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Posted on Fri May 29, 2015 @ 2:34am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Civilian Tianys Dalav’ni

2,695 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Dala'wi
Timeline: MD 3 1400

The Rowa’ni ship was certainly different than most ships the evacuees had been accustomed to. Those familiar with Romulan ship design might recognize the basic layouts, but the clean, stark efficiency of the Romulans had been hidden behind lush green life. The floors had all been covered with a layer of sod and soft, green grass. The walls were mostly obscured by vines with broad, green leaves, brightly colored orchid-like flowers of various hues, and an oblong, green-furred fruit, the vines secured back so they wouldn’t obscure the lighting, which was brighter than normal illumination, as bright as a summer day. The climate in the ship was also different than the station, the temperature and humidity higher, making the atmosphere more tropical, filled with the scent of flowers and life. Occasionally small, jewel-colored hummingbird-like creatures flitted past, feasting on the nectar of the vine flowers and filling the air with beautiful birdsong.

Most of the evacuees had to be settled into the large cargo areas of the ship, as the crew common area was simply not big enough to accommodate them all. Most of the cargo areas were as one might expect, barren of the lush vegetation and with crates stacked here and there, though mostly empty. The main – and largest – cargo hold was different, however. It was the lushest area of the ship, a veritable Eden of plant life. One almost forgot one was on a ship. The grass was soft, and there was even a small pool of water at the center. Around the pool were tall trees spreading shade over the banks, and other trees were scattered about the small park, as well.

Rowa’ni moved among the evacuees with plates of fresh fruit and clear, clean water, flirting or cavorting with the guests, many of whom were quickly losing their inhibitions around the beautiful aliens, who seemed to have no problem with being dragged off somewhere more private.

Rowa’ni were noted for their…hospitality.

Blake was, as usual, a little bit oblivious to the flirting. The other Box staff were enjoying the rest and chatting and flirting back. Blake was more interested in the trees, or specifically, the pretty little frilled fungi growing about twenty feet up where the branches started to diverge. He was wondering if he could get up to it, and if he did whether it would do anything interesting. One of the aliens moved past with a tray of fruit, and he stopped her to ask just that question.

Vestasina paused in her circuit of the evacuees as the very pretty young Human caught her attention. She openly admired him for a moment, remembering her mother’s instructions to keep an eye out for potential mates for the females in eruw, before walking over. She looked to be in her late twenties and had long, bright blue hair to her waist. While many of the Rowa’ni, male and female, were au naturale, Vestasina wore a nearly sheer blue dress that left little to the imagination as its folds draped over her generous curves, leaving the green skin of her back and shoulders bare. It looked easily removed by a clasp behind her neck. She was tall and had the typical Vulcanoid appearance of House Dalav’ni, with the pointed ears.

At his question, Vestasina looked up. “The ij’ux?” she asked. “Elder fruit,” she translated roughly into Standard for him. “Yes, it is a mild hallucinogen,” she said. “We often use it to open up our minds to the elders.” She placed a hand lovingly on the tree, caressing the bark. “It opens up the senses, making everything sharper, brighter, more…intense.” She ran her hand down Blake’s chest appreciatively then. “If you would like to try some, I think we can arrange it. We keep it in stock at the Lounge.”

"Um…" Blake was a little surprised at the touch. Oh, he was used to looks. Everybody looked, that was part of his job, to be looked at, but generally he didn't get touched. The boss didn't like people groping the staff. It was nice though. "Uh, that would be nice. If it’s not a bother. I mean, now is probably not the time to go shrooming. You must be busy, and it’s crazy busy in here, and there's god knows what going on back home, and--"

Vestasina stopped his stream of words with a finger to his lips as she moved in closer, her lush body pressing lightly against him. Her scent filled the air around him, sending pleasure tingling through him. The skin of her finger tasted of mint. She gave him an amused smile. “We seem to have little else but time,” she told him. “Besides, pleasure is our business at the Lotus Lounge. Why should it not continue here?” She leaned in close and nuzzled him. “You are so very beautiful,” she complimented him. “I think we might find something special for you.” Her breath was warm and cinnamon as it caressed his cheek. “If you’ll come with me…”

Mother, I might have found someone for Leyta, Vestasina sent to Tianys.

For a moment Blake froze, and then his pulse stepped up and the testosterone began to kick in. "Beautiful?" he squeaked and then coughed, trying to sound a bit manlier. "Special sounds good. Uh, with you? Sure, no problem."

