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I *Do* Believe in Faeries

Posted on Wed Jul 22, 2015 @ 7:31pm by Tania

572 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Isha's Quarters, Eviess' Room
Timeline: MD3, 16:30

As she rematerialised in her own room Eviess spat out her words, "I hate this place, and I hate you" she'd begun the sentence in her mother's ready room but the site to site transport beam had taken her away before it passed through her vocal chords and her lips.

Nothing was right for her. Moved unwillingly from her life on Cariel III where she was taken seriously by her tutors who praised her precociouness, declaring she had the intelligence of a child ten years her senior Eviess was stifled in this horrible, enclosed heap of a space station.

“At least the Rainbow Princess took me seriously,” she muttered as she slumped on her bed without bothering to turn the light on. Even if she had done so Eviess was too absorbed in her own situation to notice the toys and games that had been thrown from the shelves to the floor or the upturned chair and desk. “I caught the fairy. ME. And you took her away from me. Why wouldn’t you let me help?”

Come to think of it her fairy, whatever its name really was had taken her seriously - Eviess had felt that since she took its hand – it was like the fairy saw her the same way she saw herself, not as a four year old child but as a mind struggling to express itself with inadequate resources to do so.

If she could have done so Eviess would’ve grabbed the fairy’s hand and brought her here. Then she wouldn’t feel so alone in a place that had been rejecting her since the second she’d set foot aboard.

The fairy understood that, Eviess realised. It wasn’t from here either and though she didn’t understand why, there was a bond between them.

Imagine what they could talk about and do if she was here now …

Eviess eyes snapped open. Had she fallen asleep?

Her eyes blinked against the glittering haze that surrounded her, it shifted in the air as she breathed.

Sitting beside her on the bed was the fairy. “What are you doing here?”

“My dear child,” Tania said, “How good of you to call me.”

Eviess hadn’t been serious, not really, not totally. Without the star-iron blade how could she protect herself?

“No words for your friend?” Tania asked.

Eviess shook her head – she should call someone.

“I thought we could go a-hunting. You like that, don’t you?”

Eviess shook her head, unable to work out why the words she was saying weren’t heard.
“But you must, my dear,” Tania cocked her head to one side, “oh, you’ve lost your voice, I wonder where it went. Should we go and find it?

Eviess blinked again as the room melted around her. There was only she and the fairy in a glittering mist. “Take me home,” she mouthed.

“Only once you help me find my sister. If you’d lost your brother you’d help. Wouldn’t you?”

Eviess wasn’t sure she would, he was a smelly poo head, but maybe she would really. Still, she shook her head.

“Don’t you want to see him again? And your mummy? If you do you’ll have to help me. You’re dieing Eviess, in this dimension the dust is poison to your kind. Help me, and you can live …”


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