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Rescue Part 3 (Conclusion)

Posted on Mon Sep 14, 2015 @ 11:26am by Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Maritza Soran

933 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: The Planet
Timeline: Immedaitely Following Part 2


====USS Ararat====

The strange storm lashed the sky, the strange lightening letting out an even stranger thunder that wracked the Ararat, blowing it nose over nacelle back through the sky. There was a shriek of alarm from every panel, and then everything went dead, from the sensors to the helm.

Kyle's eyes darted across the console as it died out section to section. After a moment the secondary back ups came online but many of the consoles on the bridge were blown out from the lightning strike, helm included. "Commander we're falling like a rock." He slid his chair back on it's track and engaged the manual control option. "Atmospheric thrusters are out. There's too much inteference for them to activate."

Loki's chair engaged the straps around him as he took control of the stick. He quickly sent the Ararat into a steeper desent. After a moment the main thrusters roared back on and Loki ripped the controls back leveling out the small garrison vessel pushing it beyond it's normal limits. "We have main thrust back. Manuevering thrusters are a little unsta..." He paused as the craft shook slightly from lack of control. "...Unstable. I can get us down safely but she's going to need to be looked over before we get her back off the ground." He finished without ever taking his eyes off his instruments.

Martiza rolled over. The sudden dive and thrown her to the floor, and rolled her into the side of the ops panel. She could feel a lump the size of Io forming at the back of her crown. "Just get us down," she tasted blood, and dabbed a finger at her split lip. "Get us down, and get your people. Let me worry about the ship."

Kyle found the closest clearing he could. It looked close to the Ararat in size but he knew he'd take a couple trees down during the landing. "Hold onto something." He said as the Ararat came in at a low approach with minimal thruster power.

A scraping and snapping sound came from below them. It was foriegn to hear in a space craft but after a moment it became clear to the crew they hit a few trees along the way. The ship came into the clearing and Kyle put the ship in all stop putting the nose just barely short of the next row of trees.

"We're here." Loki said. He turned around saw Maritza getting to her feet. Quickly unbuckling himself he got to his feet and reached a hand out to help her up. Just because they didn't see eye to eye didn't mean he wanted to see her hurt. "Commander you should probably get yourself to the medical bay."

She grabbed his hand and got to her feet, then gave him a flat look. "Mr Carter, I just gave you an order. What are you doing on my bridge?"

Kyle left her standing there and headed for door. "This is Lieutenant Carter. I need a security team, a medical team member and a set of transporter pattern enhancers to meet me at the airlock now." He said after tapping his combadge as he left the bridge.

===The Crash Site====

A ship?! He'd heard the descent engines come down to the surface and shut off. It was close. Crackers pulled himself up off the ground, his muscles feeling as if they had been jolted by an electric shock. He had to find them, wherever they were. But what about Shoni? He turned to the pilot, still motionless in her seat. It would be a risk leaving her here alone but he knew it was the better option. The sooner he linked up with the rescue team, the sooner they could all get out of here. "Help's coming, Shoni," he said in a gravelly voice. He staggered in the direction of the Ararat's landing zone.

Kyle and the security team kept a tight grouping as they made their way through the forest. "Any life humanoid life signs yet?" He asked the medical team member using the tricorder while surrounded by Loki and the Security team.

The paramedic, a petty officer called Clarke nodded. "Two, once stationary two kilometers from here. The other one is just nine hundred meters. And closing."

Through the dense jungle they heard a voice, confirming Clarke's readings. "Hey! This is Graham! Can you hear me out there? My pilot is having a medical emergency! Hey!"

The two sides spent the next several minutes calling out and double-timing it to each other's position.

It seemed like an eternity getting to them. Crackers struggled through a tangle of vines that had barbs of some kind. They tore at him like razors, slicing through his flight suit and into his skin. He felt drops of warm blood trickle into his eye. It seemed like there was no end to it and he began to lose heart, wondering if he would have to turn back. No. He couldn't. He had to press on. He had to do it for Shoni. Was she still alive? She had to be, and if their positions were reversed she would do this for him. He howled his fury at the vines and kept pushing.

Then all it once he was through. Clarke, Carter, and the others were rushing to him with weapons and tricorders drawn. They caught him as he fell into their arms.


Lt.(JG) Mitchell Graham
Tactical Systems Operator
(NPC Bert)

Lt Commander Maritza Soran
Chief strategic operations officer

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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