“Wonderful!” Vestasina smiled. She placed a kiss on his lips and turned away, crooking a finger for him to follow as her hips swayed enticingly beneath that nearly sheer gown.

It was like watching a mirage, shimmering in and out, and even though it was even more sheer than anything he'd seen Jessica or Ahjess or the other croupiers sew themselves into, it seemed more modest, more enticing, than anything he'd ever seen on a girl. And suddenly he wished he wasn't still in his tight, tight work trousers. He might end up crippled before they got back home.

Vestasina led Blake through the ship corridors. Most doors they passed looked like they were permanently locked in the open position, despite the fact they might be crew quarters. Like the rest of the ship, they were very green and flowering, the furniture replaced by raised mounds of sod and soft grass. A few doors looked like they had recently been re-enabled to close, the doors shut as one would normally expect. Many of the open rooms they passed were occupied, Rowa’ni and guests often in various stages of romantic coupling with seeming little regard for privacy. Vestasina certainly didn’t seem to think it anything to be noted, and if the behavior of the Rowa’ni in the gardens was any indication, they might not even have a notion of privacy.

They turned down a short corridor that ended at a room. The door was open and outside of it waited another Rowa’ni woman with deep rose red hair, even more beautiful than Vestasina, if that was possible, and her scent was even more powerful, sending Blake’s hormones spinning. She was wearing a pale pink dress of similar style. Vestasina stepped up to her and pressed her forehead to the woman’s before stepping back.

“Matriarch Tianys Dalav’ni,” Vestasina introduced her to Blake.

Tianys looked Blake over, openly appreciative. “Oh, yes. He’s very nice, Vestasina,” she smiled. “My daughter says you are interested in sampling some of our…delicacies?” She gestured for him to enter the large quarters.

"Uh. I don't. Yes. I mean…" He looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling about five years old, all thoughts of tripping the shroom fantastic forgotten, something far less cerebral on his mind. "I... she's very pretty, but you don't have to make her sound like a thing. That's not nice." Now he was blushing. Not even the boss unsettled him this much, even when she looked at him bright cherry red.

Tianys smiled. “So sweet,” she said, caressing Blake’s cheek. “How unlike most mammals you are,” she said, pulling his gaze up to hers. Her scent filled him, sending blood flowing, setting it on fire. “I think you will be good for my Leyta,” she said. “Many of your kind think us simple means to their pleasure. They do not understand the goddess. We don’t mind too much. It serves its purpose, but you see the proper devotion that should be paid to the female that carries the goddess.”

Tianys gave Vestasina a look and her daughter left Blake in her mother’s hands.

“Come,” Tianys said, taking Blake’s hands and leading him into the room. In the corner near the door sat a wooden pedestal with a fountain on it, flowing and filled with clear, fresh water. One the back edge of the fountain were carved wooden idols of some sort. Tianys led Blake over and dipped her hands in, cupping the water and lifting it. “Welcome to our home, Blake,” she said, offering him her cupped hands to drink from.

Okay this was getting surreal. Either that or he was losing oxygen to the brain because blood couldn't get above his waist. But his mother had always told him to be polite, so he held his hair back and tried to drink as neatly as he could.

And, oh God, it tasted good. He knew it was just water, could have been replicated seconds ago or sat around for weeks and he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It was just so cold and fresh, and he needed that right now, because he was surrounded by beautiful creatures and it was getting hard to breathe and think in a way that was way better than mushrooms.

He wasn't sure what the etiquette was. When Ahjess had come into work crowing there was a geisha house in the Bajoran gardens he'd had to spend a long time with LCARS trying to understand it. He was sure there was tea involved. And very sharp pointy objects and absolutely no women with next to no clothes on. He was a bit lost. "Uh, thank you?"

Tianys smiled. “You are most welcome,” she said, lifting her hands to her own lips and sipping of the cool, clear water he had just tasted. What remained she poured over the wooden idols.

“Come, let’s get you comfortable,” she said, taking his arm gently but firmly and leading him over to the grassy mound of soft sod that formed a sort of bed or couch.

He was more than happy to go. He wasn't sure he could stand up much longer. He wanted to touch himself, relieve the tension. But he'd never be so rude as to do something so crude in company.

