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Help the suffering

Posted on Sun Aug 2, 2015 @ 9:49pm by Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Benj Amoran

1,030 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Docking Bay 26
Timeline: Backpost

Senior Chief Petty Officer Seeta Korman stood at the top of the ramp as the evacuees made their way through the docking bay back onto the station. He had several other members of Security posted throughout the area, but they were only there to help guide the civilians back onboard. The Starfleet Officers had been given special permission to beam back on board to designated areas to help facilitate station repairs. That left the Enlisted personnel left to do all the heavy lifting. . .typical.

"C'mon, right this way. . .don't stop, please keep walking" SCPO Korman said to the citizens as they returned to the station's outer ring towards accessible turbolifts. "Do not stop walking, everyone must exit in an orderly fashion." He said.

" child is missing!" A distraught Bajoran woman said as she staggered up the ramp. "Y--you have to help me find her! She was with me, but then when we were rushing onto the Navaadir I los--" she tried to say, but she was so caught up in her emotions that the words were just chocked in her throat.

"Ma'am, please...please!" SCPO Korman tried to assure the woman while he looked around for help. "Security will do everything in its power to help you find your family, but I need everyone to clear this area!" He tried to reason with her, but she was not in any condition to be logical. He gestured towards a nearby NCO to help out. "Chief Maldur, please escort this woman to a nearby Security sub-station and collect her information for her child." SCPO Korman directed.

Just as the Bajoran woman began to walk away with the Chief Petty Officer, SCPO Korman heard a loud commotion. He raised his hands and tried to calm the crowd that was rushing towards him.

"P-PLEASE! THEY'RE DYING! MY FATHER AND SISTER ARE DYING!" The young boy shouted as he and several others came rushing towards the Security Officer. SCPO Korman dropped his hands as the man and girl was lowered down before him.

=/\="Security to Medical, this is SCPO Korman, I need a medic at Docking Bay 26, I say again, I need a medic at Docking Bay 26. I have an injured civilians who require immediate medical attention" SCPO Korman said as he tried to triage the civilians.

=^= ACMO here, I'll order an Emergency Medical Beam-Out for them, Give the computer their co-ordinates - how many of them are there? =^= he began to make arrangements.

=/\="Security to Medical, that is a negative, I repeat, that is a negative. I do not advise transporting these citizens in their current state. They appear to have suffered injuries consistent with crushing syndrome." The SCPO replied. "I need someone down here to stabilize them before you initiate site-to-site beam out." He said into his unit.

=^= Ah. Copy that. I'll have a triage team beamed out to you. I'll lock them onto your comm badge plus 10', please clear an area for them to materialise. =^= Benj stopped what he was originally planning to do and grabbed a med-kit, indicated two of the medics nearest to him without a patient already in their care.

Within moments SCPO Korman glanced upward and saw the medical staff appear. He stood up and backed away as the doctors began to take over. "From what I could tell he suffered some kind of direct impact to his lower body, probably from parts of the station collapsing." He said as he indicated towards the man.

"Have they been moved somehow?" Benj frowned in confusion.

"The girl seems to be in worst shape, she has a pulse, but it's weak and her breathing is shallow and uneven." He said as he commented on the girl. "The bleeding from her head indicates some kind of impact, probably during the chaos, she was slammed into something and was knocked out." SCPO Korman reported.

Benj bent down and began to run a medcorder over them both. He did some emergency regeneration on vital bleeds and major crush damage that wouldn't respond well to being moved.

SCPO Korman nodded in response as he began to direct the on-lookers. "ALRIGHT! EVERYBODY KEEP MOVING! DO NOT STOP WALKING, I WANT THIS AREA CLEARED! KEEP WALKING" He voiced bellowed. He indicated for other nearby Security Personnel to help corral the crowd that had begun to bottle-neck around the ramp into the station. He knew if he didn't continue to clear the crowd and keep them moving, it wouldn't take long for panic to spread and for a stampede to occur.

"I don't understand how they got to this point? This clearly isn't where they got hurt. Who moved them?" He looked around to see if anyone looked as if they knew something or could help but they were all to absorbed in what was going on in their own little chaos.

"More than likely they were injured during the mass evacuation. I'm assuming there was some sort of structural damage, a beam or pylon collapsed and they were trapped or injured." SCPO Korman stated. "Someone was able to get them off the station and onto a ship, but not sufficient medical treatment." The Senior Chief Petty Officer responded.

Shrugging, Benj made sure the wounded pair were fit to 'travel' and flicked his comm badge to initiate an Emergency Medical Transport to Sickbay. He had them rematerialised directly into Theatres and as he and his two patients disappeared into the blue light, the hurly burly of the busy, heaving corridors and the docking bays.

Benj could only assume there had been some structural damage to whatever ship these two had come in on but it was a mystery that would have to be looked into later, when there was less of the urgent medical assistance required and taking priority. As they all arrived in Theatres a team of nurses and theatre staff all diverged and began their work. Benj got his steri protection on and joined them to operate. It was about to be a very long shift.

A JP between:

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Seeta Korman
Security Department

and Lt Dr Amoran, Benj
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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