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The Dark Arts of Diplomacy: Part 1

Posted on Tue Sep 1, 2015 @ 6:58pm by

400 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Fallout
Location: Deck 56. Diplomatic Corps Offices

"There's been no communication for three days, Sir."

"Its not good enough, Gerald, its just not good enough," Sir Mortimer complained to his assistant. At a time like this to be left without a figurehead. Oh he was competent enough to handle the situation but Sir Mortimer was an old fashioned soul. He did not seek the glare of the view screen or the dazzle of interstellar politics first hand. He preferred, as he had done for decades to manouvre in the background, subtly guiding his diplomatic pawns in the interests of the Federation.

"Its been more scrambled than eggs at breakfast since that ruddy planet came out of no-where…”

“Mind your language, Gerald, this isn’t the United Federation of Planets debating chamber,” Sir Mortimer reminded his young (in relative terms) aide. “What do we know about the new chap?”

“… and we are receiving an inordinate number of requests for an audience. With the Captain out of service they are being streamed straight to us.” Gerald Woolsack made a face behind his superior’s back and took up a padd. He pursed his lips as he addressed Sir Mortimer’s question. “An El Aurian. He spent some time on Earth and among Klingons. It seems he was something of a musician before that unfortunate business with the Borg.”

“Why in the name of all the heavens is he coming here?” Sir Mortimer asked, not sure that a long lived, travelling entertainer would be up to the task.

“It seems he joined the Diplomatic Corps via the Starfleet Academy in … 2370. Since then he’s been on a variety of Starships and various peace talks. Looking at this resume there’s a chance that he’s already acquainted with several of the dignitaries clamouring at our gates.”

“Gates, Gerald?”

“Not literal gates. Metaphorical ones, like those to all the heavens you mentioned.”

Sir Mortimer’s brow wrinkled in consternation, “Indeed, Gerald. When did he indicated that he would arrive?”

“Oh, any day now. His transport is probably stuck in the queue out there. I’ve taken the liberty of arranging quarters and getting the Diplomatic facilities on Deck 60 ready, both for our Chief Diplomat and the alien ambassadors. When Lieutenant Tallon arrives we should be in a position to swing into action.”

“Metaphorically, I assume.”

Sir Mortimer Praxis
Senior Diplomatic Advisor
Gerald Woolsack
Senior Diplomatic Advisor's Aide

NPCs by Louise


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