Vestasina returned then, and with her another Rowa’ni. This one appeared younger, though that was very relative, since all Rowa’ni apparently appeared not to show much age. This one, though, looked to be possibly just about twenty. She still had a bit of that coltish, long-legged teenage look about her, though clearly fully a beautiful woman. She had long hair of bright yellow, the color of daffodils. Her gown was of pale green, clinging to her young curves.

As this new girl’s scent washed over him, the effect on Blake was nearly trebled, his body instantly yearning for her, it seemed. Even Tianys seemed affected, the older Rowa’ni taking a breath. Tianys straightened and walked over to the girl.

“Thank you, Vestasina,” Tianys said. She smiled at the young girl and brushed her fingers through her yellow hair, then pressed her forehead to hers.

“It is time?” the girl asked in voice tremulous with anticipation and a bit of trepidation. “It’s so strong…”

“I know,” Tianys said with understanding. “It is just the goddess, seeking entry,” she reassured. “You have felt it before.”

“Not this strong! She burns in my veins…”

“Yes,” Vestasina nodded, caressing the girl as well. The three women likely presented quite the erotic picture to Blake. “And there is only one way to quench that fire…”

All three looked at Blake hungrily.

Blake nearly choked. He'd seen that look plenty of times. This time, however, he didn't have Yolanthe to get between him and this cougar and her two cubs. And then he realised he didn't mind at all.

Tianys took the girl’s hand and led her over to Blake. “Blake, this is Leyta,” she said with a smile. “She wishes to share the goddess with you.”

"Um, hi." He took her hand and kissed Leyta's knuckles. He shifted on the couch, making space for this creature out of rapture, helping her to sit down. He was thoroughly torn between wanting to…to…devour her, and just sit and bask in her presence. And if she didn't touch him soon he was going to explode. Hell, he'd probably to do that anyway, the moment she did touch him. He was doomed. He was going to hell.

Or heaven.

Tianys smiled and nodded to Vestasina and the two women came over to Leyta and Blake. The three Rowa’ni females seemed to move as one as Leyta stood again in front of Blake. Vestasina moved behind Blake, reaching around to undo the fasteners of his shirt. Tianys moved behind Leyta and undid the clasp at the back of her neck. Her dress cascaded with a whisper to the grassy floor, revealing the young alien completely.

His jaw dropped. The first one had been beautiful. The second one was majestic. This one was... Perfect. Capital P. A Perfect being. Beautiful was completely inadequate. This was beyond poor, sorry words. Once, when he'd been tripping, he'd sat in a holosuite and suspended himself in space and, for a moment, had known what it was like to be something completely other and greater than yourself, and he'd sat there, desperately clawing for that sense of unity, until biology had taken over and he'd passed out. And here was that moment again. In the shape of a woman, completely naked.

And he was still fully dressed and that felt so wrong. He pulled his shirt off at the same time as trying to get his shoes off; dragged his tight vest over his head so fast it ripped down the side, and tore the button off his pants as he tried to peel the suddenly slick and sweaty leather off his legs. Free of its constriction, he breathed a sigh of relief now the family jewels were no longer being crushed. He stripped his briefs off in record time and flicked them off his ankles.

He felt better now and knelt next to Leyta, not sure whether he should be doing anything more, but dying to touch. And then he remembered the other two women. He suddenly felt nervous all over again. Did he need their permission as well as hers? That couldn't be right. He looked up at Tianys, wishing she'd get the hint and withdraw, because whilst he wanted this so very badly, he also wasn't a performing monkey.

Tianys just chuckled. Males were all the same. She ran her fingers through Blake’s hair, thinking maybe she would like to try this one if Leyta didn’t completely devour him. Perhaps some other time.

“Leyta can get you anything you need,” Tianys said, nodding to Vestasina. “You are hers as long as you are our guest.” The two other Rowa’ni withdrew and the door slid closed behind them. Tianys locked it securely.

“Put two females on guard at the end of the corridor,” she told Vestasina. “I don’t want them disturbed, especially by any other males.”

Leyta looked down at Blake and couldn’t hold herself back any longer. She fell over him, kissing him deeply, her lips mint, her tongue cinnamon, as her hands explored his hard body, the goddess taking over completely.


Tianys Dalav’ni
House Matriarch

Vestasina Dalav’ni
Second Daughter

Leyta Dalav’ni
Member of House Dalav’ni

Waiter, The Box of Delights


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