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Unexpected Getaway

Posted on Wed Jul 22, 2015 @ 2:42pm by Tania & Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew

675 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: En Route to Security
Timeline: MD 3/1630

Ensign Jessica Mayhew arrived with another security officer and Caleb led the little creature to the door of the ready room.

“Just put her in one of the cells for now,” Caleb said. He looked down at the fae. “Tania, this will just be temporary. We will arrange for secure living quarters later,” he told her. Once they had her tagged, they would hopefully be able to keep an eye on her better without making her feel like a prisoner. “Hopefully we can soon find the people hunting ya’ll. Any help ya’ll could offer would make it easier.”

"I will do everything in my power to help," Tania gushed in a musical tone. "I owe it to my people. Anything you wish for, I will grant it, if it is in my gift."

She turned to the new officers, a beautiful human woman and a man. "I'll be no trouble to you," she told them, her eyes operating on a different level to what was normal in this dimension, registering their auras. She adjusted her own to keep the connection between them minimal. "Anything I can do to help, I will," she repeated.

“Very good,” Caleb said, giving Jessica a nod.

“Come along, then,” Jessica said kindly with a smile to the little…creature, gesturing. The two security officers stepped on either side of her as they headed out and into the turbolift to take them down to Security.

“Tania, that’s a pretty name,” Jessica commented.

Tania beamed. "I have many," she said, looking around the corridor as though she'd unexpectedly stepped into an elaborately gilded hall. "Tania, Taanis, Titania. How many names do you have?"

Jessica blinked and looked down. “Um…well, Jessica, and sometimes Jess. Had a boyfriend call me Jessie once. But only once,” she joked as they reached the turbolift and the other security officer called for the car. “Why so many? Must get confusing.”

Skipping a little, Tania beamed up at the officer again. "Not at all! How can anyone be the same to everyone? Everyone who knows me knows exactly who they're talking to, isn’t that silly?"

Jessica looked a bit confused. “What do you mean?” she asked as the turbolift arrived and they stepped inside. She gave the deck for the holding area as the doors closed.

Tania's smile only grew wider, wider than should be physically possible. "Don't you have an expression -- how does it go? -- Ah, to make a name for yourself! It’s the names you gather in life that are important, that show who you really are."

“Uhm…okay,” Jessica allowed. “I guess I can follow that…a little bit. But that’s not why you’re here now,” she said. She paused, watching the indicator on the lift as they descended five hundred levels. “Is there anything special we need to know about your diet?” she asked Tania. “Food allergies? If you’re hungry, I can get something replicated once we have you safe and secure.”

Tania skipped forward, her eyes level with Jessica's. "I eat the stars and drink sunlight," she said brightly. Suddenly she tilted her head to one side as though listening. "Do you hear that?"

“Hear what?” Jessica asked, watching as their level approached. She felt the lift slowing. “That’s just the turbolift slowing down,” she assured the creature. “Sounds a little off, yes. Maybe got dinged up in the chaos.”

The Fae peered at Jessica, "No. It’s more like a woosh. Woosh, woosh, WISH. I do hope you don't get into too much trouble, but somebody needs me dearly."

She skipped to the crack in the tightly closed doors and in a woosh and a whirl disappeared through it.

Jessica could only stare.

“Did you see that, sir?” asked the security officer with her.

“I…I don’t know…” Jessica stared at him. “Oh, I am in so much trouble…” She tapped her comm badge. “Ensign Mayhew to Lieutenant Commander Ryan. We…have a situation…”


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