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Evacuation 2: Electric Boogaloo

Posted on Fri May 29, 2015 @ 6:40am by

603 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Docking bay 22
Timeline: MD 3 During "Emergence Part 3"


To say that Gwen was terrified was an understatement.

Much like the events of the previous year, when she saw both of her parents nearly perish in the terrorist attack on the station, Gwen was now in the eye of the proverbial storm. But, where she had her parents there with her last time, now she was very much alone.

Well, not really. She had her puppy with her. The rapidly growing but still unnamed golden retriever was clutched tightly in her arms as she tried to make her way through the mob of terrified civilians.

"It'll be OK, puppy. Mommy and Daddy will save the station - just like always!" Though the little girl put on a brave facade, the dog could sense her fear and reassuringly licked her face.

Ceridwen, meanwhile, had done what any mother would do and put the safety of her child above her own. While she could have just made her way to the closest ship and assumed that Gwen would be safe, she instead fought against the rushing crowds in hopes of finding her daughter. This section of the docking ring was the closest to their quarters, and it had been drilled into Gwen that she should go there if the station had to be evacuated.

"Yo, Senior Chief - the ships are that way, man!"

It was Petty Officer Lebowski, aka "The Dude." A living, breathing caricature of a Coen brothers movie. But in a situation like this, he was an invaluable asset.

"Lebowski, please tell me you've seen my daughter! No wait... I hope you didn't, because if you did and you left her wandering someplace I would have to STRANGLE you!" Adrenaline was kicking in. The clock was ticking, and at any moment the station could be torn apart by gravitational forces beyond that which it was designed to withstand.

The scruffy engineer shook his head furiously. "No, man. I would have grabbed her and brought her to a ship if I had, man."

Breathing what could only be described as a sigh of relief mixed with terror, Welshy patted her subordinate on the shoulder. "Get moving, Lebowski. And if you see her - grab her and comm me immediately. Understood?"

"The dude abides..."

"Mommy? MOMMY!" Gwen screamed as she rounded a corner and saw her mother with the strange, hairy engineer with the funny name. She tried to run, but the weight of the dog was slowing her down considerably.

Lebowski looked down at the onrushing child and its fuzzy cargo. "Yo - found her, man."

But by this point, Ceridwen had no time for Lebowski and his peculiarities. She simply grabbed the puppy and pressed it into his hands. "Take this and MOVE! Get to a ship!"

"The du..."


Lebowski and puppy immediately retreated toward the nearest docked ship.

Grabbing her daughter by the hand, Ceridwen took off after The Dude. "We have to go Gwen. Something's happening and... I can't even begin to explain it."

Looking up at her mother, Gwen could see the same nervous look she had seen during the bombing. That her mother was there and lost as to a way to protect the station, and her father wasn't there, sent a new wave of fright through the little girl. But, she still had faith that everything was going to be OK.

All NPCs by Corey

SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate
Deep Space 5

Gwendolyn Wyman
Terrified tot

PO2 Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski
Structural engineer
Deep Space 5

And a nervous puppy who will probably pee on Lebowski at some point


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Comments (2)

By Commander Caden Aldrex on Fri May 29, 2015 @ 11:45am

"Electric Boogaloo?" Man, you're taking me back. Was "Evacuate Harder" already taken?

By Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman on Sat May 30, 2015 @ 5:37am

If I do a follow up of Welshy, Gwen, and The Dude on a fleeing ship, I'll call it "Evacuation: With a Vengeance."