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Fae are Terrific...

Posted on Sat Aug 1, 2015 @ 5:42pm by Tania & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin

960 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 03 1830


Gabriel had beamed her to the Promenade. He wasn't with her, so she hoped the stubborn git had taken himself straight to sick bay. She herself had promptly thrown up in the nearest plant pot, and gone for a shower to wash the dust and blood away. She had collpased in her office after, only meaning to sleep a little bit. When she awoke, hours had passed and she'd had the most horrendous dream.

Walking out into the Box, she was perturbed to see people collapsed on the floor giggling; shouting at each other; staring at the walls wide eyed and gobsmacked. The walls had sprouted leaves and branches. Vines and creepers twined around everything. It was like the Box had been taken over by the jungle.

What, the actual, fuck?

She hurried out of the door to see similar scenes on the promenade. People were having conversations withsemsleves, or jsut staring at nothing. And the plants were everywhere. It was alsmost as if the whole place had been transported back home. Cautiously, she looked over the rail that ran around her level, and looked down.

They really were home. The Promenade was at least five hundred feet up, supported by the branches of one of the huge trees that grew there. Various species of climber were wrapped around the rails, threading in over the top of level 1, and down, holding it to the branches, holding it taught and stable against the wind.

And she was home. Her skin went acid green. SHe didn't see any other dwellings in the surrounding trees. Hopefully there were a long way from her tribe's lands. that would help. But if she met a native. The thought deepened the green. How could this be? In the didstance she spotted a ruin, one of the old ziggaurats built by the demons. That explained it. They must be doing this.

Iron. she needed iron. She patted her bra, feeling for the tiny ingot that she had created hours ago. It was gone. It must have fallen out when she'd got trapped. As she was heading back to the Box, she heard the laughing. it wasn't happy laughing.

Turning she saw the Fairy she had punched out for the little girl. It was standing over the girl, curled up on the ground. "Hey you!" She strode towards it, ready to go through it to get to the kid.

Tania spared the barest glace to the chameleon, she was in her element and had nothing to fear from the woman. Her red hair blazing in contrast to the dark misty robes that swirled around her, Tania ignored the shout and advanced on the building.

The girl had served her purpose.

The demon bitch was ignoring her. Good. Yolanthe dropped to one knee next to Eviess. "Hey, kid, you alright?" She rolled Eviess onto her back. She was asleep. "Wakey, wakey."

Eviess blinked up. It was hard to keep her eyes open. Such a strange dream. The bubble that had carried her seemed to be growing smaller and tighter.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"Thats a difficult answer." Yolanthe scooped Eviess up off the floor with arms that were still apple green. "Technically, we're on the Promenade. But I think your fairies have moved the Prom."

"There's more of them, she needed me to find them for her. I don't think she likes her sister," Eviess said. "She blew glitter all over me," she added not quite sure who she was talking to.

Yolanthe frowned, examining Eviess closely. The little vulcan girl seemed all right. She did have dust in her hair, but she didn't seem to be itching or anything. "I think you'll live. But we can't let that thing run riot. So we are going to call security and get you to your parents. They must be freaking out. Can you stand?"

Eviess shook her head, "Just leave me to sleep," she said, "its only a dream. When I wake up it will all be normal."

That didn't sound good. "Security, then Sick Bay, she muttered to herself, swinging Eviess around to sit on her hip. There was a public comm terminal a couple of doors down and she almost ran to it, as fast as she dared moved with the little girl in her arms. She tapped the button that called for security. No immediate response, but she wasn't alarmed yet. If they had suddenly realised a chunk of station was missing they were probably busy. She looked down of the little girl, her head resting against her shoulder. "Hey," she poked Eviess with finger gently. "No going to sleep. SLeep now, you won't sleep tonight" Though Yolanthe's concern was more for brain damage from whatever that dust was. "I'm almost done here and then I'll get you to-"

There were shift in the air on the Promenade. The bokkai could feel it, and looked up.

Stepping out from almost no where, were more of the fairies. Two terrifying figures, one in white, one in black fell into step beside the red woman, oozing power and confidence. A hundred yards down the walkway were more. The were preceeded by two fleeters who looked positively feral, and a mild looking Antedean.

Yolanthe found herself shifting her weight so she could run. Her uncanny sense for a winner was showing her the outline of the battle to come. And it was going to be a battle. There was nothing of the small melee about this. The air itself tasted of blood and doom. She could feel the weight of cataclysm settling over the promenade. When these creatures kicked off, it was going to be legendary.

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

Eviess & Tania by Louise


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