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Reacquainting and Evacuating - Part 1

Posted on Tue May 26, 2015 @ 7:39pm by Lieutenant Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant JG Jason Fisher
Edited on on Tue May 26, 2015 @ 8:08pm

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: Deck 15 - Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: MD03 - 1251 hours.


"Come," Mikaela Locke responded to the door chime automatically, although a split second later she realised who it was and couldn't help but allow herself a smile.

It had been a fairly quiet morning, as she continued to familiarise herself with the Celestial-class station that had become her new home. After an hour or so, she decided that there was only so many station schematics that she could absorb at one time, so she decided to take a break and move on to the crew manifest. As if familiarising herself with the station's already huge population wasn't complicated enough, she was not the only recent arrival. Transience, it seemed, was going to be one of the biggest problems for an intelligence officer. On a starship, it was less complicated: people generally only came and went when the ship docked for repairs or such like, but on a starbase people came and went everyday.

She scrolled through the recent transfer list, deliberately committing each one to memory, when one name leapt off the screen at her. A name she was more than familiar with.

She had had Yeoman Drax contact the security department and ask if he could stop by for a brief meeting. Of course, she could have contacted him directly herself, but she wanted her presence on the station to be a surprise and he would surely recognise her voice.

The door slid open an Jason Fisher walked in. Aside from the colour of his uniform - security yellow replacing intelligence grey - she thought that he hadn't changed since she had last seen him.

He took two paces into the room, not really paying attention. "You asked to see me..." his voice trailed off as his eyes finally rested on the young woman sat behind the desk. "Mikaela?" His eyes were wide, full of surprise.

"Hi," she responded, simply, not even trying to hide the delight she found in his innocent reaction.

"What the..?" he began without finishing. He shook his head, slightly, as if he still couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. "What..?" he began again with no more success.

"You know," Mikaela responded, standing up behind her desk and moving around towards him, "I remember you being more articulate than this."

"Um, yeah," he responded bashfully, suddenly aware that he wasn't helping his cause any. "What are you doing here?" he finally managed to get out.

"Transfer," Locke replied, again with the minimum of fuss. "Apparently starships aren't really my thing," she smiled cutely at him, "I'm discovering I like stability much more than I thought I did."

He smiled. "Really?" he replied with mock sarcasm. "The girl who was always looking up at the stars wants to settle down."

"I didn't say settle down," she said, with a hint of defiance, "I said I like stability - it's not the same."

"Whatever," Fisher said, knowing full well that it really didn't matter what he said. "How long have you been on-board?"

"About forty-eight hours," she said, turning back towards her desk. "Drink?"

"Um... no thanks."

She ordered herself a coffee from the replicator and then headed across the office to the couch against the far wall, indicating that he should join her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked as he took a seat next to her.

"I would have done," Locke replied, taking a sip from her drink mid-sentence, "I guess, I was just getting myself settled. There's a lot more to take in on a station this size."

"Tell me about it," he laughed back, "I've been here about the same time as you, apparently, and already I'm investigating two robberies and an attempted murder."

"Wow," she smiled. "Throwing you in the deep end then?"

"It's okay," he said, "It's all been a bit crazy. The security department's got a new chief... Despite only being here for two days, I was actually acting chief at one point as my predecessor has been moved to some kind of special op..."

"Trellis." Mikaela said quietly.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"I'm the chief of intel. dummy - I know everything."

The tone of the comment was affectionately mocking, but there was a seriousness behind it that Fisher had come to know only too well.

He sat back on the couch and sighed. "What is it?" he asked, slowly realising that this wasn't just a social reacquaintance after all.

Locke studied him for a second, before realising that there was no point in trying to deny it. As guarded as she was, as skilled as she was at hiding her emotions, he simply knew her too well.

"I need a favour."

Fisher hung his head, accompanying a long exhale with a small shake. "You are unbelievable. It's the first time we've seen each other face to face for years, and within five minutes you're trying to use our relationship to your advantage." He stood, the frustration beginning to get him, "And there was I thinking that you asked to see me just because you wanted to see me!"

"I did, Jason," Mikaela replied, standing up to meet the pacing security officer, "I did. When I saw your name on the manifest, I couldn't wait to see you again..."

"But..." Fisher said, encouraging her to finish.

"But I've also got a job to do," she finished, "And Trellis is part of the job that I'm doing right now."

"I can't spy on my own boss," Fisher said, knowing instinctively what Locke was going to ask of him.

"He's not your boss," Mikaela corrected him, "And I'm not asking you to spy on him. But someone I can trust inside the security department might be critical."

"Why?" he asked. "Why are you interested in him?"

"It's an on-going investigation, I can't say more than that."

"Of course you can't," he replied flatly. Although his tone continued to suggest frustration, he did understand.

"Please..." she asked, her big blue eyes, meeting his, "For old times sake?"

There it was. The emotional blackmail. When it came to her, he was wrapped around her little finger. It seemed that matter how many times she broke his heart, he would always do anything she asked of him. Until that final time. Until that breakup where they had decided that both of them wanted to prioritise their careers over their relationship with each other. The problem now was that it seemed that their careers had thrust them back together. Whether they would be able to co-exist without combusting again would be a whole different question.

"Fine," he said, "I'll do what I can... But I'm not promising anything," he added quickly.

"I understand," Mikaela replied softly. She took a step into him, and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I've missed you," she said quietly.

He sighed, knowing exactly what was happening; what he was getting himself into and what would happen if it all went wrong. And yet somehow, in that moment, he didn't care. He wrapped his arms around her. "I've missed you too," he whispered quietly, looking down at her looking up at him.

And in those moments, all of the pain of their history melted away as he lost himself in her eyes. He closed his eyes as she closed hers and their lips gently met...

And as they did, the station shook violently...

to be continued...


The reacquaintance was brought to you by:

Mikaela Locke
Chief Intelligence Officer


Lieutenant JG
Jason Fisher
Asst. Chief of Security and Security Investigations Officer


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