Now as to why you would ask, that's an entirely different logic problem."

"Thanks." Rianni smiled, snatching the glass from the bar and smashing it against D'Liin's head, causing him to gush from his scalp and face, "NEVER PUT YOUR FRACKING HANDS ON ME AGAIN! I might have to MARRY YOU, but if you ever touch me again, I WILL KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

"Harry!" Yolanthe called for her doorman and had started running the moment she'd seen Rianni go for the glass, but she was still only just out of the door to back of house and got there a fraction of a second too late. She grabbed Rianni by the wrist, and swept it around until the whole arm was locked up. She had over a foot of height and some twenty pounds on the half-romulan, not to mention she wasn't full of booze.

Using the lock, she swung Rianni away from the man she had just glassed, and slammed a knee into her stomach for good measure. "You are banned, sunshine." She kept her weight on the lock whilst she called to another of the barmen, Rosh Pelin. "Pel, get onto sickbay."

When the massive gorn lumbered over she shoved Rianni at him. "Chuck her out, and feel free fuck her up if she ever tries to get back in."

"He attacked me, you ignorant bitch!" Rianni snarled, adding, "Ask anybody!" She snatched herself away from the Gorn, "And if your pet touches me again you're both dead. Shove your bar up your ass, you filthy whore!"

Yolanthe turned bright, almost incandescent yellow from head to foot, stepped forward and drove a right hook into Rianni's stomach with enough force that it felt like she was trying to punch a kidney out. Then she shoved Rianni back into the Gorn's hands. "Get her out."

That punch had cut her inside, but Rianni didn't give a frack anymore, merely spitting the blood back into Yolanthe's face, "What's wrong, bitch? Not brave enough to fight me without a Gorn holding me? In addition to being a worthless, Cardie loving collaborator you're also a coward?"

"Begging your pardon, Miss Ibalin, but she is telling the truth." T'Lyn, the Vulcan whose glass had been busted over D'Liin's head, "The gentleman on the floor had taken hold of her by her arms and seemed to be trying to drag her somewhere against her will."

"I was merely trying to escort my drunken fiancé to her quarters before any of..... this could happen." D'Liin lied, "I will gladly pay for any damages she has done."

"If this is the state of relations between the two of you during your betrothal I feel it would be highly illogical for you to marry." T'Lyn added.

"Nobody asked you." D'Liin replied, pulling out his credit stick, "Now, if your man will unhand my bride, we'll be on our way."

"I'm not going anywhere with you, with any of you!" Rianni snarled, snatching away from the Gorn again, she fully intended to kill him or die trying if he touched her again.

"Now, as for the damages...." D'Liin continued, refocusing the conversation on him now.

"Everybody shut up!" Yolanthe roared and you could have heard a pin drop around the bar.

SHe breathed out. "Noe I have everyone's attention." "She turned to D'Lin. "You, sir, need stitches. I'll have Pel help you down to sick bay."

"You," she pointed a finger at Rianni, "And you," she said more conversationally to the Vulcan. "I don't care what happened. Nobody glasses boys in my bar. So get out, Rianni. And if you come back, I don't care that you were friends with Klia, I can and will beat you to a bloody pulp. Go!"

"You're not worthy to speak her name, bitch." Rianni snarled, then stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed D'Liin laughing hysterically, "What's so fracking funny? And don't think I won't kill her to get to you!"

"You two are what's so funny. At each other's throats and using your friend as a weapon against one another." D'Liin laughed, "You're both pathetic."

"And you need to learn some respect for the dead, dirtbag." Rianni hissed, fully ready to go over top of Yolanthe to get at D'Liin again.

"Dead?" D'Liin said, throwing his head back and cackling wickedly, "Who's dead?"

Yolanthe froze half way to grabbing for Rianni to throw her out, she was so angry now her hair had turned white, and picke dup lue tints from the ultra-violet light. "Klia is gone. The body was beamed into space in atoms." She spoke quietly, calmly, but there was still the hint of a shake in her voice.

"You're almost as stupid as your now former friend there." D'Liin laughed, walking past them both, "I found her at auction, we spoke, I even bid on her after she threw out your names, knowing it would make my bride to be oh so happy. Then I remembered I had no interest in making this guttersnipe happy...."

He continued to walk, snickering at them both, reaching the safety of the promenade before turning to say, "Oh, and in case you're interested the man who bought her, real animal that guy. I think he had special plans for your friend..... Well, good bye!"

Hearing that froze Rianni's blood for a second, but she quickly shook it off, no way was he telling the truth, "I don't have time for his lies or your posturing and hiding behind your pet, I'm done with this. If either of you ever put your hands on me again I'll kill you. Oh, and if your pet does it I will have him skinned." All vestiges of their friendship were now destroyed and to Rianni Yolanthe Ibalin was now nothing but another enemy and proof that Romulans were the only people outside of her blood she could trust. With those final words she stormed out, hoping to never see Yolanthe Ibalin again.

T'Lyn had watched this whole thing play out since the victim, the woman the owner attacked, had taken her glass to defend herself, and found the whole display an illogical waste of time and energy, though she did have some final words for the Bokkai owner, "Miss Ibalin, I would like to pay my tab and any other outstanding charges on my bill as I will not be back."

Yolanthe didn't reply straight away, torn between following the romulan out to demand the truth from him and soothing the atmosphere in the Box. Klia couldn't possibly be alive. Draylin had said he'd killed her, and she had learnt after that if Dray killed people, they stayed dead.

Then the vulcan's speech broke through into her thoughts. "Yes, fine." she murmured, distracted. "Pel, cash the lady out please."

"I find your misogyny highly illogical." T'Lyn replied stonily, paying her tab then adding, "Oh, and I do believe the Romulan man is telling the truth. Perhaps you should look into it through an outside source? Good evening."

An outside source who could verify dealings in slave auctions. There was one. Time to find Tyler Short.


A JP Between

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The box of Delights


Rianni t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan/The Victim


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