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In a broken dream part one

Posted on Wed Sep 9, 2015 @ 11:49pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,891 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: MD 04 1200


Yolanthe resisted the urge to head to the Box and scrub her skin raw after leaving the House of Falling Leaves. She wasn't sure she trusted the scheming bitch who ran the place, and she wanted the medicine Tianys had given her for Blake examined before she would give it to him.

Stepping inside Sickbay showed it was busy, still dealing with both injuries from moving the station, and from the mass hallucinations that had happened afterwards, and it was a while before she even got to see the triage nurse.

Opal worked steadily around the patients, assessing and registering them. She came to the very tall lady who she recognised from that notorious place on the Promenade. "Good morning." she said, all professional and giving no hint of any thoughts she was having. She would have made Dr Telamon proud..... oh no, that reminded her to feel sad that Amia couldn't remember who she was. 'Straight face, monotone, professional to all'. Amia's mantra she had drummed into the staff remained in place and Opal gave nothing of the inner turmoil of thoughts passing within split seconds around her head.

"I was in the Geisha House, and I think I got a dose of something that disagrees with me." Yolanthe explained. "Its a little...personal." She didn't really care if people thought she was hyped up on aphrodisiacs. She'd put down plenty of unwanted suitors in her time; being bigger and stronger than most people in the bar was a major plus. But she didn't want anyone thinking Blake was in rutt. No one else was going to touch him for the time being.

"I think I should get Dr Amoran to see you for a full diagnosis." Opal said offering a bio-bed to the Bokkai and indicating that she should sit on it to await the ACMO. "He's in charge at the moment and I'm only an Ensign with basic qualifications." she explained although this wasn't completely true since she had left the Academy with full honours and continued on to Medical Specialty College for a further two years but it was true that she did lack confidence when it came to the more exotic alien species that she hadn't studied in depth and Bokkai were one such race. She preferred to defer to her senior and rushed off to call Benj over.

Amia was sitting in.... or actually ON... the bed opposite and was watching intently, certain there was something she ought to be remembering that would be helpful here, although for the life of her she couldn't pinpoint what. Her brows creased in concentration but to no avail and they creased deeper in frustration as she failed to recall. "I can't.... " she crushed her fists into her pillow, twisting her fingers into the fabric as if to claw out some knowledge that she knew was close enough to touch but yet which she couldn't find inside her own head.

Yolanthe looked up from examining Tianys medicine package to see Amia over the way and grinned. "Hey there. You get caught in the seeing things crazyness from yesterday."

"Feels like it. Is it happening to anyone else too?" Amia misunderstood her own problems to be part of what this lady was talking about. She had no idea who the woman was -or at least if she did - she couldn't remember her - but that was nothing odd seeing as she remembered no-one, only some vague things and a few automated routines that seemed to have been so deeply ingrained she had retained them.

"I think it happened to everyone. I'm not sure really. It was a very busy day."

"Did you only have your craziness for one day?" she added before the 'stranger' had chance to reply, having suddenly picked up on that slight anomaly. ~If others were having 'strangeness' too, how come hers was still lasting, how had theirs been so much shorter?~ she was thinking.

"Well, most of a day, if you count getting trapped under the half the promenade with Dorian Gabriel. HAve you met him yet?"

"I don't know." Amia admitted sadly. "Is he nice?" Her thoughts strayed to that nice guy who said he was her husband. How she wished she could remember more about *him*.

It didn't seem fair to try to get the nurses to chat, seeing as they were so busy. Besides they all seemed to treat Amia with a certain amount of ..... well, perhaps not suspicion exactly but... wariness? or some form of distance.... she supposed IF she had some form of seniority by rank then that would probably seem the right way to behave if she were in their shoes.

"Do you know the Executive Officer?" she ventured having decided this woman looked as if she might be free to have a conversation.

Yolanthe's body shifted from a pinky violet to pale turquoise. That was a strange question. The doctor must be suffering from the last days wierdness more than most. "Yes I know him. he's your boy. You bring him to my bar when you want to put him through his paces."

Amia's eyes widened in a shocked manner and her eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling. "I..... I do.... what to him??? What paces? I..... what do you m...mean.....?" she spluttered, instantly taking a defensive mental stance against her own self. She did NOT like the sound of this and was alarmed that of all the odd things she had begun to hear about who she was, this was not sounding like the goodie two shoes they were all trying to convince her she was.

