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The Re-Unification Files: Part 1

Posted on Thu Sep 3, 2015 @ 4:15pm by
Edited on on Sat Sep 12, 2015 @ 6:09pm

581 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 04 - 0800
Tags: reunification

Tahhk felt a glow of triumph in the pit of his stomach as at last he identified the last of t’Vaurek’s confidential files. Unused to experiencing such physiological reactions so strongly the Vulcan closed his eyes and recited a meditative phrase until the sensation subsided.

Was it the result of such close and regular contact with the Romulan captain causing his training to weaken? Tahhk supposed it must be.

So, he had the last of the files. While he waited for the computer to extract the encrypted document to a data-chip he noted that the Executive Officer had called a meeting. That was his prerogative, though the timing was inconvenient to Tahhk.

He did not know the Trill well. Tahhk’s mission was purely one of observation, and observation of the Romulan captain at that. As such he had not deemed it necessary to make the acquaintance of the other staff beyond those necessary for him to perform his duties. But with the captain out of action he took on himself additional duties that might put him at odds with her deputy. No doubt Aldrex was a capable officer, but Tahhk was not at liberty to take him into his confidence.

Tahhk had to protect the integrity of the longer mission. The arrival of the new Chief Engineer just as he’d succeeded in locating the first of t’Vaurek’s files had been inconvenient.

Was it the Romulan’s influence again that caused him to become what, for a Vulcan could only be described as flustered? Tahhk supposed it must be.

With the transfer complete Tahhk plucked out the chip and stowed it on his person. Decrypting the files would be another task that befell him, but one that could be done at leisure. All that mattered was that the Re-Unification program remained confidential. For now he could trust no-one but himself.

There was one last thing to do before he made his way to the briefing room. Inserting a second chip the Vulcan ran a quick program that plugged the data gaps left by the files he’d extracted with innocuous data. The extractions would not stand up to close scrutiny, but he reasoned that no-one on board had a legitimate reason to examine t’Vaurek’s personal files. Anyone who uncovered a discrepancy was therefore unlikely to make the discovery known.

If it was t’Vaurek herself who made the discovery, well, then he Tahhk would inform her why he had removed the files. She would, he reasoned understand the necessity, particularly as her compatriots had started throwing their weight about.

In many ways, he thought it was very convenient that t’Vaurek had been relieved of duty at this point. A new Romulan ambassador was on his way and no doubt would seek to pressure the captain into furthering his cause above all others in the name of their empire. Tahhk still harboured his doubts about t’Vaurek’s commitment to the program and suspected that she would yield to pressure.

Perhaps she has deliberately put herself out of harms way, he speculated in a very un-Vulcan manner.
Oh yes, all the time expended on Captain t’Vaurek was definitely having a detrimental effect on his capabilities.

Tahhk resolved that he would spend several hours in deep meditation to restore balance and reason to himself.

But first there was the briefing to attend.

Commander Tahhk
Starfleet Observer

NPC by Louise


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