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Lost Children (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Aug 6, 2015 @ 4:33pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Captain Maritza Soran & Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis & Lieutenant JG Jason Fisher

384 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Security and Ferengi Courier
Timeline: MD 3/1800

"Tactical Support Armory," Lieutenant Trellis instructed the turbolift.

Moments later the lift arrived on its designated deck and the Lieutenant quickly strolled off of the lift and onto the deck towards the sub-station. As he continued to walk towards the Armory, he spoke into his comm unit at a frenzied pace.

"Chief U'van, I understand that we are still dealing a lot, but this is--" the Lieutenant tried to say before he was cutoff.

"Sir, you don't get it! We are stretched to the breaking point. Every Security asset is busy either searching for the injured or trying to maintain order as thousands of citizens return to a damaged station," the Senior Chief Petty Officer replied to the officer. "Maybe if we had more--" he began to say.

"Senior Chief, we have Federation civilians being held hostage onboard the Ferengi vessel. Our only options are either a tactical insertion team or we allow Captain t'Vaurek open fire with station weapons. I'm sure you can imagine how that situation will end if we just simply open fire while civilians are still onboard. Even if they survive the initial shot, there is no telling what the Ferengi will do out of retaliation," Lt. Trellis said as he finally arrived at the armory and waited to be granted access by the armory officer standing behind the guard desk.

"..." The Senior Chief knew what was at stake. As much as he wanted to continue to argue with the superior office he knew things would become a lot worst if a more proactive measure wasn't taken before the full force of the station was used.

"Aye, sir, I'll get together a team for a Special Response Team. I'll have them meet you at the Tactical Support Armory. Senior Chief Petty Officer U'Van out," the petty officer responded.

Trellis nodded as he entered the room and began to select the necessary gear. He had already contacted Chief Sah'mel ahead of time and informed her of what was needed. "Lieutenant, send word to the fighter unit that we have an SRT mission on deck," Trellis said to the armory officer as he continued to gather his gear and await the arrival of the rest of the team.


Lieutenant Si'Lar Trellis
Security Investigations

Senior Chief Petty Officer U'Van Sal'meh
Security Department


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