"I'm sorry, that was mean of me," Yolanthe was trying not to laugh, something a bit pointless, since she was now bright blue. "You come for date night. You have a specific program, its very romantic, Moon rise, dinner, dessert that works of all the calories..."

Amia spluttered, physically and mentally but then she gave in to relief and laughed. "Phew. I'm so glad you weren't serious. I'm going to have to try to explore whatever parameters my life had and see if I can find myself through other peoples' eyes and I'm a bit nervous about what I'm going to find. I nearly panicked then." she admitted honestly. "But I like the sound of Date Night with some romance and things like that. Perhaps there's hope for me yet."

Somewhere inside of her, Amia had been worrying about how long it had been since she'd seen her husband but time was seeming to pass slowly in here whereas out in "the real time" where life was going on at a normal pace, she had to realize that it probably hadn't been all that long after all.

"You don't remember him at all?" Yolathe asked.

"No" Amia said simply with sincere regret and sadness.

"How about this? When I'm done here, you come to the Box with me, and I show you your program? Maybe that will shake a few memories loose. If nothing else you can see where you romance your boy, remember what you like."

"I'd like that. It's very kind of you, thanks." Telamon brightened. "What is the Box?" she felt guilty at having to ask because it was clear she *should* have known.

"Its my place. My bar. But I've got a lot of gaming tables, and the second floor gets used as several clubs, and I have a holospa that people can use. You've been in several times since you got here."

"It sounds like a great place. I'm not surprised I like to go there!" Amia seemed even brighter now. This was going much better now. "How long ago did I get here?" she suddenly picked up on the short term sound of that comment and it presented something new to wonder about.

"A month or so. You arrived just after that horrible outbreak of lurgy that got everyone on the station ill."

Amia searched for any memory of a lurgy of any kind but came up with nothing. She shrugged helplessly. "Only a month? Where were we before we came here?" she hoped that was something that the "Box-lady" would know.

"I can't help with that, I'm sorry." Yolanthe's skin and hair shifted colours agian, desaturating until she was a smokey blue. "But the offer for a trip to Box stands."

"I'd like that, yes please" Amia replied quietly.

"Like what?" Benj startled them unintentionally. "What can I do for two such lovely ladies?" he was all charm.

"I've been..." Yolanthe began, decided she didn't want to tell the truth, and changed her story "dosed with something that wasn't meant for me. I just wanted to check it won't do me any harm. The geisha house gave me a counter agent. But I don't want a reaction to that either." She held up the package. "Can you check it?"

"No problem" Benj's reply was confident. He took the package and went off towards the lab to check it out. Just before he left Amia said: "Is it possible to check her system for whatever she was given initially so that it's possible to double check, not only if it's okay for her species but also if it's actually a real 'antidote' to begin with?" she asked.

As it all came out the woman sitting on the bed was wondering where all this was coming from as she wasn't sure, after it left her mouth, what had inspired her to think of it. She looked puzzled but Benj grinned. "Yes Boss!" he said, thinking to himself that something of the old Amia was seeping through again.

"See. Its coming back already. Go somewhere familiar and you'll be fine."

"I'm sure you're right." Amia conceded in a resigned tone.

"When that sweet doctor comes back, tell him you're going with me, and you'll be back in a few hours." Yolanthe offered.

"I will." Amia resolved and did exactly that as soon as Benj came back. Benj raised one or two protective objections but only for a moment or two by which time he had decided in favour of the experiment. She couldn't come to a lot of harm so close by and it *did* sound like an idea.

Amia got dressed properly. Up to now she was embarrassed to admit she had been slouching around quite a bit and an effort to tidy herself up was a good feeling. Presentable, she came back to Yolanthe and pretended to stand for inspection. "Will I do?" she smiled, slightly self-consciously. ~Who would be there? They would obviously recognise her, if this was a regular haunt of hers, but she wouldn't know them... it could be REALLY awkward. She began to have some doubts creeping across the horizon of her mind.

"Let's go before I lose my nerve completely!" she urged and put her arm through Yolanthe's. She wasn't sure if this was a thing she ought to do - for all she knew it could have been something she might never have done normally, on pain of death! But there it was. She felt like doing it now so she did.


A JP between:

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights


Lt Cmdr Amia Soren-Telamon


Lt Amoran, Benj


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