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Dramatic Irony (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Sep 2, 2015 @ 3:13pm by Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

2,388 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Promenade/The Lotus Lounge
Timeline: MD 4/1130

Yolanthe awoke in a well-appointed room. Lush green vines with thick leaves and brightly colored orchid-like flowers and oblong green fuzzy fruit covered the walls. The floor was covered in comfortable sod grass and Yolanthe lay on a soft sod mound that formed a kind of bed, with a wooden trellis covered in the same vines. The air was very warm and humid, strongly scented of flowers.

Her arms itched and she rolled over to scratch. Or she tried. Yolanthe was secured by her wrists and ankles with strong vines attached to the trellis, spread out on the bed. That cleared the last of the fuzz from her head like a slap to the face and she went a dark, dark emerald, so dark it was almost black. She flexed her feet trying to feel how strong the vines were around her ankles. There wasn't much give. She gave a sharp tug, but they didn't give. She braced herself as best she could and heaved, but she just couldn't move. She tried again with her hands, and that proved just as futile. She couldn't even twist her hands for a better grip or attempt to slip free. She couldn't even sit up. The last time she'd been so helpless her so called best friend had paralyzed her and taken a knife to her face. The time before that...

Vines covering an open doorway parted and Tianys emerged. Her pretty nose was still a bit swollen, but set back in place. She had changed gowns. There were yellow amber scabs along her arms where she had been scraped and bled in the tussle. She carried a small mortar and pestle in which she ground something.

“You’re awake,” Tianys said. “You’re lucky to be alive after what you did,” she said coolly.

"Let me go!" Yolanthe snarled, the total white of her eyes almost glowing in contrast to the dark green of her skin.

“You wanted answers, Ibalin, so I will give them to you. But only as long as I am safe,” she said, moving over to a wooden table beside the bed mound where a small hot plate heated a kettle. Tianys tapped the ground leaves into a cup and poured the boiling water over it, setting it aside to let it steep a bit.

The Rowa’ni woman sat down beside Yolanthe, her hip brushing along the bigger woman’s body as Tianys leaned over and peeled back the bandages on Yolanthe’s arms, checking them. She dipped out a bit more of some kind of poultice paste from a bowl to dab on the scratches before re-securing the bandages.

Tianys picked up the steeped tea and put in a wooden straw. “Drink this,” she told Yolanthe, feeding the alien woman the straw. “If you care, Rishan and Joaz are recovering well. Rishan’s arm was a clean break, so it set well.”

Yolanthe refused the straw and turned a light shade of orange at the mention of the men she had damaged. "I'm sorry," she managed to get out. "I didn't mean them serious harm." She pulled at the vines. "Please, let me up." There was a hint of desperation in her voice and the orange gave way to green again, though not as dark as before.

“No, we often do more than we mean to do,” Tianys said a little snidely. She raised an eyebrow at the hint of desperation. “Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you,” she said. “I could have done that while you were out. The tea will help clear your head of the good night kiss.” She offered again. Her scent filled the area around the bed, lightly tickling pleasure along Yolanthe’s body, a bit soothing, a touch arousing.

Yolanthe saw her body tinge with pink and, repulsed at her involuntary reaction, went peach, then green. "Then let me up." She still refused the drink and kept trying to kick the vines off from around her ankles. "You want to talk, let’s talk. But not like this."

Tianys studied the larger woman. “And how do I know you won’t attack me again?” she asked, putting the mug down. “This is for my own protection.” She touched her swollen nose with a scowl. “You’re lucky it will heal well and not mar my face,” she said angrily.

"I just want answers. And I think we've established that attacking you is not as easy as it looks." Yolanthe had to take a breath at that, turning a sunny yellow. "And it won't help Blake. And that's what I'm here for."

Tianys gauged the bigger woman’s sincerity and nodded. She turned, her generous curves in lovely profile, and started to carefully unwrap the vines from Yolanthe’s ankles. Then she leaned up over the woman to work on her wrists, her full breasts pressed against Yolanthe’s own, the close contact making her scent even stronger and more alluring for the Bokkai woman.

Yolanthe's breath caught as Tianys touched her, and she held still so the woman didn't jerk away, and found the pink returning. Yolanthe had no objections to women. Where she came from women outnumbered the men nineteen to one and even then men were kept for reproduction. They were handed round and scheduled. If you wanted intimacy, companionship, love, most turned to other women; that was normal. But so close to Tharek's departure she had no interest in anybody.

As soon as Tianys stood back, Yolanthe rolled up from the mound, keeping it between her and the Rowa’ni. The lack of touch burned by its absence. The scent of the room reminded her of the primeval jungle of her home and the friends and lovers she had lost.

"I know what you're doing," Yolanthe stammered out. "I lived with an Orion for a year." She tried not to make eye contact with the woman because her terror was draining fast and her brain was starting to supply images that didn't bear thinking about. Tianys, naked and spread underneath her, moaning as Yolanthe pressed her fingers deep inside, curling them forward so the Rowa’ni would arch up and push herself harder against Yolanthe's mouth, and...

Yolanthe saw her hands go livid red and she stuffed them behind her back so she couldn't see. "It’s just hormones," she said to herself, more than Tianys. "It’s just the smell.”

“We’re not Orions!” Tianys said, offended. “There is no mind control, simply desire! We do not rape!” She stepped around the bed. “You do not feel compulsion, do you? I could demand you to grovel and you could refuse.” She stepped up to the bigger female, her body brushing lightly against Yolanthe’s. “Or you could choose to give in to what your body wants, to enjoy the presence of the goddess, to accept the gift of pleasure she gives. And now you know what haunts your young male. I had females in need. Their time had come. Blake is a strong male with good genes. I offered him one of my females and he accepted. Leyta was very pleased with him. He lasted longer than most and was very satisfied when he left my ship,” she said.

