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Who's coming to the party?

Posted on Sun Nov 1, 2015 @ 3:49pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Deck 56. Diplomatic Corps Offices
Timeline: MD05: 9:00AM

Liam arrived earlier. It wouldn't do to be late on his first called together staff meeting. He set up some coffee and tea and leaned back in a chair round the conference table waiting for the rest to arrive.

Sir Mortimer entered side by side with Gerald Woolsack. "Why Lieutenant, I hope your first evening on Deep Space Five did not prove too eventful," he said, "Gerald, why don't you get everyone coffee," he said before continuing, "This is my assistant Gerald Woolsack who provided the briefing for you."

Gerald stuck out an eager hand, "Good to have you aboard," he said pleasantly."

"Thank you," Liam said shaking the mans hand. "And for organising getting everyone together."

He turned to Mortimer and answered his question. "I caught up with my friend the XO, managed to make an idiot of myself and completely miscommunicate with one of the stations bar patrons and then I went and helped out old friend." He didn't add that seeing Cade and Amia had been very therapeutic for him too. "How was your evening?"

"Very pleasant," SIre Mortimer replied, "Ah, thank you Gerald," he added, taking his coffee as he sat. "I had a meal with my niece. She serves as the Captain's Yeoman. From the sound of things we've had a very eventful period, though I confess I assumed merely that we had been rocked by an ion storm, so deep was I in my research."

Liam nodded at the other man. Mortimer was so gloriously old fashioned. It suited him completely. He accepted the cup from Gerald. "Thank you."

"Well from my "Homework", as far as I can gather, we have both the Cardassians and Lissepians inbound. Now ignoring the obvious song and dance of convincing them both to attend a Summit for a moment. Which I strongly think we may need to get creative there ..... Am I right in thinking that Lissepians on many occasions act as ambassadors for the Cardassians? In which case I am wondering if this is a deliberate move and their here to second each others interests," Liam said.

"Hmmm, for once they might be acting on their own. The resident Cardassian Ambassador is named Hydel Turvan - he took over when the previous one was injured. They could of course be working together in the background. I am surprised we haven't heard from him yet. Turvan is not one to by shy about his opinions."

"Does he like to make an entrance?" Liam asked.

"Like a holo-drama diva."

"Gerald!" Sir Mortimer scolded.

"So Mortimer. Who from all the messages you worked through is joining us?" Liam said switching on the screen in the corner and writing down Cardassians, Lissepians."

"The Romulans, presumably to ensure that the Captain acts in the interests of their Empire I am to believe that one Maekhav D'Aerrol is en-route. The Ferengi of course have a presence here also."

Liam laughed at Gerald's comment and then Mortimer's interaction with him. There was a sort of Knight and squire vibe between them. "I like a good holo-drama myself. Maybe that particular personality trait is something we can use to our advantage in all this."

He added Romulans and Ferengi to the list. "Anyone else? Tallon?" he asked the El-Aurien.

Presumably with no additional input the El-Aurien shook his head.

"Right," Liam stated added more names to the list. "So the plan of attack is we get these people to agree to sit down and talk out all issues around that planet. We use every possible way we can think of to make this happen." Liam held a finger up, " Mortimer I want you to meet with the Cardassians as you already have a relationship established. And the Lissepians. Try to suss out if they are behind the scenes working in tangent. I'll take the Ferengi and the Rommulans. Tallon, your everyone else. I am sending the official request to the Captain to be allowed to hold a summit, right now," Liam said pressing a button on his PADD.

Sir Mortimer pursed his lips. "Squabbling over quarters and who gets to sit where will at least give them something to focus on other than that planet," he observed dryly, "I'll make the arrangements with the Cardassian Ambassador, and the Lissepian when he or she arrives."

"I can never tell," Gerald said under his breath.

"Best include the Executive Officer on that request," Sir Mortimer added, ignoring Gerald's remark - he found the same thing.

"I cc him out of curtesy of course," Liam nodded. "So what do we think to having a welcoming reception for all parties? It gives us an opportunity for all to meet and to .... well observe them abit. Which could be helpful. Also some nice music, food and wine never seems to not go down well right?"

Sir Mortimer clapped his hands firmly together, "It sounds like a most amicable arrangement. Don't you agree, Gerald?"

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds


Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor
NPC by Louise


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