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Asking for Trouble

Posted on Sun Nov 1, 2015 @ 7:21am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Maritza Soran

895 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)


Kyle was in fighter ops going over flight patterns for the survey missions with his element leaders when he heard the turbo lift doors open. He glanced up slightly by habit and noticed it was Commander Soran. He dropped his head and let out a quiet sigh. "I think that'll cover it boys. Brief your elements and be ready to launch. Dismissed." The group scattered and Kyle looked up to Maritza. "Good afternoon Commander."

"Lieutenant," she acknowledged. She looked around the wide mezzanine that overlooked the flight deck, where the fighters were being maneuvered into position ready to take flight. "Is there somewhere private we can talk?"

"Of course." He nodded off to the side where his office was located. He led the way and pressed the entry control opening the door. "After you Commander."

She walked past him to step into his office. Kyle followed her in and hit the door control again to close the doors. "What can I do for you?"

"Rewrite your flight plans for the survey squadron you're sending out."

"What's wrong with my flight plans Commander?" He asked trying not to sound annoyed. Why wouldn't she let him do his job?

"You're on them." She said simply. "Twenty hours ago you flew yourself into a planet chunk, and thirty six hours ago I distinctly remember revoking your fighter flight status as of the end end of that shift." She rested her hands on his desk. "Solar systems appearing out of nowhere haven't changed that."

"I'd like to point out that asteroid was kinda shot at m, I didn't really fly into it. And as I recall it was while I was working on saving the thing you were standing on." He remarked with a fake grin. "And like you said a solar system appeared out of no where. I think you should look at priorities Commander. Your personal vendetta against me should be put on the back burner right now."

She looked at him, face closed. "This isn't a vendetta, Lieutenant. You have to learn how to behave like an officer, before you roll up against someone who's opening move is to destroy your career." her tone was calm and reasonable, as if she was dealing with a grumpy toddler refusing to go to bed. "As I said yesterday, this is a learning experience. An opportunity to grow,"

"I've got jocks laid up in medical, not to mention those in body bags." He answered he mater of factly. "I'm running out of bodies to put in seats. But if you think having the pilots run double shifts is the safest course of action then I guess that's what we're going to do."

She rolled her eyes. Still missing the point. "Why are your pilots running double shifts?"

"I'm short on man power Commander. I need everyone I can get flying right now." He answered plainly. "Until those pilots are cleared medically and I get replacements for the people we lost I'm operating with three quarters of the recommended personnel."

"And you need everyone flying because...?"

"Surveying the new solar system, giving a manicure to he asteroid belt, The CAP, the Alert fighters." Kyle explained.

"Wait, stop," She held up her hand and pinched her nose with the other. "CAP and alert have not had any priority change. Can you fill those without double shifts?"

"I'd still have a list of those flying double, but it wouldn't be everyone."

"Good, fine. Next, there has been no call for anything to be done about the Asteroid field. Its not even real asteroids, its planet chunks and currently heading away from us. There's been no call for anything to be done about, and astrometrics aren't saying it will be an issue when they run out of momentum. Call back anyone you've got on that because they shouldn't be. Why are you giving yourself work when you're short handed?"

"There's still some debris around the civilian traffic lanes." He answered. "We were trying to take care of it before it was an issue."

"That's something operations can handle. I'll get them to do it. Runabouts are better suited to it anyway. Their tractor beams are better. Just because it involves sitting in a cockpit doesn't make it your responsibility."

"I guess I'll have to find something to do with my time then Commander." Kyle sighed with frustration. "Any other soul crushing activities on your agenda?"

She gave him a steady look. "Try to remember you're talking to your superior officer." She sighed.

"Aye Commander." He responded flatly. The wheels were already turning in his head about what he could do with this new free time. "Is there anything else I can assist you with Commander?" He reworded his previous statement.

"Rewrite those survey plans, without you, and without taking resources from everything else. The survey takes as long as it takes. I'm ninety percent sure that planet isn't going anywhere."

"Aye Commander." Kyle answered. He reached onto the fighter ops display table and handed a PADD to Maritza. "There ya go, already done."

She checked his new rosters. Kyle would be indeed be polishing a chair, organizing everything from the station, as desired. "Much better." She handed the padd back. "Carry on, Lieutenant."


Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran
Strategic Operations Officer


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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