"So that's what you did? You rubbed your smell over him till he wanted it so badly he didn't know or care if it was real or just pollen?" She hopped back across the mound. "Because I know how I feel right now and I don't think I'd be considering such things under normal circumstances."

“And just what are you considering, Yolanthe?” Tianys purred, crossing her arms under her ample breasts. “Blake is a virile young male. Everything he did was only natural…normal, even. It was nothing to be ashamed of, and he quite enjoyed himself. Ask him. Leyta may be young, but her mother taught her well before her first eruw. She is quite skilled.”

The words 'Blake' and 'virile' started putting other images in Yolanthe's head and she tried to blank them out whilst her body turned wine red. "Look, I've had enough sex I didn't want to have to know, just because it feels good, it doesn't mean you want it. It’s just nerves and stimulation and what you want doesn't come into it, and nothing good comes of it. So please, can you stop this? Turn the biofilters on, take a shower, something. Just dial it back. Please."

Tianys glared. “We are not Orions,” she reiterated waspishly. Still, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Tianys was a matriarch, with nearly a hundred years of experience. She focused on tuning down her body’s natural pheromone production, feeling the familiar, unpleasant tingle. She couldn’t shut it off completely, but she could hold it in for a time.

“Is that better?” Tianys asked. The effect was still there, though considerably lessened. “I will warn you the longer I hold it, the less pleasant I’m going to become,” she told Yolanthe. “It is a constant itch and eventually painful to hold them in.” She crossed the room, deliberately brushing against Yolanthe again. The attraction was still there, two beautiful females, and Rowa’ni were just as capable of feeling the effects of their pheromones, responding to the desires of those around them. The Rowa’ni woman poured herself a large glass of cold, cool water and drank deeply before looking at Yolanthe again.

"Bitch, please, I run a bar. I handle unpleasant just fine." Yolanthe moved again, this time coming round to the doorway. "You studded my boy to your girl. Are there going to be consequences?" She didn't want these people making any demands on one of her boys.

“Just the normal ones,” Tianys said. “Don’t worry. We don’t expect anything of males. There’s no way to be sure he will even be one of the fathers. It is likely, he looks to have good genes, but his genetics will be among several that will make up the baby. I told him there are no strings, and I meant it.” She held out her glass of water to Yolanthe, offering her a drink.

Yolanthe shook her head. She wasn't going to risk touching or tasting anything from Tianys anytime soon, especially now as she was now much more pink than red, and occasionally blue as she felt the relief that the urges were passing. "One of?"

“Several males will be given to Leyta to contribute their seed,” Tianys said. “The goddess will decide which genes to use, from which of the males. Single genetic paternity is exceedingly rare among Rowa’ni, and usually only in the case of lack of access to a diversity of mates.”

Tianys withdrew the cup with a scowl. “Refusing water is a great insult,” she pointed out. “It means you do not trust my word. If I offer you water under my roof, it means I cannot harm you while you remain.” She walked over to a small wooden basin on a pedestal in the corner where a small fountain expressed water in a delightful clear, cool trickle. On a shelf above stood carved wooden idols and Tianys poured the remaining water over the stained figures to trickle back into the bowl.

Multiple fathers? That was new. Yolanthe didn't know or care who her own sire was, but Bokkai were like most other species, there was only one father. She straightened her back. The air was clearer, less cloying, less like home. "For the record, I don't trust you at all. And I think I made clear how much of a fuck I gave about insulting you when I first arrived. I'm not taking water, or breaking bread, or sharing spit, with a poison maid."

“Fair enough,” Tianys said stiffly. “I will get you something for Blake,” she said. “His head should have cleared by now, but a Rowa’ni in eruw is quite potent, so it is not unprecedented.”

Tianys disappeared through the vine curtain again before reappearing and handing Yolanthe a small bundle. “Put these in a bowl and pour on boiling water. Have him breathe in the scent. It will help.” She smirked. “Really, he had a wonderful time,” she assured Yolanthe. “And if he ever wants to try those mushrooms he was interested in, he can stop by.”

Yolanthe took the small package, turning it over with ochre fingers. She wasn't sure whether she was going to give the Poison Maid's cure a chance. But she certainly wasn't going to send Blake back down here to get another dose of sex pollen. "If any of you and yours touch my boys again, I'm going to pick this conversation right up where we left it."

“So you control your males so completely?” Tianys asked, arching an eyebrow. “You would tell them with whom they could enjoy themselves? Your boys sound more like your slaves,” she sniffed. “We turn no one away here, unless they cause trouble. I guarantee you will not even get through the front doors,” she warned Yolanthe coolly.

Yolanthe became faintly blue. Her boys were her property, after a fashion, and she took care of her things. "Hell, yes, I tell them who they can enjoy themselves with. And people who can turn them into rutting beasts just by breathing at them, and then let them think that it’s their fault? You are not even on the list." The blue deepened. "And you're assuming I'd use the doors." She tossed the little package into the air and caught it without looking. "Do we have an accord?"

“As far as it goes,” Tianys said. “I am not responsible for what your boys do in their spare time,” she pointed out. Then she smiled. “And should you wish to put to action your own ideas, I am more than willing,” the Rowa’ni matriarch said, releasing her hold on her pheromones, letting them wash out over Yolanthe.

The Bokkai gritted her teeth against the sudden rush of hormones and stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind her.


Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Tianys Dalav’ni
The Lotus Lounge


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