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Lost Children (Part 4)

Posted on Mon Oct 26, 2015 @ 3:55pm by Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis

1,287 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Ferengi diplomatic courier Yazant
Timeline: MD 3/1840


The food fight had proven to not be such a wise idea. Washroom facilities were a bit inadequate for this amount of people, but Aleczandra noticed her classmates were taking it in stride. The replicators, at least, kept up. Aleczandra stood in line with the rest of her classmates wearing just a towel as she waited her turn for the shower. She picked mashed potatoes from her rainbow hair as she waited and blushed a bit as she couldn’t help admiring some of her more attractive classmates. She did frown, though, when it seemed Nazl and some of the security guards made excuses to come by and ogle them.

When her turn came, Aleczandra gratefully stepped into the shower stall. She set it for sonic at first, and then, as a luxury, turned it over to water, letting the steam billow about her naked body, luxuriating as she washed slime gelatin out of her hair with shampoo she had replicated.

“You gonna take all day in there?” someone yelled, pounding on the door.

“Sorry!” Alexandra called, switching the shower to dry. “Be right out!” She stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself again before slipping out and letting the next person in. She headed to the cargo hold where a table had been set up with simple replicated clothing.


Senior Chief U'Van's boots landed on the deck of the vessel and immediately began sweeping the immediate area. As soon as Lt. Trellis' feet cleared the deck he began to signal for the team lead to make their way down the corridor.

"Remember, we've got civilians throughout the ship. Use non-deadly force unless you have no other choice," he added as the team moved down the darkened corridor in a single line.

A door to what appeared to be a lavatory opened and a Ferengi walked out, zipping up what looked to be an engineering coverall. He stopped as the Starfleet boarding party shone their bright lights in his eyes. His mouth opened in a snaggle-toothed O of surprise and his small, beady eyes blinked in shock.

The closest crewman was the first to respond to the visibly surprised engineer. He immediately lowered his weapon and in the same movement grabbed the Ferengi's arm, bending it in a direction elbows were never designed to bend. The compliance maneuver relied upon pressure from the elbow's joint to prevent the Ferengi from striking back.

"Tie him down so that he can't signal for help or otherwise alert the crew as to our presences," Lt. Trellis said as he checked his padd to determine their location. "Qu'Rales, Pasjman, you two stay here and secure the engine room. Take out communications to and from the bridge. I don't want them to be able to jump to warp once they realize that we're onboard," Lt. Trellis ordered as he placed the padd back into his jacket and gave the hand signal to move out.

The two crewmen nodded as they retrieved the identification device that was still on the disabled Ferengi.

The team made its way down the corridor keeping a look-out for any random crew members who were unarmed, but still a threat. Senior Chief U'Van looked up from his padd to the set of double doors ahead of the group. He raised his fist to silently tell the formation to halt.

"We're at the cargo bay doors! Shri’za, you're on the door!" he said in a low, forceful whisper to the crewman beside him. The young Andorian moved into position and placed a rectangular device on the wall beside the doors. She activated it and began to search for the correct frequency to override the local security measures and unseal the door.

The device found the frequency rather quickly. While capable of much higher security, the Ferengi were apparently not expecting any threat and the courier’s security was set to the basic setting.

The door swished open, revealing the large, open area. A few cargo crates were stacked along the walls, but most had been moved out of the way to make room for what looked like bedrolls and blankets laid out on the floor.

About twenty teenagers of various species were scattered about the hold. They were in what looked like comfortable lounge clothes or pajamas, playing cards, laughing, joking, or reading. A Ferengi in civilian clothing looked like he was setting up a holovid projector.

Four Ferengi in security uniforms were also in the hold, two by the door the Starfleeters came through and two by the door on the far side. They looked bored, and their disruptors were holstered. The two on the near door turned idly to see who was coming through and their eyes opened wide in surprise as they scrambled for their weapons.

The first two crewmen through the bay doors split into separate directions and moved along the wall with their weapons raised forward. Before the two Ferengi guards could reach for their weapons, they were struck in the face with the butt of a phaser rifle, causing them to crumple to the ground. As their bodies fell, they immediately withdrew their restraining straps and immobilized their prone bodies.

"STARFLEET SECURITY! DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" Lieutenant Trellis shouted as he kept his weapon trained on the two guards at the far side of the bay. Senior Chief U'Van made his way, knelt, and kept his weapon aimed on the other guard, waiting for the signal to open fire. Although he was prepared to use the necessary force to disable the guards, he was fearful of the safety of the children around them. A firefight within the bay could turn very bad very quickly.

The Ferengi guards looked up in surprise as they found themselves staring down the barrels of phaser rifles. Their hands went instinctively toward their weapons, but paused, looking around at all the children.

The teens looked up as Trellis shouted, just as surprised, frozen. A girl screamed and seemed to break the spell, sending teenagers running, ruining the aim of the Starfleet boarding party.

The Ferengi took advantage of the chaos. They drew their side arms and one of them rushed to the companel beside the door.

“INTRUDERS!” he squealed into the comm as the alert sounded.

"Damnit!" Lt. Trellis yelled as he slammed his fist into the console beside him, jamming the door open. "Trumey! Get the kids back to the shuttle, now!" he yelled as he tried to direct the frightened children through the door and away from the upcoming battle.

Senior Chief U'Van swore loudly, much more loudly than regulations might have allowed, as he charged forward towards the squelching Ferengi. "O'ral prak'tun!" he shouted as he cleared the distance between the two and tackled the Ferengi into the wall unit behind him. He wrapped him into a bear hug and deftly threw him to the ground.

"Who did you just contact?" U`Van shouted as he withdrew the restraint device and clasped it around the Ferengi's arms.

“You will never get the Ambassador, traitorous Federation!” the Ferengi squealed, writhing in his restraints.

The other Ferengi drew a bead on U’Van, making sure his shot was clear as he fired at the senior chief.

The panicking teenagers were making it difficult for the rest of the security team to move through the hold or safely fire their phasers.

"CHIEF, GET DOWN!" Lieutenant Trellis shouted over the chaos that had erupted. He tried to push through the small crowd as he saw the Ferengi level his disruptor on the fellow crewman.


Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigation

Senior Chief Petty Officer Soron U'Van


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