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Alea Jacta Est

Posted on Mon Sep 14, 2015 @ 10:13pm by Captain Maritza Soran

668 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Soran's quarters
Timeline: MD03 1930 (backpost)


She managed to get in a sonic shower whilst the call to Admiral Fessik's office connected. Nauret, his Tellerite yeoman had listened to her brief explanation and then decided that Fessik had to know immediately. It was 2 am at Starfleet Command. Nauret had gone to wake him up.

The hold screen beeped a warning, and she dropped into the chair at her desk just in time to see the sleepy admiral appear. "Maritza," he smiled, charming like all his species, even at 2 am. "Nauret said there were developments on Project Sundance?"

the trill woman nodded. "Approximately seven hours ago DS5 experienced a astronomical...event. A whole new solar system has appeared. We used to be in extra solar space. Now we are in geostationary orbit around an M-class planet, approximately 1.2 times Earth size. Transmitting the Initial sensor data now." She touched the screen and sent the file across subspace.

Fessik's long eyebrows went up. "Well, this changes things." He paused to speed read the screen in front of him. "It appeared? Is it stable?"

"So far. The gravitonic radiation associated with its appearance has died back to normal background levels for a solar system this size."

Fessik nodded. "Then we proceed on the basis that its here to stay. These are your orders. Ensure that t'Vaurek takes the planet in the name of the Federation, A federal territory for preference, but I'll accept claiming as a Terran colony. Not Vulcan. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"And I want to know the moment the Romulan's make their move. If you think t'Vaurek is starting to have doubts over her loyalty-"

Maritza interrupted. "T'Vaurek has been relieved of duty. The systems emergence is linked to an alien visitation. She attacked one of them, killed them with her bare hands. They had killed her daughter."

"Shit." Fessik scowled. "The Romulans may take that badly. Use it as an excuse to try and claim the system." He was thinking aloud. Maritza didn't comment. Any and all movements on the Romulan side of the border get sent to me. Even if they so much as scratch their nose." He waited for her to acknowledge that and carried on. "Who's in command?"

"Caden Aldrex," Maritza said promptly. "The Aldrex symbiont is the old Trill Foreign minister. If you read it in it should be sensitive to the political situation. But its over four hundred years old. It has maybe a hundred years left where it is small enough for joining. That may make it...unpredictable." The slugs could be difficult as they grew, some keen to cram in as much as possible whilst they could still fit in the cavity where the humanoid trill bodies held the symbiont. Others became very conservative, trying to string things out as long as possible by not doing anything at all.

"Can you claim seniority of rank?"

Maritza shook her head. "I was promoted before him, but not by much, and with Commander Tahhk on board it would need an executive order from Fleet command for me to leap both of them."

Fessik's scowl told her that would not be forthcoming in time to make a difference. "Alright. Do what you can. If you think Aldrex is going to bottle it, let me know and I will step in."

"And Tahhk?"

The Admiral stroked the length of his mustache. "I'll take care of that. Should it need taking care of." He gave her a nod, indicating he was done. "Thanks for the call, Maritza. Stay in touch, and I'll send out some support to you soon."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

The screen went dark and Maritza sat back, This was all getting very interesting. As she understood it, humans considered living in interesting times a bad thing. With all the forces and factions starting to align themselves around the pivot of Ds5, she wasn't sure they were wrong.


Admiral Fessik
Starfleet Command
(NPC by Notty)

Lt Commander Maritza Soran
2XO/Chief of Strategic Operations


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